
Former Federal German Minister Under Merkel Warns: Germany Heading To A Climate Tyranny

Former Federal German Minister Under Merkel Warns: Germany Heading To A Climate Tyranny

“Basic rights in crisis mode” in Germany. The real threat to democracy. “How we live, heat, get around, travel and what we eat could soon no longer be an individual decision, but increasingly be dictated by the state,” a former German federal minister warns.  Image cropped from Kristina Schröder’s Twitter account. Kristina Schröder, photo above, […]

New Study: 67% Of Scientific Papers Can Be Said To Reject The AGW Hypothesis...

New Study: 67% Of Scientific Papers Can Be Said To Reject The AGW Hypothesis…

…when using the same assumption-based methodology to arrive at the conclusion only 0.5% of scientific papers reject AGW. In a new study, six scientists (Dentelski et al., 2023) effectively eviscerate a methodologically flawed 2021 study (Lynas et al.) that claims 99.53% of 3,000 scientific papers examined (by subjectively classifying papers based only on what is […]

"A Cleverly Staged Hoax." ...Former German TV Meteorologist Slams "Climate Hysteria"

“A Cleverly Staged Hoax.” …Former German TV Meteorologist Slams “Climate Hysteria”

German meteorologist Thomas Globig. Screenshot AUF1 While the system media conjure up the allegedly impending climate catastrophe from morning to night, Austrian alternative media AUF1 reveals the system behind the propaganda. Hat-tip: PI here Five top-class studio guests discuss the question: “Deindustrialization, car bans, CO2 dictatorship: Where is the climate hysteria leading?” In the process, […]

German Scientists: Global Warming A “Corrupt”, Fear-Mongering Scheme “Headed By Super-Rich”

Germans Prof. Dr. Klaus-Dieter Döhler, a natural scientist and environmentalist, and Josef Kowatsch, a nature conservationist, have published an essay at EIKE alleging “scientific corruption and waste of taxes” Germany in the corrupt business model that is “climate science.”  Reality is not cooperating with the models. (Source). What follows is a shortened summary of their […]

Winter Cold, Darkness Kill, While Summer Heat And Sun Save Lives Data Clearly Show

Winter Cold, Darkness Kill, While Summer Heat And Sun Save Lives Data Clearly Show

Cold and stupid policies are the real killers, not heat German data from ( show that far more people die from cold winter weather than they do from hot summer weather Lately in Germany there’s been a coordinated disinformation campaign by policymakers and the media. all aimed at getting people to believe that summer […]

Italy Ruffled By German Health Minister’s Wild Claim: “Climate Change Destroying Southern Europe”

Germany’s radical, fear-porn health minister, Karl Lauterbach, has once again stirred controversy with another of his wild doomsday exaggerations. Italian minister of tourism unamused here reports how Italy is “angry with the German health minister” who has been spending his summer vacation in the Italian Tuscany. Since the end of Corona and the start […]

Europe's "48°C Horror That Never Was"...ESA, Media Sharply Criticized For Manipulative Reporting

Europe’s “48°C Horror That Never Was”…ESA, Media Sharply Criticized For Manipulative Reporting

“The most intense climate lie”: Last week it was all over the news: Temperatures in southern Europe skyrocketing to 48°C! But none of it was true. Surface temperature chart: European Space Agency (ESA) The hysteria was started when climate sensationalist media outlets in Germany and elsewhere, like the Relotius Spiegel, uncritically cited a sloppily and […]

Climate Expert: Climate Change Is Not To Blame For Everything

Politicians have gotten in the bad habit of blaming everything on climate change “to shift responsibility away from themselves”. Expert: Climate change is not to blame for everything Hat-tip: Klimanachrichten here We have to wonder what attacks Friederike Otto will face from the social media. The climate attribution researcher is quoted in an article at […]

Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach Accused Of Making Up “Tens Of Thousands Of Heat Deaths”

Germany’s federal health minister makes up 300,000 fictional heat deaths, accused of spreading fear through the public.  Now that the Corona pandemic has been exposed as being for the most part as a large-scale vaccine swindle and government overreach, Germany’s federal minister of health Karl Lauterbach, SPD Socialists, has now shifted his focus on to […]

Scientists Caught Inflating Antarctic Ice Losses 3000% More Than Observations

Scientists Caught Inflating Antarctic Ice Losses 3000% More Than Observations

A new study utilizing satellite observations determines Antarctic-wide ice shelves gained 661 Gt of mass from 2009 to 2019. An approach relying on assumptions of an unrealistic “steady state” or fixed calving flux (instead of real-world time-variable observations) estimates a net Antarctic ice shelf loss of -20,028 Gt over this same 11-year period – a […]

Thwaites 'Doomsday' Glacier Narrative Collapses...Total Melt Raises Sea Levels 1-2 mm, Not 3048 mm

Thwaites ‘Doomsday’ Glacier Narrative Collapses…Total Melt Raises Sea Levels 1-2 mm, Not 3048 mm

“[N]o numerical modeling work has shown that Thwaites Glacier is currently undergoing an irreversible retreat.” – Gudmundsson et al., 2023 It was only months ago that mainstream US journalists published articles claiming the Thwaites “Doomsday” Glacier has only “a few more years” until it collapses into the sea (ABC News, CBS News). This “spine-chilling” catastrophe […]

Professors: The Entire Fossil Fuel Industry Must Be 'Euthanized' To Save Humanity From Warmth

Professors: The Entire Fossil Fuel Industry Must Be ‘Euthanized’ To Save Humanity From Warmth

Two University of Michigan professors insist we “must reduce the emission of greenhouse gases to zero” to stabilize the planet’s temperature. But because 80% of our energy use still comes from carbon-based sources today, “ending it will not be easy.” The death of all fossil fuel industry must be imposed, euthanasia-style. It has now reached […]

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