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Greenpeace Activists Destroyed Sight-Saving Golden Rice. NYT, Beeb, New Scientist Made False Reports

Greenpeace Activists Destroyed Sight-Saving Golden Rice. NYT, Beeb, New Scientist Made False Reports

Bill Gates tweets Revkin on the need for Golden Rice. Green activists acting out of pure ideology and emotion sabotage sight-saving crop… The True Story About Who Destroyed a Genetically Modified Rice Crop By Mark Lynas Did you hear that a group of 400 angry farmers attacked and destroyed a field trial of genetically modified […]

University Of Colorado Radar Altimetry Is Pretty Much Useless For Measuring Sea Level

University Of Colorado Radar Altimetry Is Pretty Much Useless For Measuring Sea Level

Satellite Measured Sea Level Is Measuring Ocean Heat By Ed Caryl Sometime in the last year, someone commented in some article that sea level rise as observed by satellite radar altimetry was overstated due to the fact that as warm water expands, it gets lighter, gravity has less pull on it, and it bulges up. […]

Spiegel: Scientists Hopelessly Stumped By Present Ocean Cooling, Still Insist They Are Certain About The Future!

Spiegel: Scientists Hopelessly Stumped By Present Ocean Cooling, Still Insist They Are Certain About The Future!

Right now we have over 65% more Arctic sea ice area, a record high sea ice area around Antarctica, a record low tornado season, record late start start hurricane season, 15 years of no global warming, a cooling tropical Pacific and a “strongly cooling Southern Ocean”. At Twitter Axel Bojanowski links to his Spiegel article […]

Lomborg On Cook 97% Survey: "It Turns Out They Have Done Pretty Much Everything Wrong"

Lomborg On Cook 97% Survey: “It Turns Out They Have Done Pretty Much Everything Wrong”

Bjorn Lomborg comments at Facebook on the Cook 97% survey. Has climate science gotten so bad that it is now resorting to utterly phony claims? Cook confirms that indeed it has. Here’s what Lomborg writes (my emphasis, links shortened): Ugh. Do you remember the “97% consensus”, which even Obama tweeted? Turns out the authors don’t […]

Germany's AfD Head: CO2 "Scientifically In Dispute", High Energy Prices Are "Threat To Social Balance".

Germany’s AfD Head: CO2 “Scientifically In Dispute”, High Energy Prices Are “Threat To Social Balance”.

Dr. Bernd Lucke, head of Germany’s AfD party, (Germany’s version of Britain’s UKIP), was interviewed by the National Anti Energy-Feed-In Act Movement (NAEB) and asked about his new party’s position on the Energiewende (transformation to renewable energy) and on climate science. AfD head Bernd Lucke, right, calling for an exit from euro and scale-back of subsidies […]

Analysis: Northern Mid-Latitudes Now Cooling 0.123°C Per Decade, And Seeing Reduction In Extreme Weather

Analysis: Northern Mid-Latitudes Now Cooling 0.123°C Per Decade, And Seeing Reduction In Extreme Weather

Can We Expect Extreme Weather – Continued By Ed Caryl In my last article on this subject, Can We Expect Extreme Weather, we examined the tropics, the mid-latitudes including the Arctic. At the time I had not found a plot of the mid-latitudes in isolation. Thanks to a comment by Alex, the search was resumed. […]

Leading IPCC Scientist Concedes Oceans Have “Profound Effect On Average Global Surface Air Temperature”

GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel has issued a press release. In truth it says that the strong warming of 1978 to 1998 is in large part due to Pacific ocean cycles. We can now close the books on the silly CO2 science. Here is the press release in English (my emphasis): August 22, 2013/Kiel. […]

Destruction Of Tropical Forests Making Massive Contribution To Atmospheric CO2 Increase

Destruction Of Tropical Forests Making Massive Contribution To Atmospheric CO2 Increase

Why is CO2 Rising – Part 2 By Ed Caryl How much biosphere has been destroyed? Deforestation is a large loss to the biosphere. From Wikipedia: Global deforestation[92] sharply accelerated around 1852.[93][94] It has been estimated that about half of the Earth’s mature tropical forests—between 7.5 million and 8 million km2 (2.9 million to 3 […]

Growing German Green Intolerance: Greens/Leftists Carry Out Violent Attacks Against CO2 And Euro Skeptical AfD Party

Growing German Green Intolerance: Greens/Leftists Carry Out Violent Attacks Against CO2 And Euro Skeptical AfD Party

Germany’s version of Britain’s UKIP party is the new AfD Alternative_for_Germany party. The AfD party is the result of Germany’s established parties having stopped listening to its citizens. It takes a position against the euro-currency, the hysterical transition to renewable energies, and has cast considerable doubt over climate science itself. Now it is being violently […]

Observed Temperature Data Show No Signs Of Increasing Global Heat Waves Or Extremes

Can We Expect Extreme Weather? By Ed Caryl The latest rallying cry from the catastrophic AGW crowd is that we can expect more heat waves, roaming heat waves, popping up unexpectedly and unpredictably. We hear this from Kevin Trenberth here (and refuted by Willis Eschenbach here), and from the PIK here. What about this? Is […]

NASA Stumped: Summer Arctic Ice Extent Among Highest This Decade, Antarctica “Headed Toward Record Extent”

NASA has released its latest sea ice report. These are tough times for climate alarmists. The truth is: There’s a lot more sea ice out there this year than they ever imagined. NASA makes some interesting comments. First they tell us that Arctic sea ice is over 1.5 million sq. km above last year, and […]

Why Is CO2 Rising? Biosphere Destruction Is The Primary Source, And Not Fossil Fuel Burning

Why Is CO2 Rising? Biosphere Destruction Is The Primary Source, And Not Fossil Fuel Burning

By Ed Caryl The natural CO2 flux to and from oceans and land plants amounts to approximately 210 gigatons of carbon annually. (Note that this is carbon. Multiply the numbers by 3.7 for the total weight of CO2 including the two oxygen atoms.) Man currently causes about 9 gigatons of carbon to be injected into […]

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