
XR Founder Roger Hallam Sentenced 5 Years In Prison For Blocking M25 Motorway In 2022

7 weeks of rain and 5 years in prison By Klimanachrichten Five years ago, we published an article about Roger Hallam in this blog. He is the founder of XTinction Rebellion and an activist with Stop Oil. Interestingly, these groups are/were funded with money from oil heirs. Already in 2019 we had many doubts about […]

Climate Alarmists Fretting Over European Cup 2024, Summer Festival Emissions

Climate Alarmists Fretting Over European Cup 2024, Summer Festival Emissions

490,000 tonnes of CO2 It’s the European Cup soccer championships and fans across the continent and beyond are celebrating the event. But there are some party-poopers out there who worry about the impact on the climate.  By Klimanachrichten Soccer fans should have a guilty conscience. The mdr public broadcasting here calculates what environmental idiots the […]

Merchants Of Panic. Data Reveal That Damages From Weather Have Not Risen

Merchants Of Panic. Data Reveal That Damages From Weather Have Not Risen

At the online Die Welt, science journalist Axel Bohanowski reports on: “How insurance companies and the media are misleading with weather disasters.”  Image cropped here.  Hat-tip: Klimaschau here. The rise in property damage often gets blamed on climate change, especially by click-baiting media and greedy insurance companies. But Bojanowski says it’s misleading to blame climate […]

Author Of New Paper: No AMOC Collapse..."Should Dissuade People From Climate Doomism"

Author Of New Paper: No AMOC Collapse…”Should Dissuade People From Climate Doomism”

The ice sheet and the Atlantic overturning circulation (AMOC): No Alarm AMOC. Source: Woods Hole By Frank Bosse We hear it over and again: the melting ice in Greenland due to warming will soon lead to a collapse of the AMOC, making it difficult for it to “restart”. The salt content in the north is […]

U.N. Contributing Scientist: 'Culling' Human Population Could Avert Climate Catastrophe

U.N. Contributing Scientist: ‘Culling’ Human Population Could Avert Climate Catastrophe

The suggested way of doing this would be a new, very fatal pandemic, so reports One America News (OAN)  Volcanologist and ultra-hysterical climate scientist Prof. Bill McGuire posted a comment on X: “If I am brutally honest, the only realistic way I see emissions falling as fast as they need to, to avoid catastrophic #climate […]

“A Thing Where Every Part Of Your Life Just Confirms What It Is That You Want To Believe”

Psychology of zealots, dogmatists and radicals in a nutshell Videos on near-death experiences (NDEs) are posted everywhere. Just how many are for real and how many are click-baiting, made-up stories is impossible to tell. But I feel the following one is genuine, and offers wisdom for everyone on opposite sides of hot-button issues: What the […]

New Study: Global Wetland Loss Since 1700 "Far Less" Than Previously Estimated

New Study: Global Wetland Loss Since 1700 “Far Less” Than Previously Estimated

EIKE latest climate video (German) here reports on a recent Stanford University-led study that found global wetlands losses had been grossly overestimated, too pessimistic. Image cropped here.  According to the study, the U.S. has accounted for more wetland conversion and degradation than any other country. Overall, the study investigated wetlands in 144 countries. Researchers find […]

Sea Level Rise Alarm? The Coastlines Of 13,000 Studied Islands Net GREW Seaward From 2000-2020

Sea Level Rise Alarm? The Coastlines Of 13,000 Studied Islands Net GREW Seaward From 2000-2020

The sea level rise experienced in recent decades was supposed to lead to shrinking shorelines and inundated coasts. Instead, satellite observations reveal the globe’s island coasts expanded seaward (net) by 402 km² since 2000. In a new study, over 13,000 islands were assessed for coastal change over the last three decades (1990-2020). Only 12% of […]

New Alarmist Definition Of A Region's 'Rapid Climate Change' Is A Slight Cooling Trend Since 1960

New Alarmist Definition Of A Region’s ‘Rapid Climate Change’ Is A Slight Cooling Trend Since 1960

A  -0.005°C temperature change over a span of 60 years in northern Pakistan (Himalaya region) is ostensibly having “adverse impacts in multiple sectors.” The first sentence of a new paper’s (Khan et al., 2024) abstract claims: “Hindu Kush Himalaya region is experiencing rapid climate change with adverse impacts in multiple sectors.” But in the body […]

Companies Backing Out Of ‘Climate 100’. Climate Doomsday No Longer Taken Seriously?

Green capitalism on the retreat? Blackrock and other heavyweights withdraw from Climate Action 100+ By AR Göhring According to its own statement, “Klima-Aktion 100+“  (Climate Action 100+) is an “investor-led initiative to ensure that the world’s largest greenhouse gas emitters take the necessary measures to protect the climate”. Over 170 world-renowned companies and corporations are members […]

German Prof On German Floods: "Difference Between Facts And Political Narratives Is Breathtaking."

German Prof On German Floods: “Difference Between Facts And Political Narratives Is Breathtaking.”

As Germany’s flooding takes hold, the media have been quick to seize upon the extreme weather as proof of the climate crisis. But the data show us that it’s normal bad weather that’s also been seen many times before in the past.  Yet, despite the widespread flooding, there are those who still believe that flooded […]

Despite Heavy Rains, Flooding And Softened Dykes, German UFZ Insists Drought Persists!

Despite Heavy Rains, Flooding And Softened Dykes, German UFZ Insists Drought Persists!

“One of the world’s leading research centres in the field of environmental research” insists parts of flooded Germany are still in drought! Even though northern Germany is struggling with one of the worst flooding episodes in a century, the country’s Helmholtz for Environmental research (UFZ) website continues to insist that parts of the region are […]

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