Sea Ice

The Barents Sea Was Seasonally Ice Free For Much Of The Holocene...Today It's Ice-Covered Year-Round

The Barents Sea Was Seasonally Ice Free For Much Of The Holocene…Today It’s Ice-Covered Year-Round

More evidence has emerged suggesting there is more sea ice in the Arctic today than nearly any time in the last 8000 years. According to a new study, biomarker evidence suggests the Barents Sea (Arctic) was seasonally “ice free” from ~8000 to ~2100 years ago, or back when the CO2 concentration was said to be […]

'Global' Warming? Little Ice Age Cooling And Sea Ice Expansion Is Still Ongoing Across Antarctica Today

‘Global’ Warming? Little Ice Age Cooling And Sea Ice Expansion Is Still Ongoing Across Antarctica Today

New research indicates there has been no reduction in sea ice in Antarctica’s Robertson Bay (Ross Sea) during the last century. Instead, the frigid Little Ice Age and its expanded sea ice conditions continue unabated through the 20th and 21st centuries. Between ~8000 and 3500 years before present the Antarctic ice sheet experienced several millennia […]

New Study: Antarctic Sea Ice Has Been Increasing Since The 1970s...Due To Internal Decadal Variability

New Study: Antarctic Sea Ice Has Been Increasing Since The 1970s…Due To Internal Decadal Variability

“Since the late 1970s, Antarctic sea ice area (SIA) has slowly increased, despite significant global warming. The increase in Antarctic SIA occurred largely between 2000 and 2014.” – Bonan et al., 2024 Scientists attribute the long-term (1979-2022) expanding Antarctic sea ice trend, as well as the abrupt decline in sea ice extent from 2016 to […]

New Study Finds Arctic Warming, Declining Sea Ice May Be A 'Benefit' To Polar Bears And Ringed Seals

New Study Finds Arctic Warming, Declining Sea Ice May Be A ‘Benefit’ To Polar Bears And Ringed Seals

The polar bear plight has quietly disappeared from the catastrophic global warming narrative. According to new research, the body condition of polar bears and ringed seals (their prey) has been stable to improving from 2008-2022 despite Arctic warming and sea ice decline during this period. This is the opposite of what was predicted to happen, […]

Arctic Sea Ice 'Choke Points' Reducing NW Passage Shipping Season Length By 5-14 Weeks Since 2007

Arctic Sea Ice ‘Choke Points’ Reducing NW Passage Shipping Season Length By 5-14 Weeks Since 2007

Global warming was supposed to open up Arctic region shipping routes, making the Northwest Passage easier and less risky to traverse. Per a new study, the opposite has happened. As we reported earlier this year, while a declining trend in Arctic sea ice was observed from the 1990s to 2007, there has been no trend […]

The Embarrassing Pause In Arctic Sea Ice Loss Has Lasted 17 Years, Defying IPCC, NSIDC Predictions

The Embarrassing Pause In Arctic Sea Ice Loss Has Lasted 17 Years, Defying IPCC, NSIDC Predictions

“[S]ince the dramatical decline of the ice extent in 2007, the summer Arctic sea ice area has not declined further.” – Astrup Jensen, 2023 Scientists have been using the year 2007 as the starting point for assessing Arctic sea ice trends for nearly a decade. A 2015 study published in Nature Climate Change reported a “near-zero […]

The Narrative That Polar Bears Need Sea Ice To Catch Prey Has Collapsed As More Evidence Piles Up

The Narrative That Polar Bears Need Sea Ice To Catch Prey Has Collapsed As More Evidence Piles Up

Arctic regions with 6+ months of sea ice coverage today were ice-free nearly year-round 9,000 to 5,000 years ago (2°C warmer) and 130,000 to 115,000 years ago (7-8°C warmer). And yet polar bears survived these periods. Per a new study, today’s Scandinavian Arctic climate is so cold it is actually “comparable” to that of the […]

New Study: Modern Sea Ice Extent Is Nearly The Highest In 9000 Years Across the Arctic

New Study: Modern Sea Ice Extent Is Nearly The Highest In 9000 Years Across the Arctic

Millennial-scale Arctic sea ice reconstructions do not corroborate alarmist claims of unprecedented sea ice losses in modern times.  Using sea ice biomarker proxy (IP25), scientists (Kolling et al., 2023) have determined that the sea ice extent in the Labrador Sea was nearly absent throughout the year (close to 0.0 μg/gTOC) for much of the last […]

New Study: Antarctic Sea Ice Completed Half Its Deglacial Retreat 1000s Of Years Before CO2 Began Rising

New Study: Antarctic Sea Ice Completed Half Its Deglacial Retreat 1000s Of Years Before CO2 Began Rising

The timing of the dramatic Antarctic sea ice decline during the last deglaciation suggests solar forcing and sea ice retreat “instigated” century-scale climate warming and atmospheric CO2 change. This would appear to challenge the perception CO2 plays a causal role in glacial-interglacial sea ice and climate changes. From ~21,000 to 19,500 years ago, when CO2 […]

New Study: East Asian Sea Ice Extent Increasing Since 2005 ... Region Is Now Colder Than 1700s-1800s

New Study: East Asian Sea Ice Extent Increasing Since 2005 … Region Is Now Colder Than 1700s-1800s

Yet another region of the world fails to cooperate with “global” warming instructions. New research (Zhang et al., 2023) finds the sea ice extent has undergone an overall increasing trend from 2005-2021 in the Sea of Japan, Yellow Sea, and Bohai Sea. “Over the past 17 years, the maximum sea ice extent in the marginal […]

New Study Finds Russian Sea Levels Were 7-9 Meters Higher Than Today From 8000-4000 Years Ago

New Study Finds Russian Sea Levels Were 7-9 Meters Higher Than Today From 8000-4000 Years Ago

The belief that modern sea levels and sea level change rates are unprecedentedly high takes another hit. Per a new study, sea levels were ~9.5 m higher than today about 8000 years ago (White Sea, northwestern Russia), then fell to ~7 m higher than today by around 4000 years ago. From that point in the […]

Scientists Say A 6°C Warmer-Than-Today Arctic Is 'Optimal' For Thermophile Species

Scientists Say A 6°C Warmer-Than-Today Arctic Is ‘Optimal’ For Thermophile Species

Back in the Early Holocene, when CO2 levels were said to be ~255 ppm, Arctic Svalbard was warm enough to accommodate abundant numbers of thermophiles, or warmth-demanding species. Only “remnants” of these species and their habitat exist in today’s much-colder Arctic. With the exception of a few centuries in recent millennia, today’s Svalbard (Arctic) is […]

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