By P Gosselin on 30. June 2021
171 scientists say European policymakers have grossly miscalculated the CO2 budget of e-cars in 2030 and that in reality CO2 emitted would be MORE THAN TWICE AS HIGH as assumed: EU Commission head Ursula von der Leyen and her colleagues recently received an open letter drafted by scientists of the International Association of Sustainable Drivetrain […]
Posted in Alternative Energy, Green Follies |
By P Gosselin on 29. June 2021
Germany’s flagship online business daily “Handelsblatt” here reports on the country’s “electricity price shock” as the cost of electricity “is climbing ever higher “. “Energy policymakers are sounding the alarm,” reports the Handelsblatt. In the late 1990s, German electricity prices were falling before the country passed the EEG green energy feed-in act in 2000. Since […]
Posted in Alternative Energy |
By Kenneth Richard on 28. June 2021
By ending funding for energy infrastructure projects that rely on natural gas, Europe and the United States have executed a “blanket ban” on supplying inexpensive and reliable energy to people living in poor countries. As Dr. Ramachandran details in Nature, a de facto natural gas ban effectively does nothing to propel growth in intermittently-available wind […]
Posted in Climate Politics, Green Follies, Solar, Wind Power |
By P Gosselin on 27. June 2021
Die kalte Sonne’s latest video here looks at a recent paper on ocean acidification and the impact it had been claimed to have on the behavior of coral fish. Lower ocean pH level affecting fish? Earlier research beginning in 2009 by Prof. Philip Munday and Danielle Dixon of Australia’s James Cook University suggested that that […]
Posted in Misc. |
By P Gosselin on 26. June 2021
Greenpeace under investigation for “trespassing”…”serious theft”. VW files criminal complaint Last month we reported here how, according to police, some 40 Greenpeace activists used ladders to make their way into a fenced-in port terminal in Emden and withdrew more than 1,000 car keys from new cars awaiting to be exported. Image: Greenpeace. “Today we are taking […]
Posted in Activism, Greenpeace |
By P Gosselin on 25. June 2021
Not long ago, Dr. Roy Spencer posted the latest satellite Lower Troposphere Temperature as measured by satellite. Over the most recent years we have seen global temperatures drop. And we also see signs cooling is putting the brakes on global ice melt and temperature rises, which, by the way, many scientists have linked to natural […]
Posted in Alternative Energy, Cooling/Temperature |
By Kenneth Richard on 24. June 2021
Due primarily to land uplift, markings on “seal rocks” show dramatic declines in relative sea level along Sweden’s coasts in the last 290 years. The explanation for falling sea levels throughout much of Northern Europe is that the land in this region of the world is rising faster than eustatic sea levels are. Written records […]
Posted in Cooling/Temperature, Paleo-climatology, Sea Levels |
By P Gosselin on 23. June 2021
As wildly fluctuating, weather-dependent green energies come increasingly online, German grid operators and the German Federal Audit Office are warning the German government of power blackouts. But the government is ignoring the warnings and continues to insist everything is fine. Grid operator 50Hertz, for example, warns of energy shortages as Germany continues to shut down […]
Posted in Alternative Energy, Green Follies |
By P Gosselin on 22. June 2021
The 44th climate report by Die kalte Sonne here looks at the CO2 intake by the Southern Ocean, which absorbs about a tenth of man’s CO2 emissions. A new study by a team of climate researchers from the University of Bern in Switzerland published at the end of April, 2021, found that the Southern Ocean […]
Posted in Antarctic, Models |
By Kenneth Richard on 21. June 2021
Sea ice has been declining in the Canadian North Atlantic since the 1970s, and yet the harp seal population has been estimated to have risen from a little over 1 million in 1971 to about 7.5 million in 2012 to 2019. But model projections suggest the seal populations will decrease in the future due to…declining […]
Posted in Arctic, Sea Ice |
By P Gosselin on 20. June 2021
Analyzing the cyclic nature of solar activity, leading scientists suggest a solar minimum is set to persist until 2050. It’s important to estimate the features of the next solar cycle because they serve to improve preparedness in space exploration and minimizing risks in technological and sociological activities. The ability to understand historical solar magnetic parameters […]
Posted in Solar Sciences |
By P Gosselin on 19. June 2021
An outstanding essay… An extremely dangerous political development is in full swing in Europe: Legal courts are now taking it upon themselves to decide the questions of science. ================================================ Europe‘s climate courts infringing on the freedom of science While constantly claiming they are “following the science”, climate change partisans are in reality suppressing it. By […]
Posted in Activism, Climate Politics |
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