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Viking Climate Refugees – PNAS Paper Shows Rapid (Natural) Climate Swings And “Turns For The Bitter” In The Past

Der Spiegel today has a report here on why the Vikings left Greenland, hat-tip reader DirkH. Also read Brown University press release here in English. Proxies from all over the world have shown that global climate was as warm or even warmer during the so-called Medieval Warm Period back around a thousand years. It’s not called a […]

Temperatures Fall As Global CO2 Emissions Reach Record Highs

Much of the German media have been screeching and hyperventilating today about CO2 emissions reaching a record high, see FOCUS or TAZ here or Die Zeit here or Der Spiegel here, to name a few. All the dregs are at it, making dire 100-year predictions based on silly climate models that have been proven to be wrong […]

China To German Nuclear Engineers And Scientists: “Research And Work For Us!”

Germany will completely abandon nuclear energy and technology by 2022, this decided by Angela Merkel’s government. Merkel and German activist leaders think they can competitively power the country with windmills, biogas, solar, and blind faith. The last nuclear reactors so will go offline by the year 2022. Read here.China, seeing a golden opportunity, aims to capitalise on Merkel’s […]

Mississippi State Professor: “Number Of Tornadoes Has Dropped Dramatically”. NOAA: “Related To Natural Fluctuations”

The German online Die Zeit here takes a look at the series of tornadoes that have ravaged the USA and conducted an interview with US meteorologist and Mississippi State University professor Grady Dixon. Die Zeit asks the question: “Herr Dixon, is the number of such lethal storms rising in the USA?” Dixon replies: No, to the contrary. Over the […]

World Ignores Imminent And Bigger Threat Of Global Cooling As It Fights Non-Existent Global Warming

World Ignores Imminent And Bigger Threat Of Global Cooling As It Fights Non-Existent Global Warming

By Matt Vooro The current year 2011 is a good example of what happens when global temperatures drop and we have cold and snowy winters that stretch well into spring. The current La Nina and the cold PDO brought colder temperatures and extra amount of snow during the past winter to many parts of North America, which means […]

A Grid Manager’s Nightmare

By Ed Caryl The California Independent System Operator (ISO) manages the high-voltage wholesale power grid for the state of California. On their web site, they have several links including one to yesterday’s hourly breakdown of power usage and sources. The figures below are for May 25 2011. Figure 1. The hourly breakdown of renewable power […]

Documentary On The German “Waldsterben” Hysteria – Looking Back 30 Years

30 years ago Waldsterben (forest dieback) was probably Germany’s first post-war environmental hysteria to grip the country. Today we see that all the prophecies of doom were completely wrong. The excellent Michael Miersch brings our attention to this oustanding arte Franco-German documentary called “The Forests are Dying Again“ (in German, and here in French), which takes a look back at […]

“Gateway To Hell” Under Extreme Pressure – Eruption Expected Soon, Writes Der Spiegel

The eruption of Grímsvötn on May 20, 2011 has produced a cloud of volcanic ash that shot up over 50,000 ft and has drifted over parts of Europe closing a number of major airports and creating air traffic havoc. Now the online Der Spiegel reports today that another volcano, Hekla, is on the verge of exploding as […]

Deadly E-Coli Bacteria Spreading And Bringing Death To Germany – Suspected To Originate From Organic Farming

Instead of utopia and paradise, Germany’s green dreams are delivering an ecological nightmare, turning the country into a toxic cesspool of lethal man-made biocides: botulism and now E-coli bacteria. Millions of consumers are now at risk. A few days ago I wrote about how biogas plants are producing and distributing deadly botulism throughout Germany and how a thousand […]

The German Greens’ Ultra-Useful Political Imbeciles

If you support your enemies, then you ought not wonder why they grow stronger and soon defeat you. The early results of the Bremen state elections are in, and once again the conservative CDU Party took one on the chin, and in the gut, and again the Greens soared, read here. The German state of Bremen will […]

German Skeptics Finally Breaking Into The Discussion – Germany Says Auf Wiedersehen To Climate Science Consensus

While German politicians, alarmist scientists, activists, and media are staying super-glued stuck on stupid, i.e. remaining mired in the stupidity of dogmatism and closed-mindedness, the climate debate and controversy in Germany is, well, shall we say, heating the hell up.Mark the following time and place on your calender: Wednesday, 25 May 2011, 10 pm. Once […]

German Green Parliamentarians Stuck On Stupid – Taxpayers Now Waiting 6 Months For A Reply

Dr. Hermann Ott, German global warming mobber who not long ago called for a science pogrom aimed at skeptics of dubious global warming science, brings our attention here to a planned conference at the Bundestag in Berlin on June 10, 2011.The conference is designed to attack skepticism in science, and is hosted by the German Green Party faction. It is dubbed: Strategies […]

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