There are a few dozen very high profile climate science skeptics/dissidents who are constantly in the cross hairs of the alarmist climate activists, and Marc Morano is certainly near the top of the list among them.
Leading climate science skeptic says science underpinning man-made global warming and consensus are crumbling to pieces before our eyes. Image cropped from documentary The Climate Hustle.
Long a festering thorn in the side of climate activists, Morano is often seen bringing his message to the public through the national news media, and is often the object of vicious attacks, something he seems to relish.
He was prominently featured in the powerful climate skeptic documentary film “The Climate Hustle,” which focused the public’s attention on the widespread scientific inaccuracies plaguing climate science, how the scientific consensus is crumbling, and how global warming is just dogma.
Recently he gave a speech at the 2016 Energy Summit where he says that global warming is just the latest in a string of earlier scares that never came to pass. In his speech he describes the hostile environment that climate science skeptics face, where they are equated to Holocaust deniers who need to be prosecuted and jailed.
The former aide to US senator James Inhofe says the often-heard claim of a 97% consensus was pulled out of thin air, but has been repeated over and over again by mainstream media. He reminds that a number of leading scientists have reversed their positions on man-made climate science, saying:
You find not only is there no consensus, huge numbers of scientists are openly skeptical.”
Moreover, climate has become less severe, in fact.
Later in the speech he calls IPCC science government-bought and that it is a “political body posing as a scientific institution“. On how science is being exaggerated to spread fear, Morano debunks the claim, citing a leading extreme weather expert (15:00):
On every single metric of hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, droughts, not only are they not increasing or staying stable, they are actually decreasing on climate scales.”
He points out that the climate warming is still in its pause, despite the recent warm year. Morano then equates climate science to modern day witchcraft as politicians claim their policies impact the weather — as if to say that the more regulation and taxes that get imposed, the better the weather will get. And should the weather remain bad, then it simply means that regulation and taxes need to be even higher.
Morano says policymakers have become so zealous with climate change that they no longer care if the science is right or not, and that what matters is more regulation. The situation is urgent and there’s no time for more debate, they claim.
Wackiness knows no limits
He then mocks the notion that CO2 has “poisoned” our weather, and no matter what happens, it’s global warming’s fault – comparing the hysteria to Moslems blaming yoyos for bad weather back in 1933.
He ridicules how studies have claimed an increase in both opposite extremes: more drought/less drought, more malaria/less malaria, more snow/less snow, less rain/more rain, etc.. No matter what happens, they’ll claim they predicted it. The wackiness in climate science knows no limits. Overall global warming is good for bad, and bad for good. “Global warming caused Hitler, global warming saved Hitler.”
Later in the speech, Morano describes climate science as a religion, cult-like, where anyone challenging it is labelled a heretic and could face suffering in the afterlife. He then calls the father of modern global warming movement, NASA’s James Hansen, “a hardcore ideological activist”.
Morano ends by pleading for a return to sanity, reminding us that “acts of the U.N. and the U.S. Congress or EPA cannot control the climate or weather“.
He says what is needed is a defunding of the EPA and UN and to not sign any UN climate treaty.
My latest book, ‘Human Caused Global Warming, the Biggest Deception in History’.
Available on Amazon and Indigo/Chapters.
My SLAPP lawsuit to silence me comes to trial on Feb 20, 2017,
Dr Michael Mann vs Dr Tim Ball.
Slightly off topic, Gullible Warming brings disastrous cold to Iran.
Or maybe it was the yoyos. Whatever.
On topic…
“Cook’s 97% Scam Debunked”
“The 97% “consensus” study, Cook et al. (2013) has been thoroughly refuted in scholarly peer-reviewed journals, by major news media, public policy organizations and think tanks, highly credentialed scientists and extensively in the climate blogosphere.”
As thoroughly as it’s been discredited, anyone who keeps repeating it is just telling us that he’s someone we cannot trust.
But was the 97% paper ever retracted?
I think not and that alone gives skeptic a stick to beat the antiscience advocates with. See here;jsessionid=FA22CE2EDBB536A5F36D1B5A1B3B765D.ip-10-40-1-71 where the paper sits as “real” climate research.
It figures. Doubling down on stupid is all they have.
“the paper sits as “real” climate research.”
Even though there is not one tiny skerrick of climate research in it. !!
Should be in the “fantasy” section, alongside Dr Seuss.
Wouldn’t be science-fiction, because it contains absolutely nothing related to science.
While I know what you meant about Dr.Seuss, please do not sully his name by association with crackpots. He may have written fantasy, but when it came to reality, he had no problem dealing with it.
Any papers from University of Queensland that claim to be scientific should cease to be considered so until they stop defending this paper, as for the so called academic publishing house ‘iopscience’ it is a joke for allowing it to stand.
Makes you wonder how much someone like Soros may have paid each institution to maintain this fiction of facts and seance.
The activists at NASA didn’t get the memo.
Yet more proof they need to be given the boot.
NOTE – The list of societies who’s editorial boards are signing on to this (at bottom or that article).
Proof that modern science is being hijacked by special interests (lunatics, actually, if they can’t see the negative effects this will have on civilization everywhere).
‘No matter what happens, they’ll claim they predicted it’. At what costs? If your theory predicts contradictory results, it must be false. This is a death sentence written by the alarmists themselves. On the basis of a sophisticated political theory I predicted that Trump would win the elections. What a success for my theory, that he did. But I have to open my cards, showing that my theory also predicted that Clinton would win. My theory must be false, isn’t it?
Well, Trump won more states but Clinton garnered more votes. So you could say your theory is right either way!
Not when you subtract out the vote fraud
See also here for counties Trump won vs those Hillary won.
Neither candidate was trying to win the popular vote, because it only matters to Dems when they lose. They played the same game, and she lost. Period.
There was a Democrat candidate in 1992 who got less than a majority vote
(A certain W.F. Clinton). Should we reverse the decision as to who became President or allow the “flawed” result to stand?
Nominations are now open for Climate Prat of the Year 2016.
See –
We could nominate sop… but it needs to be someone at least tiny bit of importance.
This Guy McPherson dope must be in the running , surely.
I nominate UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon for everything he’s ever said.
Partial list of the many things said to be affected by ‘global warming’
I don’t particularly like Mark Morano being the face of climate opposition. He can be effective in a political mud fight but to really put the beast down will require scientific debate by opposing scientists in the field. This has not been possible with a sympathetic government but when the funding starts drying up for all things climate, a few of those who refused to debate may suddenly feel a need to state their case.
Sean 27. November 2016 at 2:10 PM | Permalink | Reply
“I don’t particularly like Mark Morano being the face of climate opposition. He can be effective in a political mud fight but to really put the beast down will require scientific debate by opposing scientists in the field.”
Warmunism is not a science. It cannot be defeated by scientific means. This has been tried for decades. Warmunism is a political movement designed to create a world government under the UN. Start reading about the Fabians and their member H G Wells and his book Shape Of Things To Come and the film Things to come. Continue with Technocracy Inc.; Buckminster Fuller, Hubbert of Technocracy Inc. and Peak Oil Fame, over Club Of Rome and Maurice Strong and today’s warmunist billionaires like George Soros (funds thinkprogress, climateprogress, Joe Romm), Jeremy Grantham (boss of this vicious Ward character), Schneyer. Look at the hundreds of smear artists they unleashed on Pielke Jr alone – and that’s a lukewarmer!
This is not science, it is not even trench warfare: It is a global terror campaign.
Jean Claude Junckers.
He stands unchallenged as the most arrogant idiot out there.