By P Gosselin on 30. April 2021
By Kirye and Pierre Gosselin Global warming is supposed to mean a shorter winter, and thus we should expect a March warming trend for the northern hemisphere. Today we look at the latest March data now available from the Japan Meteorology Agency (JMA) for France, Ireland and Finland. As we have seen in other countries, […]
Posted in Cooling/Temperature |
By Kenneth Richard on 29. April 2021
A new CO2 climate sensitivity study suggests that, beyond the 300 ppm threshold, “any further increase of (anthropogenic) CO2 cannot lead to an appreciably stronger absorption of radiation, and consequently cannot affect the earth’s climate.” Dr. Schildknecht is a Bielefeld University physics professor affiliated with the Max Planck Institute in Munich. His equilibrium climate sensitivity […]
Posted in Climate Sensitivity |
By P Gosselin on 28. April 2021
Now we know why prominent activists, like Barack Obama, purchased expensive seaside homes even after warning the seas are “rising rapidly”. It turns out they really aren’t, a new University of Utrecht study shows. And like many climate alarmists, Potsdam Institute climate researcher Stefan Rahmstorf predicted the oceans could very well rise by an alarming […]
Posted in Models, Sea Levels |
By P Gosselin on 27. April 2021
The temperature data from 12 mountain stations in the European Alps show no winter warming in over 30 years, contradicting alarmist claims. Austrian researcher skeptic Günther Aigner examined 12 mountains stations across the Alps, spanning Switzerland, Germany and Austria, in order to find out how winter temperatures have developed over the past 50 years. “Slight […]
Posted in Alarmism, Cooling/Temperature |
By Kenneth Richard on 26. April 2021
A new study robustly affirms Earth’s recent vegetation greening trend by eliminating overestimations (false positives). Although this more restrictive analytical approach reduces the observed percentage of the Earth’s land greening from 36% to 15%, it also means that, when using the mean analysis, no browning trend can be detected in the last 40 years. It’s […]
Posted in CO2 Greens the Earth, Warming/CO2 Benefiting Earth |
By P Gosselin on 25. April 2021
An objective look at the climate history throughout the Holocene shows that today’s warming is neither dramatic nor unprecedented. Hat-tip: Die kalte Sonne Germans Dr. Klaus-Petr Dahm, Detlef Laves and Wolfgang Merbach have written a new book on today’s climate change: “Der heutige Klimawandel: Eine kritische Analyse des Modells von der menschlich verursachten globalen Erwärmung (Mitteilungen Agrarwissenschaften)” […]
Posted in Misc. |
By P Gosselin on 24. April 2021
A series of over fifty 1-minute long satirical video clips made respectively by more than 50 German actors protesting the government COVID lockdowns, fear-mongering and suppression of dissenting views have sent shock waves across Germany. More than 50 German prominent film and television personalities have sent a shockwave across the German speaking part of Europe with […]
Posted in Activism |
By P Gosselin on 23. April 2021
By Kirye and Pierre Gosselin Global warming would mean winters are supposed to be getting shorter and spring arriving earlier. Therefore March should show a clear warming trend for the northern hemisphere. The latest March data are now available from the Japan Meteorology Agency (JMA) and today we will look at Sweden, Canada and Alaska. […]
Posted in Misc. |
By Kenneth Richard on 22. April 2021
A groundbreaking new study in Science suggests warm interglacial-like conditions (surface temperatures within 1°C of today’s) persisted from 54 to 42,000 years ago even though CO₂ levels idled around 200 ppm at that time. A sudden geomagnetic shift that intensified galactic cosmic rays and cloud formation and reduced ozone levels ~42,000 years ago resulted in […]
Posted in Cooling/Temperature, Paleo-climatology, Solar Sciences |
By P Gosselin on 21. April 2021
This update was written in mid-April 2021 to report even more global cooling as measured by satellites and new harsh cold events, particularly in Western Europe that have severely harmed early crops. Harsh cold events have also struck China, Russia, the Mediterranean, the Middle East, North America and Australia. By Allan M.R. MacRae, April 21, […]
Posted in Misc. |
By P Gosselin on 20. April 2021
The COVID crisis worked wonderfully for the cheerleaders and addicts of lockdowns. It showed that it was indeed possible to panic the pubic enough to get them to accept restrictions and lockdowns. WANTED: NEW CRISIS TO SUCCEED COVID 19 But everyone knows that the days are numbered for the COVID crisis, and so another crisis […]
Posted in Drought and Deserts |
By Kenneth Richard on 19. April 2021
NASA tries to appeal to kids in claiming greenhouse gas molecules are “tiny heaters” that act “exactly how” the windows that prevent heat escape in a real greenhouse work. Observations show this is propaganda. Image Source: NASA’s Climate Kids and Earth Observatory In claiming superhero-like greenhouse gases such as CO2 and water vapor act “exactly how” […]
Posted in Agriculture, CO2 and GHG, Cooling/Temperature, Emissions |
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