By P Gosselin on 28. February 2023
The Green Tyranny expands as the German government readies to ban oil and gas heat beginning 2024! Economic “death blow” Germany’s Minister of Economics, Robert Habeck, Green Party, is reported to be planning a ban of gas and oil heating – as early as 2024, according to the online BILD. Heat in Germany will soon […]
Posted in Activism, Alternative Energy, Climate Politics |
By Kenneth Richard on 27. February 2023
A warming event that spans only one year, with decades of stable temperatures before and after, would not appear to align with rapidly rising human CO2 emissions or a gradually rising atmospheric CO2 concentration. From 1958 to 2020, as CO2 rose from 320 ppm to 410 ppm, Greenland had a warming period of 1°C that […]
Posted in Arctic, CO2 and GHG, Cooling/Temperature |
By P Gosselin on 25. February 2023
Studies, trials by Pfizer Biontech were “seriously flawed” and fraught with “many irregularities” German journalist finds. It’s all beginning to dawn on the media… Emergency approval based on sloppy and deceptive trials and studies? At Germany’s flagship daily Die Welt, journalist Elke Bodderas recently penned an investigative article: The Many Irregularities In The Pfizer Approval […]
Posted in Misc. |
By P Gosselin on 24. February 2023
Recall how climate activists demand that ordinary citizens, i.e. “useless consumers”, limit their annual CO2 emissions to just a single measly tonne per person. Currently the average CO2 emissions per person in Europe are about 8 tonnes. German government ministries run by the Green Party emit by far the most CO2 when it comes to […]
Posted in Activism |
By Kenneth Richard on 23. February 2023
More evidence emerges that modern rates of sea level rise are approximately 20-50 times slower than natural rising rates occurring during deglaciations. In tropical areas coral reef fossils form terraces, or flat surfaces bordered by ascending sloping surfaces. Terraces are formed at or near sea level, so their relative geological presence can be interpreted as […]
Posted in Paleo-climatology, Sea Levels |
By P Gosselin on 21. February 2023
Do you feel helpless when trying to assess the veracity of “climate doom is looming” claims we are constantly bombarded with? For ordinary citizens, it seems nearly impossible to tell right from wrong when it comes to assess such claims. Don’t give up trying to understand the relevant basics, there is a rather simple way […]
Posted in Cloud Climate Influence, CO2 and GHG |
By Kenneth Richard on 20. February 2023
“No evidence is found for any systematic trend in precipitation deficits attributable to anthropogenic climate change.” – O’Connell et al., 2022 In a new study (O’Connell et al., 2022), scientists use a stochastic or random probability distribution analysis to assess whether a signal in global precipitation deficits (droughts) could be linked to anthropogenic climate change […]
Posted in CO2 and GHG, Drought and Deserts, Models, Natural Variability |
By P Gosselin on 19. February 2023
Green energies making life in Germany unaffordable…we’ll have no heat and lights and be happy We’ve all heard about the excruciatingly high energy prices Germans are forced to pay in the wake of the Energiewende (transition to green energies). Yet, due to the fact that my own household had made a contract in 2021 that […]
Posted in Misc. |
By P Gosselin on 18. February 2023
As the EU Parliament voted on February 14th to ban the registration of new fossil fuel cars beginning in 2035, it appears the folly of the idea is just beginning to dawn on those who had been expected to take a more critical stand much earlier. AI generated image, dall.e 2. Moreover, it appears even […]
Posted in Alternative Energy |
By Kenneth Richard on 16. February 2023
Evidence of abundant lakes and ponds and the remains of vascular plants, warmth-demanding beetles, sponges, spruce forests…in a newly-discovered organic-rich deposit 480 m above sea level in High Arctic (76.4°N) northwest Greenland indicates the local climate was similar to that of today’s southern Greenland (~60°N) and North America during the Early Pleistocene ice age. Scientists […]
Posted in Arctic, Paleo-climatology |
By P Gosselin on 15. February 2023
Europe needs to call the economic suicide hotline… The EU’s increasingly centrally-planned society has taken another huge leap forward, as it bans fossil fuel mobility. Source: AI generated image, dall.e 2. Beginning in 2025, it will no longer be possible to register new fossil fuel vehicles in the EU. They will be completely banned. This […]
Posted in Alternative Energy, Climate Politics, Green Follies |
By Kenneth Richard on 13. February 2023
Two new studies affirm the rapid growth in urbanization is causing significant non-climatic warming, artificially increasing the “global” trend. Water covers approximately 362 million km² of the Earth’s surface. Land covers 148 million km² of the Earth’s surface. As of 2003, just 0.5 million km² (0.34%) of the globe’s 510 million km² surface was urban […]
Posted in Temperature Bias/Urbanization |
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