By P Gosselin on 23. April 2024
Due to changing solar activity, the Earth is heading into a new Little Ice Age, according to Northumbria University astrophysicist Prof. Valentina Zharkova, Newcastle, Great Britain. “There’s nothing we can do about it.” This was reported by German online Report 24 here last week. NASA image of a blizzard. Image soutce: NASA, public domain. “This […]
Posted in Cooling/Temperature, Solar |
By P Gosselin on 22. March 2024
At Klimanachrichten, Dr. Ludger Laurenz looks how solar influence on rainfall in Germany. Precipitation patterns linked to the 22-year Hale cycle. While droughts and periods of heavy precipitation in Germany are often blamed on CO2 climate change by the media and pseudo-experts, Laurenz sees a clear link to the 22-year solar Hale cycle. This can […]
Posted in Solar |
By P Gosselin on 12. September 2023
Mysteriously, warming is happening across the solar system. The one common factor is at the center of it all: the sun. The solar system’s powerful sun. Artist’s image of a solar storm hitting Mars, stripping ions from the planet’s upper atmosphere. Image: NASA, public domain. Because man is burning fossil fuels, our planet is allegedly […]
Posted in Solar |
By Kenneth Richard on 21. April 2022
Of California’s 23 vulnerable bird species studied (barn owls, golden eagles, road runners, yellow-billed cuckoos…), scientists have found 11 are now experiencing at least a 20% decline in their population growth rates because wind turbines and solar panels are killing them and/or destroying their limited-range habitat. California’s mild-winter Mediterranean climate is home to some of […]
Posted in Green Follies, Solar, Wind Power |
By P Gosselin on 31. October 2021
Connection between cosmic rays, clouds and radiation budget is reaffirmed…CO2 role thus has to be much smaller. There have been a flurry of recently published studies on radiative forcing and its variation due to cloud changes. The latest is a new study published in the journal Nature. Climate scientists Dr. Henrik Svensmark and colleagues have found […]
Posted in Solar |
By Kenneth Richard on 28. June 2021
By ending funding for energy infrastructure projects that rely on natural gas, Europe and the United States have executed a “blanket ban” on supplying inexpensive and reliable energy to people living in poor countries. As Dr. Ramachandran details in Nature, a de facto natural gas ban effectively does nothing to propel growth in intermittently-available wind […]
Posted in Climate Politics, Green Follies, Solar, Wind Power |
By P Gosselin on 27. September 2020
By Erich Schaffer Magic is all about illusion, and so is “climate science”. Nothing about the GHE is as it seems and so far the “critical” side has failed to see through it. No longer! Examining the key question of surface emissivity, usually downplayed as a non-issue, reveals highly significant insights relativizing the common narrative […]
Posted in Models, Solar |
By Kenneth Richard on 27. August 2020
During the last Grand Solar Minimum (17th century), global surface temperatures dipped to the coldest of the last 10,000 years – about 1.4°C colder than today. Dr. Zharkova, an astrophysicist, has determined another imminent drop in solar activity will lead to a 1°C cooling in the coming decades. From 1645 to 1710, the Sun went […]
Posted in Arctic, Cooling/Temperature, Sea Ice, Solar
By P Gosselin on 9. August 2020
Günther Aigner released a German video with the title “Die Alpengletscher im Klimawandel: Status quo“ (The Alps glaciers in climate change: status quo). Hat-tip: Die kalte Sonne Today global warming alarmists insist blaming climate change on man-made CO2 emissions. Yet, everywhere we look it’s difficult to find any correlation between CO2 and warming. Pre-industrial history […]
Posted in Cloud Climate Influence, Glaciers, Natural Variability, Solar |
By Kenneth Richard on 1. June 2020
An “especially worrying” new study finds 2,206 onshore wind, hydropower, and solar PV energy generation facilities have “already encroached on many of the world’s most important places for conserving biodiversity”, degrading 886 protected areas, 749 key biodiversity areas, and 40 distinct wilderness areas. Image Source: Rehbein et al., 2020 Even more concerning, the number of active […]
Posted in Green Follies, Solar, Wind Power |
By P Gosselin on 12. May 2020
Elsevier has accepted a new paper by Lüdecke et al, 2020, showing natural oceanic and solar cycles play a large role in modulating Europe’s climate. Offers new chances for robust midterm temperature prognoses. The paper, in press, journal pre-proof, analyzes natural variability in European monthly temperatures on decadal and multidecadal timescales and their possible drivers. […]
Posted in Oceans, Solar |
By P Gosselin on 27. August 2019
How the sun impacts European climate By Die kalte Sonne (German text translated by P Gosselin) Images: NASA Observatory The gigantic nuclear fusion power plant of the sun reliably supplies the earth with energy. However, the IPCC’s current doctrine is that fluctuations in solar activity have no effect whatsoever on the Earth’s climate. Some climate […]
Posted in Solar |
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