By P Gosselin on 30. June 2013
Also read here: Today I’m going off topic to write about an explosive issue – the NSA. Spiegel has uncovered and reported explosive material that for now is only being superficially reported back in the States. Obama, and the free world, have a mega-crisis on their hands. Image source: US Government, NSA website. In Europe, […]
Posted in Misc. |
By P Gosselin on 30. June 2013
You can always find some good politicians in the opposition parties. For example, Germany’s socialist SPD party, which is no favorite of mine, has had a few good pragmatic politicians who understood their duty of serving the people and not themselves. I liked some of them. Democrat Senator Joe Manchin keeps his promise, takes dead aim at […]
Posted in Alternative Energy, Climate Politics |
By P Gosselin on 29. June 2013
DirkH asked in a comment if I’m keeping any records on the performance of the 12-kW PV system my family installed on our home last year. He thinks the German Weather Service statistics concerning the amount of sunshine in Germany for June seem a little high. First, the sun statistics from the German Weather Service […]
Posted in Alternative Energy |
By P Gosselin on 28. June 2013
The German National Weather Service (DWD) has released the preliminary climate data for June 2013. June in Germany has been quite variable with low temperatures recorded at the start and the end of the month, and a brief, yet record-setting heat just after the middle of the month. Early June also saw record precipitation resulting […]
Posted in Cooling/Temperature, Weather |
By P Gosselin on 28. June 2013
In general, the media in Germany overwhelmingly welcome Obama’s plan to tackle CO2 emissions. But for many, Obama’s plan does not go far enough, or is just a front for something more sinister, like fracking. Others are skeptical whether action will actually follow his lofty rhetoric. What follows are some German media reactions. The Frankfurter Allgemeine […]
Posted in Climate Politics, Green Follies, Media / Bias |
By P Gosselin on 27. June 2013
The President of the United States stepped up to the podium and announced to the land that he was hereby officially declaring climate science settled and the debate as ended. Unfortunately, science is never settled, and the remarks will go down in history as being among the most naïve ever expressed by the office of […]
Posted in Climate Politics |
By P Gosselin on 26. June 2013
German flagship daily Frankfurter Allgeneine Zeitung has an analysis of the German Energiewende (transformation to renewable energy) and its consequences. It writes that the Energiewende “has lost its magic” among the public and that, “The new electric bills in August could be a catastrophe, both politically and economically. […] Now they [industry] are setting off […]
Posted in Alternative Energy, Climate Politics, Green Follies |
By P Gosselin on 25. June 2013
The English language The Local from France reports here that clothing retailers have been hard hit by the economic crisis and exacerbated by unusually cold weather so far this summer. Cold conditions persist over western Europe. Temperature anomaly forecast next 7 days. Source: Some weather agencies have been trying for months to convince the […]
Posted in Cooling/Temperature, Misc., Weather |
By P Gosselin on 24. June 2013
New York Times environment reporter and believer of potentially catastrophic AGW Andrew Revkin is stunned at Twitter by the behavior of the White House. Apparently blogger Steve Goddard had left a very factual tweet at the WhiteHouse Twitter page: Source: stevengoddard.wordpress./ Obviously Goddard’s inconvenient fact was too much for the White House – so they deleted Goddard’s tweet. Andy […]
Posted in Climate Politics |
By P Gosselin on 24. June 2013
Hysterical media, politicians, activists and scientists (e.g. Mojib Latif) tried to put the blame for the German flooding earlier this month on man-made climate change. But a recent doctoral dissertation shows that flooding in Southern Germany is very strongly related to solar activity. No correlation is found with CO2. Source: Markus Czymzik doctorate dissertation, click here. […]
Posted in Drought and Deserts, Paleo-climatology, Solar Sciences |
By P Gosselin on 23. June 2013
Joe Bastardi’s WeatherBELL Analytics presents its latest Saturday Summary. At about the 5:20 mark, Joe shows how a lack of ice at the North Pole in the summertime is really nothing unusual. Above is the North Pole in 1962 in the summertime. Joe comments, “If this were occurring up there now, everybody would be going […]
Posted in Arctic |
By P Gosselin on 22. June 2013
Putting information together from various sources, Sebastian Lüning and Fritz Vahrenholt have written a short analysis of tornado activity in the USA. Despite what one hears from the media, the two German scientists describe recent tornado activity as being in “great doldrums”. ========================== The Great Tornado Doldrums: No Relationship Between Climate Change and Tornadoes By […]
Posted in Hurricanes/Tornados, Media / Bias |
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