Stupid Predictions

Germany's Summer Falls Way Short Of Predicted Hellish Temps..North, Baltic Seas Cool

Germany’s Summer Falls Way Short Of Predicted Hellish Temps..North, Baltic Seas Cool

Snowfan here reports there’s also there’s no heatwave in sight across much of Europe and Germany. Summer in Germany has slowed halfway through as there’s no sign of Health Minister Karl Lauterbach’s predicted  heatwaves or Marc Benecke’s “hell-summer of the century“, which of course could have led to health emergencies and possible lock downs. In […]

Expert’s Prediction Of “Summer of Hell” For Central Europe Hasn’t Materialized Yet

Summer-of-Hell Check By KlimaNachrichten We are almost 1/3 of the way through the meteorological summer. Time to remember the prediction made by suspect biologist Marc Benecke in spring 2024. He had predicted “a summer of hell with almost complete certainty”. We reported. As early as March 2024, some meteorologists raised concerns about this forecast. Shortly after […]

Met Office Warns: Extremely Wet Summer...After Warning Droughts Would Become More Frequent

Met Office Warns: Extremely Wet Summer…After Warning Droughts Would Become More Frequent

Climate science keeps contradicting itself Climate change causing both wetter and drier summers? UK’s Met Office warned government that the 2024 summer could see 50 days of rain! In the summers of 2018 and 2022, for example, Europe was hit by drought, and government-paid experts and media blamed man-made climate change. Many claimed that drought […]

Dutch-Led Network Of International Experts Finds "Serious Errors" In Latest IPCC Report

Dutch-Led Network Of International Experts Finds “Serious Errors” In Latest IPCC Report

The UN Intergovernmental Panel On Climate Change (IPCC) is misleading policy makers by focusing on an implausible worst-case emissions scenarios, concludes a new analysis report published by the Clintel Foundation: “The Frozen Climate Views of the IPCC“ The IPCC is hiding the good news about disaster losses and climate-related deaths and wrongly claims the estimate […]

As German Economy Reels, Chancellor Promises Going Green Will Lead To "Economic Miracle"!

As German Economy Reels, Chancellor Promises Going Green Will Lead To “Economic Miracle”!

Drugged up on Green dope… As Germany reels from a deep economic crisis driven by green policies, Chancellor Scholz promises a green economic wonder! Fantasies of a green economic miracle. Image generated by DALL e 2.  Chancellor makes a rosy prediction Now that large companies like BASF have announced plans to move operations out of […]

New Publication: Unvaccinated Are Responsible For All The Vaccine Adverse Effects!

No joke – the paper is for real: A new publication suggests that the stress caused the “terror” from the unvaccinated and their social media is what’s really behind all the post vaccination arterial constriction, heart inflammation, blood clots, dizziness, fainting, blurred vision, loss of smell and taste… Climatology is not the only field plagued […]

Canadian Arctic Archipelago Blocked By Thick Multi-Year Ice...August Arctic Sea Ice Rebounds

Canadian Arctic Archipelago Blocked By Thick Multi-Year Ice…August Arctic Sea Ice Rebounds

In terms of Arctic sea ice and hurricane activity this year, the climate ambulance chasers have been quiet. Late summer Arctic ice has stopped shrinking The DMI graph shows the size of sea ice areas in the Arctic in August from the beginning of satellite measurements in 1979 to 2022 (red line). The sea ice […]

Dire Warnings Of A Climate Collapse By 2020 Made By Media In 2007 Get Postponed Again

Dire Warnings Of A Climate Collapse By 2020 Made By Media In 2007 Get Postponed Again

In 2007, in the wake of the 4th IPCC report and Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth, Germany’s most widely circulated daily, Bild, reported: There are only 13 years left to save our earth! Can the climate catastrophe still be prevented? There is only little time left to save our planet!” According to the World Climate […]

Preposterous Projection By German Green Party Chancellor Candidate: 7 Meters Sea Level Rise By 2100!

Preposterous Projection By German Green Party Chancellor Candidate: 7 Meters Sea Level Rise By 2100!

German Green Party chancellor candidate Annalena Baerbock warn sea levels will rise 7 meters by the year 2100… The German Greens, who weeks earlier surged to the No. 1 position in opinion polls, before falling back behind the socialists and conservatives, like to tell us that we have to follow the science when it comes […]

Reality Jolt: Arctic September Minimum Sea Ice Extent Trend RISING Over Past 10 Years - Norwegian Data

Reality Jolt: Arctic September Minimum Sea Ice Extent Trend RISING Over Past 10 Years – Norwegian Data

Norwegian data show September minimum Arctic sea ice has risen over the past 10 years, contradicting earlier predictions of a death spiral By Kirye and Pierre Friday NTZ posted on Arctic sea ice extent. This year Arctic sea ice has just about reached its minimum. and so we plot the new data (see below). Substantial […]

48 Of 79 'Catastrophic Climate Change' Predictions Have Failed...The Other 31 Just Haven't Expired Yet

48 Of 79 ‘Catastrophic Climate Change’ Predictions Have Failed…The Other 31 Just Haven’t Expired Yet

A new peer-reviewed paper published in the International Journal of Global Warming identifies 79 “apocalyptic” predictions formulated since 1970 by “researchers and activists” who “predict cataclysmic events” resulting from “catastrophic climate change.” Already 48 of these “truly apocalyptic forecasts” have failed. The other 31 are likely just as wrong, but the prediction end dates haven’t expired […]

Junk Grade Models: Even Short-Term Climate And Weather Modelers Get It All Wrong

Junk Grade Models: Even Short-Term Climate And Weather Modelers Get It All Wrong

Many climate policies are based on scenarios generated by models. Depending on what these models churn out, actions and costly regulations get enacted to mitigate the worst consequences. So we hope that the modelers get it right. Unfortunately they are still shooting in the dark. Even short term models are failing miserably. TWC  forecast a […]

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