Temperature Bias/Urbanization

New Study: Systematic Error In 1880-2020 Global Temperature Measurements Inflates Warming By 42%

New Study: Systematic Error In 1880-2020 Global Temperature Measurements Inflates Warming By 42%

The globe may have only warmed by 0.41 to 0.83°C in the last 140 years. According to a new study, weather station data has been shown to non-climatically and erroneously record warmer-than-actual temperatures due to the steady and perpetual aging process almost universally observed in temperature gauges. When a weather station temperature gauge’s white paint […]

Dr Roy Spencer: New Global Dataset: Global Grids of UHI Effect On Air Temp, 1800-2023

See full report at Dr. Roy Spencer As a follow-on to our paper submitted on a new method for calculating the multi-station average urban heat island (UHI) effect on air temperature, I’ve extended that initial U.S.-based study of summertime UHI effects to global land areas in all seasons and produced a global gridded dataset, currently covering the […]

New Study: Up To 87% Of Modern Warming Can Be Explained By Variations In Solar Activity

New Study: Up To 87% Of Modern Warming Can Be Explained By Variations In Solar Activity

Nearly all of the alleged anthropogenic link to climate change can be removed simply by exchanging and/or replacing biased temperature and solar activity data sets. A new study authored by 37 scientists in the journal Climate finds using rural-only Northern Hemisphere temperature data (i.e., removing artificial, non-climatic urban heat effects) reduces the post-1850 warming trend […]

New Study: 1900-2010 Global Warming So Uncertain Any Rate Or Magnitude Conclusion 'Impossible'

New Study: 1900-2010 Global Warming So Uncertain Any Rate Or Magnitude Conclusion ‘Impossible’

“The compilation of land- and sea-surface [thermometer] uncertainty yield a 1900-2010 global air-temperature record anomaly of 0.86 ± 1.92°C (2 σ), which renders impossible any conclusion regarding the rate or magnitude of climate warming since 1850 or earlier.” – Dr. Patrick Frank (2023) The global surface air temperature record is so contaminated by systematic error […]

In 2003 The Globe Was 0.34% Urban. By 2035 0.96% Will Be. 'Global' Warming Is Significantly Urban-Induced.

In 2003 The Globe Was 0.34% Urban. By 2035 0.96% Will Be. ‘Global’ Warming Is Significantly Urban-Induced.

Two new studies affirm the rapid growth in urbanization is causing significant non-climatic warming, artificially increasing the “global” trend. Water covers approximately 362 million km² of the Earth’s surface. Land covers 148 million km² of the Earth’s surface. As of 2003, just 0.5 million km² (0.34%) of the globe’s 510 million km² surface was urban […]

Hundreds More Papers Published In 2021 Support A Skeptical Position On Climate Alarm

In 2021, several hundred more scientific papers were published that cast doubt on the position that anthropogenic CO2 emissions function as the climate’s fundamental control knob…or that otherwise serve to question the efficacy of climate models or the related “consensus” positions commonly endorsed by policymakers and mainstream media sources. These scientific papers affirm the position […]

New Study Finds 25-45% Of The Instrumental Warming Since The 1950s Is Due To Urbanization, Not CO2

New Study Finds 25-45% Of The Instrumental Warming Since The 1950s Is Due To Urbanization, Not CO2

Why have sea surface temperatures and proxy temperature reconstructions so strongly diverged from the instrumental land record in recent decades? Because “0.36 ± 0.04 °C” of non-climatic warming from roofs, asphalt, machines, vehicles…artificially enhances the post-1950s global temperature trend. A new analysis (Scafetta, 2021) suggests: • Urban Heat Island (UHI) effects can raise city temperatures 6-9°C above […]

Germany's DWD Weather Service Annuls All-Time Heat Record, Concedes Station Siting Problems

Germany’s DWD Weather Service Annuls All-Time Heat Record, Concedes Station Siting Problems

Germany’s DWD reverses, annuls Lingen’s July 25, 2019 all-time 42.6°C record high temperature. Station siting was not up to standard, had caused inflated readings.  Media berserk over all-time record high Back in July 2019, the German media and the German DWD national weather service went into overdrive when the Lingen-Germany  station, located in northwest Germany […]

Scientists: Climate Records 'Correlate Well' With Solar Modulation...A Grand Solar Minimum Expected By 2030

Scientists: Climate Records ‘Correlate Well’ With Solar Modulation…A Grand Solar Minimum Expected By 2030

International and NASA solar scientists find their Total Solar Irradiance reconstruction extending to 1700 can “correlate well” with Earth’s global temperature records, including a positive net TSI trend during 1986-2008. A new Grand Solar Minimum is expected to commence during the 2030s. Surface climate records that have been uncorrupted by coastal (ocean-air)/urbanization biases suggest there […]

NASA GISS Surface Station Temperature Trends Based On Sheer Guess Work, Made-Up Data, Says Japanese Climate Expert

NASA GISS Surface Station Temperature Trends Based On Sheer Guess Work, Made-Up Data, Says Japanese Climate Expert

By Kirye and Pierre Gosselin Whenever NASA GISS announces how recent global temperatures are much hotter than, for example, 100 years ago, just how statistically reliable are such statements? Most will agree, based mainly on sundry observations, that today is indeed warmer than it was when surface temperatures began to be recorded back in 1880. […]

Royal Meteorological Society Confirms Urban Heat Island Effect… "Significantly Increased" Daily Minimum UK Temperature By Up To 1.70 K!

Royal Meteorological Society Confirms Urban Heat Island Effect… “Significantly Increased” Daily Minimum UK Temperature By Up To 1.70 K!

There’s really not any real doubt about it. Cities, with their millions of tonnes of steel, asphalt and concrete act as ideal heat-absorbing sinks which take a long time to cool down at night. Just drive on a hot summer night through the country side and into a city makes that very clear. Yet global […]

Reliable? CRU, NASA, BEST, NOAA Land Temp Data Conflict By Up To 90% (0.8°C), Spawning 'Large Uncertainty'

Reliable? CRU, NASA, BEST, NOAA Land Temp Data Conflict By Up To 90% (0.8°C), Spawning ‘Large Uncertainty’

A new paper documents “remarkably different” land temperatures from one instrumental data set to another. In some regions there is as much as an 0.8°C conflict in recorded temperature anomalies for CRU, NASA, BEST, and NOAA. The relative temperature trend differences can reach 90% when comparing instrumental records. Consequently, the uncertainty in instrumental temperature trends […]

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