Data Manipulation

Research: “103 Of 302 Weather Stations In United Kingdom Do Not Exist At All!

Paul Homewood wrote about poorly sited weather stations in Great Britain, thus making readings and climate data rather questionable. The European Institute for Climate And Energy (EIKE) now reports of Great Britain’s phantom weather station network: one third of all its stations don’t actually exist.  By Maurice Forgeng. Original article: Epoch Times here. “All climate forecasts […]

HadCRUT Has Now Fully Removed 0.15°C From The 1940s Warmth 'Blip' As Proposed In 2009 E-mails

HadCRUT Has Now Fully Removed 0.15°C From The 1940s Warmth ‘Blip’ As Proposed In 2009 E-mails

The amplitude of the recorded warmth in the 1940s was always a problem for purveyors of the human-caused global warming narrative. So the 1940s temperatures have been artificially cooled to make this less of a problem. In 2009, overseers of the HadCRUT global temperature data discussed “correcting” the “1940s warming blip” in e-mails that they […]

HadCRUT Data Manipulation Changes 2000-2014 Warming Trend From 0.03°C to 0.14°C Per Decade

HadCRUT Data Manipulation Changes 2000-2014 Warming Trend From 0.03°C to 0.14°C Per Decade

Adjustments add significant warming to 21st century temperature trends. From 2009 to 2019 there were 90 peer-reviewed scientific papers published on the global warming “pause” or “hiatus” observed over the first 15 years of the 21st century. The HadCRUT3 global temperature trend was recorded as 0.03°C per decade during the global warming hiatus years of […]

Activist Scientists Have Now Officially Changed A -0.5°C Global Cooling Trend Into A Warming Trend

Activist Scientists Have Now Officially Changed A -0.5°C Global Cooling Trend Into A Warming Trend

Back in the days when data manipulation was still strictly forbidden, scientists reported the globe cooled significantly for decades even as CO₂ concentrations increased. The global cooling amplitude was -0.5°C from 1960-1965, and 1976 was reported to be the coldest year of any year measured since 1958 (Angell and Korshover, 1978). Image Source: Angell and […]

“Peculiar Things” About Gavin Schmidt’s Temperature Series And Its “Corrections”

By Frank Bosse, via Die kalte Sonne It’s known that GISS does not process the temperature data as they are determined but rather “corrects” them. Such corrections may make sense, but to what extent they influence warming trends remains an open question. Gavin Schmidt, the director and responsible person for the measurement series, recently tweeted […]

Japan's Own Data Show No Warming For Tokyo...But NASA Tampers, Changes Trend To Warming!

Japan’s Own Data Show No Warming For Tokyo…But NASA Tampers, Changes Trend To Warming!

While Japan’s own temperature data show no warming for Tokyo, NASA tampers with the data to make it look like it’s been warming! Charts by Kirye Text by Pierre Not long ago we looked at the 2021 mean temperature data from the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) for Tokyo and its rural Hachijō-jima island in the […]

Using A Reference Period Outdated 30 Years, Germany’s DWD Weather Service Turns Cooling Into Warming

By Prof. Fritz Vahrenholt Die kalte Sonne (Text translated, edited by P. Gosselin) Globally, the deviation of the global mean temperature of the satellite-based measurements from the mean of period 1991-2020 rose slightly in December to 0.21 degrees Celsius. The mean temperature increase since satellite measurements began was 0.14 degrees Celsius per decade. The year […]

Cooked Up Consensus: Lynas et al "Should Rather Be Classified As Propaganda, Bad Science"..."Truly Brazen"

Cooked Up Consensus: Lynas et al “Should Rather Be Classified As Propaganda, Bad Science”…”Truly Brazen”

Cooked up consensus… Image: Copyright NoTricksZone Martin Landvoigt writes on truth and consensus, climate models, the “fundamental and methodological difficulties” in climate science and how “hard, robust evidence is largely lacking” and so it’s “a matter of weakly substantiated opinions”. Climate consensus and the climate By Martin Landvoigt at Philosophieren für alle), Die kalte Sonne (Text excerpt […]

Adjusting To Warm, NASA Data Alterations Change Cooling To Warming In Ireland, Greece

Adjusting To Warm, NASA Data Alterations Change Cooling To Warming In Ireland, Greece

By Kirye and Pierre Gosselin Today we look at the NASA temperature data from Ireland and compare the GHCN Version unadjusted to the plots of the GHCN Version 4 adjusted and homogenized. Here’s how they compare: Data: NASA GISS Greece is another example What follows next are side-by-side plots of two stations: V4 unadjusted and […]

Phony Climate Trends: Alarmists Caught Hiding Large Quantities Of Historical Data

Phony Climate Trends: Alarmists Caught Hiding Large Quantities Of Historical Data

Climate alarmism is looking increasingly like organized fraud and deception.  A German YouTube video reveals a number of charts prepared by Tony Heller illustrating how climate alarmists hide data in order to produce an alarming impression of the globe’s climate. Today we present 4 pairs of charts to show how climate alarmists carefully cherrypick their […]

Japan's Canon Institute For Global Studies (CIGS) Presents New Working Paper On Climate Science Data Inconsistencies

Japan’s Canon Institute For Global Studies (CIGS) Presents New Working Paper On Climate Science Data Inconsistencies

Statistical data alterations, huge data gaps and dissenting experts are among the problems plaguing climate science, new Japanese CIGS working paper highlights.  In November 2019, the Canon Institute for Global Studies (CIGS) released a working paper noting that natural factors are also very much at work when it comes to climate change. Now CIGS has […]

US Government Tries To Erase Historical Forest Fire Data To Fabricate Another Fake Crisis

US Government Tries To Erase Historical Forest Fire Data To Fabricate Another Fake Crisis

The US government deletes more than 50 years of early data on forest fires in order to make it look like forest fires are more widespread, and linked to CO2. Should be Investigated under the RICO Act.  There’s a reason why Smokey the Bear has been around more than 75 years with his message. “Only […]

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