
Europe's "48°C Horror That Never Was"...ESA, Media Sharply Criticized For Manipulative Reporting

Europe’s “48°C Horror That Never Was”…ESA, Media Sharply Criticized For Manipulative Reporting

“The most intense climate lie”: Last week it was all over the news: Temperatures in southern Europe skyrocketing to 48°C! But none of it was true. Surface temperature chart: European Space Agency (ESA) The hysteria was started when climate sensationalist media outlets in Germany and elsewhere, like the Relotius Spiegel, uncritically cited a sloppily and […]

Climate Expert: Climate Change Is Not To Blame For Everything

Politicians have gotten in the bad habit of blaming everything on climate change “to shift responsibility away from themselves”. Expert: Climate change is not to blame for everything Hat-tip: Klimanachrichten here We have to wonder what attacks Friederike Otto will face from the social media. The climate attribution researcher is quoted in an article at […]

Federal Health Minister Karl Lauterbach Accused Of Making Up “Tens Of Thousands Of Heat Deaths”

Germany’s federal health minister makes up 300,000 fictional heat deaths, accused of spreading fear through the public.  Now that the Corona pandemic has been exposed as being for the most part as a large-scale vaccine swindle and government overreach, Germany’s federal minister of health Karl Lauterbach, SPD Socialists, has now shifted his focus on to […]

Scientists Caught Inflating Antarctic Ice Losses 3000% More Than Observations

Scientists Caught Inflating Antarctic Ice Losses 3000% More Than Observations

A new study utilizing satellite observations determines Antarctic-wide ice shelves gained 661 Gt of mass from 2009 to 2019. An approach relying on assumptions of an unrealistic “steady state” or fixed calving flux (instead of real-world time-variable observations) estimates a net Antarctic ice shelf loss of -20,028 Gt over this same 11-year period – a […]

Thwaites 'Doomsday' Glacier Narrative Collapses...Total Melt Raises Sea Levels 1-2 mm, Not 3048 mm

Thwaites ‘Doomsday’ Glacier Narrative Collapses…Total Melt Raises Sea Levels 1-2 mm, Not 3048 mm

“[N]o numerical modeling work has shown that Thwaites Glacier is currently undergoing an irreversible retreat.” – Gudmundsson et al., 2023 It was only months ago that mainstream US journalists published articles claiming the Thwaites “Doomsday” Glacier has only “a few more years” until it collapses into the sea (ABC News, CBS News). This “spine-chilling” catastrophe […]

Professors: The Entire Fossil Fuel Industry Must Be 'Euthanized' To Save Humanity From Warmth

Professors: The Entire Fossil Fuel Industry Must Be ‘Euthanized’ To Save Humanity From Warmth

Two University of Michigan professors insist we “must reduce the emission of greenhouse gases to zero” to stabilize the planet’s temperature. But because 80% of our energy use still comes from carbon-based sources today, “ending it will not be easy.” The death of all fossil fuel industry must be imposed, euthanasia-style. It has now reached […]

Dutch-Led Network Of International Experts Finds "Serious Errors" In Latest IPCC Report

Dutch-Led Network Of International Experts Finds “Serious Errors” In Latest IPCC Report

The UN Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change (IPCC) is misleading policy makers by focusing on an implausible worst-case emissions scenarios, concludes a new analysis report published by the Clintel Foundation: “The Frozen Climate Views of the IPCC“ The IPCC is hiding the good news about disaster losses and climate-related deaths and wrongly claims the estimate […]

Scientists Employ Wit To Highlight The Lack of Climate Trends Across Greece Since The 1800s

Scientists Employ Wit To Highlight The Lack of Climate Trends Across Greece Since The 1800s

The accumulation of over two centuries of precipitation records across Greece indicates there have been overall slightly declining trends in precipitation extremes across the region and “negligible climate variability.” This supports a new study’s tongue-in-cheek title referencing a “404 Not Found” climate crisis. Eight scientists have published a new study  examining the popularized conceptualization of […]

Swiss Politician Calls On Making Climate Denial A "Criminal Offence"...Obstructs "Effective Measures"!

Swiss Politician Calls On Making Climate Denial A “Criminal Offence”…Obstructs “Effective Measures”!

Alarmed Swiss green politician: Challenging  alarmist climate change claims and questioning the urgency to act drastically should be made a crime… Saying “Climate change is mostly natural,” could be a criminal offence, if Swiss politician Valentine Python gets her way. Image: Swiss Parliament site.  Climate change for some has turned into a real doomsday cult, […]

Science Yields Surprises! Island Nations Growing... "Atoll, Island Stability Is Global Trend"!

Science Yields Surprises! Island Nations Growing… “Atoll, Island Stability Is Global Trend”!

Despite what we hear from the media and climate activists, hard scientific findings show that Pacific and Indian Ocean island nations are doing just fine…not at all sinking away.  Sea level rise alarmists are hip deep in exaggeration. Image: Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research.  IPCC high-end sea level predictions for 2100 are “highly erroneous”.  […]

Hydrogen Not Likely A Feasible Alternative Energy…And: A Davos Lunatic Meltdown: “Boiling Oceans”

Al Gore’s Davos meltdown, and how feasible hydrogen as an energy source really is  First here’s a look at how environmentally friendly, feasible and sustainable hydrogen really is, given that hydrogen fuel cells rely on supply of rare metals like platinum and iridium. The following video presents all the relevant numbers for you: Al Gore’s […]

Elitism: German Health Minister Karl Lauterbach Views The Voting Public As A Flock Of Sheep

Creating majorities through panic…the wolf in a sheepskin gets exposed…German federal health minister Karl Lauterbach sees citizens as a flock of sheep. Some 2 days ago, madeyousmile Twitter account owner posted a video title “Employee of the Month” depicting a dog rapidly and effectively herding sheep through a gate, see video below. Hat-tip: Prof. Stefan […]

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