By P Gosselin on 31. October 2010
German journalist Günter Ederer has a piece at the online Fuldaer Zeitung called The Electricity Bill Is Going Up And Up. Hat-tip Detmar Doering. Politicians in all parties in Germany, from the communists to the conservatives, and everything in between, are all racing to be the first to jump off the let’s-save-the-climate cliff. All have […]
Posted in Alternative Energy, Climate Politics |
By P Gosselin on 30. October 2010
What is Europe to do? The old continent wants to save the world but it seems no one wants to play along. Before the summer, there seemed to be some hope the USA could pass a climate rescue bill with President Barack Obama and the Democrat-held Congress. But that hope has all but completely disappeared. So writes the […]
Posted in Climate Politics, Media / Bias |
By P Gosselin on 30. October 2010
list Game Indonesia buat Permainan Judi Online! waktu kamu mencari trik judi yg lebih baru. Permainan judi Indonesia pantas dipertimbangkan buat kamu. Berikut yaitu sekian banyak trick kamu sanggup menikmati perjudian di negeri ini bersama sekian banyak trick inovatif. bersama perkembangan tehnologi ketika ini permainan game online jadi ternama. lantaran dgn main dengan cara online […]
Posted in Antarctic, Oceans |
By P Gosselin on 29. October 2010
Is paranoia contagious? It seems so in certain circles. Like fear, it begins with one, and then spreads like wildfire. Yesterday I wrote about Professor Stefan Rahmstorf’s hissing and fitting reaction to a piece written by EIKE, the humble sceptic organisation that had the audacity to bring up one of Rahmstorf’s old, yet embarrassing […]
Posted in Climate Politics, Hockey Team |
By P Gosselin on 28. October 2010
We want to be fair, and so I’m obligated to inform readers that Professor Stefan Rahmstorf, has testily replied to EIKE’s report, which I wrote about just 2 days ago. Rahmstorf retorts at his website: Headlines From Absurdistan here. First, recall that Rahmstorf is that alarmist scientist who projects an oddball sea level rise of 1.4 meters […]
Posted in Arctic, Hockey Team, Oceans |
By P Gosselin on 27. October 2010
I’ve just read the latest climate horoscope at the Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung website, which delivers them almost daily. The latest one comes from the fortune tellers and scryers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, led by psychic Paul O’Gorman, now available at the PNAS here. The latest horoscope foretells that (later) in the 21st century, summers will […]
Posted in Stupid Predictions |
By P Gosselin on 26. October 2010
Guest writer Ed Caryl, author of One Of Our Hemispheres Is Missing and A Light In Siberia, now brings us his latest essay. ——————————————————————————————————————– You Want Me To Believe What? By Ed Caryl The proponents of Anthropogenic Global Warming claim that man’s use of fossil fuels has released extra carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere, and […]
Posted in CO2 and GHG, Hurricanes/Tornados, Oceans, Scepticism |
By P Gosselin on 25. October 2010
The Moving Finger writes; and, having writ, Moves on: nor all thy Piety nor Wit Shall lure it back to cancel half a Line, Nor all thy Tears wash out a Word of it. – Omar Khayyám Scratch off the Potsdam Institute For Climate Impact Research from the alarmist list. No kidding! The European Institute For […]
Posted in Cooling/Temperature, Hockey Team |
By P Gosselin on 25. October 2010
The Science Skeptical Blog here has released some fascinating results from Hans von Storch’s Klimazwiebel blogsite’s survey here. Although the survey is not representative, 578 valid participants from 28 countries took part and interesting results have been produced. Here are the most interesting results: 1. Climate science skeptics have been involved in the topic for a […]
Posted in Scepticism |
By P Gosselin on 24. October 2010
German Weather Service meteorologist Christoph Hartmann writes what I think is a surprising essay on measuring precipitation, and the errors in doing so. Indeed Hartmann says precipitation may be understated by up to 50%, or much more at some locations. As Hartmann explains, measuring precipitation is by no means an exact science, and results have […]
Posted in Drought and Deserts, Weather |
By P Gosselin on 23. October 2010
A Swiss report appearing at claims that the extraction of groundwater for communities and agriculture is adding massively to global sea level rise. According to a yet to be published paper by the America Geophysical Union, 2000 cubic km of freshwater are consumed yearly – with 1500 cubic km coming from lakes, ponds, rivers […]
Posted in Drought and Deserts, Oceans, Sea Levels |
By P Gosselin on 22. October 2010
The Portuguese sceptic site Ecotretas has a piece today called Not so fine Mr Gore which features a video clip of Al Gore making a speech before a crowd, predominantly businessmen. Gore seems to think that Portugal’s economy is on the right track and is coming out of recession. Far from it. In fact, Portugal’s economic woes are worsened […]
Posted in Gore |
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