By P Gosselin on 31. March 2011
Lubos Motl, I am pleased and honoured to say, has also written a piece of his own about Herr Masterplan Hans Schellnhuber. Boy, I thought I was being tough on the guy, Lubos takes it right to him. I found his post so enjoyable that I had to feature it here. He adds a lot […]
Posted in Abnormal Climate Psych, Hockey Team |
By P Gosselin on 30. March 2011
I get mail, too. Though not very friendly at times. But here’s one from reader Jimbo who delivers quite a neat collection of contradictory reports. No matter if it’s hot-cold, wet-dry, green-brown, windy-calm, bad-nice – its all due to manmade climate change. ===================================================== Hi Pierre Gosselin, The last time you posted the following list on Notrickszone […]
Posted in Hockey Team, We're To Blame |
By P Gosselin on 30. March 2011
Sometimes timing is everything. Yesterday we looked at how a climate scientist is busy making “masterplans” for transforming our society instead of studying the climate.Some people were not happy about my reminder of where this sort of dubious activity can lead. After all, planning societies and claiming absolute truth is not the job of scientists, especially those […]
Posted in Climate Politics, CO2 and GHG |
By P Gosselin on 29. March 2011
We’ve seen that kind of thinking before. Authoritarianism. Forget democracy, human freedom and free markets. These concepts, which have made today’s human prosperity and long lifespans a reality for humans, wherever and whenever they have been given the chance to work, are upsetting a small but very elitist group of individuals who view these concepts as a threat to […]
Posted in Abnormal Climate Psych, Climate Politics, Hockey Team |
By P Gosselin on 28. March 2011
In the wake of the massive earthquake and tsunami that devastated Japan, a tsunami of hysteria has swept the German Green Party to a stunning victory in elections in the state of Baden-Württemberg.The Greens also piled on in the Rhineland Palatinate elections as well. One thing is clear: Angela Merkel’s coalition government with the FDP liberal democrats […]
Posted in Climate Politics |
By P Gosselin on 27. March 2011
Here’s a scary clip produced by some green Marxists at the German Federal Office of the Environment, who seem to have taken it upon themselves to tell the rest of us how to live. If this represents the government’s view and the target it has in mind for its citizens, then it’s awfully spooky. (Clip is in […]
Posted in Climate Politics, We're To Blame |
By P Gosselin on 26. March 2011
The Fukushima nuclear reactor crisis has provided anti-nuclear activists with an assortment of (unsubstantiated) scare stories for turning the tide of public opinion against nuclear energy. So it’s little wonder that few places have been so gripped by hysteria as Germany, home to a large number of eco-stalinists and chronic doomsayers in the media. German […]
Posted in Nuclear energy |
By P Gosselin on 25. March 2011
And attention morons, drones, and other like-minded believers in superstition and ritual behaviour. At 8:30 p.m CET tomorrow evening it is Earth Hour. It’s that time again to participate in yet another useless collective ritual of madness, by switching off the lights along with all the other drones, in a bid to get the climate gods to bestow nice […]
Posted in Abnormal Climate Psych |
By P Gosselin on 25. March 2011
Back in January I wrote about how the Arctic had gained 2000 cubic kilometres in ice volume. This was calculated by comparing the sea ice thickness of January 2008 to that of January 2011, see the following chart. Blue color shows thin ice, while green shows thicker ice. Clearly the Arctic’s ice was much thicker […]
Posted in Arctic |
By P Gosselin on 24. March 2011
Steffen Hentrich of the German liberal institute presents a comparison of the safety of various sources of energy. Much of the media, many politicians and a host of activists have all told us that nuclear energy is too dangerous to be used by man. Is this claim founded on solid data and facts, or is it run-away […]
Posted in Alternative Energy, Nuclear energy |
By P Gosselin on 24. March 2011
Last Saturday polar bear poster child Knut died unexpectedly, much to the horror of viewers and fans internationally. Knut was only 4 years old. Polar bears normally live to be more than 30. Of course, everyone is asking why. What was the cause of death? Media reports say Knut had some sort of brain ailment. Activists are […]
Posted in Hockey Team |
By P Gosselin on 23. March 2011
As usual, there have been more horror reports in the media today about the Fukushima crisis in the German media. German Zettels Raum blog brings us back to reality today. Leading the way with the horror stories was Der Spiegel, which had the headline here at its online site: Increased Radioactivity – Nuclear Power Plant Fukushima completely evacuated”. So […]
Posted in Nuclear energy |
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