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Weatherman Slaps Down Newsman: Today’s Extremes Nothing New

Yesterday I just happened to be listening to German NDR news radio (during my after-lunch snooze) and heard an interview with meteogroup’s Frank Abel, one of Germany’s better known meteorologists.Regrettably I can’t post the German interview audio due to copyright reasons. But you can get an mp3 audio clip e-mailed to you by calling Frau Renate Genz-Kreher, at […]

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tutorial main bandarqq Online supaya Menang tidak sedikit , terhadap peluang yg indah ini kami dapat sedikit mengulas info yg berhubungan bersama perjudian online, utk artikel kali ini kita dapat mengupas tuntas seperti apa meraih kemenangan dalam main judi card domino88, nah sebelum masuk ke pembahasan ada sekian banyak perihal yg butuh kamu ketahui terkait […]

Temperature plots from other stations. Source:

AMO Impacts Temperatures Globally – CO2 Gets No Respect

In my last post I summarized the results of Ed Caryl’s analyses of stations far up in the Arctic, where temperature trends appear to follow the 60-year AMO cycle, and do not correlate at all with CO2. Now I’ve been made aware that temperatures following the AMO are not exclusive to the Arctic. Blogsite digging […]

Arctic Temperatures Coincide With AMO - And Not CO2

Arctic Temperatures Coincide With AMO – And Not CO2

Guest writer Ed Caryl recently looked at 9 “rural” stations scattered over the Arctic: from Alaska, to Canada, to Northern Europe western Russia and Siberia, and found Arctic temperatures follow the AMO, and not CO2. Read here A Light In Siberia. It’s important to note that the 9 stations were selected because they appeared to be NOT […]


The Calculations Behind “A Light in Siberia”

By Ed Caryl In attempting to keep A Light in Siberia as short as possible, the how and why of some points were not included. This led to some comments calling into doubt some of the results. I would like to clarify some of those points. The choice of baseline period for the surface temperature anomaly map […]

Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO). Source:

Der Spiegel: The Ocean’s Influence Greater Than Thought

Alex Bojanowski at Germany’s online Der Spiegel reports here on a new paper appearing in Nature that shows climate change in the 1970s was caused by ocean cooling. Climate simulation models once indicated that the cooling in the 1970s was due to sun-reflecting sulfur particles, emitted by industry. But now evidence points to the oceans.

Temperature plots for some European cities.

Own Weather Records Contradict Germany’s Weather Service Director

The European Institute For Climate and Environment (EIKE) in Germany recently had a piece at it’s blogsite here, which I have summarized. The USA has James Hansen, and England has Phil Jones. Germany now has Prof. Dr. Gerhard Adrian, the new President of the German Weather Service. His mission: to produce a trend to climate catastrophe […]

Isolated Stations - Average

A Light In Siberia

By guest writer Ed Caryl Arctic stations near heat sources show warming over the last century. Arctic stations that are isolated from manmade heat sources show no warming. The plots of “isolated stations” and “urban stations” below clearly illustrate the differences. All the GISS temperature anomaly maps show the Arctic warming faster than the rest of […]

German Parliamentarian Under Massive Fire – For Skepticism

It was bound to happen sooner than later. A high level German politician speaking out against dubious climate science. Marie-Luise Dött, German Parliamentarian and a central figure on Angela Merkel’s environmental committee, expressed scepticism on climate change, the Financial Times Deutschland reports here in an article titled: The Climate Revisionists.

Arctic Sea Ice Has Grown Since September 1

Arctic Sea Ice Has Grown Since September 1

I know what a lot of people are thinking when they look at the Arctic sea ice graph since September 1st – my oh my how has the ice reduced! Indeed just take a look at the numbers themselves: September 1:     5,332,344 sq km September 18:   4,813, 594 sq km That’s a drop in area of […]

Janet and Matt Thompson get a hard lesson on "environmentalism". Photo source: Jo Nova

Meningkatkan Peluang Menang Dalam Bermain Poker Online Indonesia

Di kesempatan kali ini , Agen Poker online Indonesia akan mengemukakan beberapa info berkaitan bagaimanakah cara untuk Tingkatkan Kesempatan Menang Dalam Bermain Poker itu. Info kesempatan ini bisa kalian aplikasikan baik bagi kalian yang masih pemula dalam bermain poker atau kalian yang sudah pakar dalam bermain poker bentuk online itu. Mengenai info itu bisa kalian […]

Bold Science Says Fewer North Atlantic Hurricances in 2100

Der Spiegel reports on a paper in Nature written by Hans von Storch and Matthias Zahn claiming that elevated greenhouse gas concentration will lead to fewer North Atlantic storms by the year 2100. Der Spiegel writes: Instead of 50 to 60, there will only be about half as many Arctic hurricanes, the scientists say. After every big winter storm, […]

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