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Naomi Oreskes' Denial Of Non-Consensus: A Look At A Failed Historian

My how the times have changed. Climategate, and all the other gates surrounding it, have turned things inside-out. The science is far from settled, as many of us have long suspected. The ranks of sceptic scientists are swelling, public opinion has swung; even the Royal Society has adopted a new position on climate science –  by George, there […]

Katla: The Game Changer?

According to MSNBC, the Katla volcano in Iceland is about to blow her top – hat tip Joe Bastardi Joe Bastardi blog. Katla is the big sis of Eyjafjallajökull;I mean the really big sis. And according to an initial research paper by the University College of London Institute for Risk and Disaster Reduction: Analysis of the seismic energy released around […]

Dennis, Born To Be Wild (1936 -2010)

Star in Easy Rider

German FOCUS Magazine: Warm Times Will Soon Be Over!

The prominent German online news magazine  FOCUS  reports that 2010 may set a new NASA high temperature record. The cause of the recent warmth is El Nino. But FOCUS then throws ice-cold water on any warmist dream of an overheating planet, at least for the next few years, and writes that scientists believe: “Womöglich aber sind die warmen Zeiten für unseren Globus bald vorüber”. In English: […]

Adios El Nino

The equatorial Pacific is now showing a distinct band of cool surface water developing. Many forecasters have already written the obituary for the now departing El Nino, which pushed global surface temperatures up by some 0.8°C over the last few months. Source: The newly developing La Nina will probably erase much of that in […]

Casus Belli – Suspend Democracy!

Here’s another excellent post by Eduardo Zorita at the Klimazwiebel. In this BBC podcast (takes a minute or so to load), the view of green elitists is that we have casus belli. Thus democracy has to be suspended and common sense authoritarianism has to take over – just for a while, until things are put back in their […]

As Governments Bedwet Over AGW, World Faces Potential Food Catastrophe

      While world governments bedwet over a fantasized climate catastrophe taking place 100 years out, mankind could be facing a potential catastrophic food shortage. A worthhile read (see link below).       The disease is Ug99, a virulent strain of black stem rust fungus (Puccinia graminis), discovered in Uganda in 1999, threatens the world’s wheat supply. Read […]

German Industry Says: Take A Break!

The online German Der Spiegel reported yesterday here that the EU Commission wants to accelerate cuts in CO2 emissions, but industry and government officials are saying “no!”. With economies gripped by hardship and overall growing public scepticism (see here), calls for even more draconian measures to curb CO2 emissions are ringing hollow. German Minister of Economics Rainer Bruederle […]

Pachauri And The Chicago Climate Exchange

Pachauri CCX advisory board member EIKE, the European Institute for Climate and Energy, a sponsor of the 4th ICCC in Chicago, has dug up a some information on the Chicago Climate Exchange CCX, where Maurice Strong and a host of other influential leftists are among its board members. When it comes to cap & trade, i.e. […]

Mammoth Junk Science

Many news outlets have reported today that humans hunted and killed off the large methane-emitting mammoths 13,000 years ago, thus causing global cooling. This report has been published in Nature by some University of New Mexico scientists. Again man, armed with nothing but spears and arrows, may have been the culprit in significant climate change. Read […]

Action Hero Lewis Gordon Pugh

Faster than a speeding bullet…more powerful than a locomotive…able to leap tall buildings in a single bound! Look, it’s a bird! No it’s a plane! It’s Super-Pugh! When evil threatens the planet Earth, then it’s Super Pugh to the rescue. Now Super Pugh is in Nepal, where he just completed a 1 km swim across […]

Gate Blowup! Come On In Gate Lovers!

 UPDATED LIST:   !! CLICK HERE !! What follows is only the first orignal list of climate gates, click above for the newest list. Climate science has produced an entire warehouse full of scandals. In fact the scandals are in such big supply that you can now get them at the House of Climate Science for a dime a dozen. […]

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