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5 New Studies:  High Mountain Asia Glaciers Are Advancing, Surging...And This Is A 'Natural Phenomenon'

5 New Studies: High Mountain Asia Glaciers Are Advancing, Surging…And This Is A ‘Natural Phenomenon’

Glacier surges of 100s of meters within mere months have been occurring throughout High Mountain Asia (the Karakoram region, especially) for decades, even centuries. It’s the Karakoram “anomaly”, and it’s thought to be “natural”. So why are the regions where glaciers are retreating thought to be responding to unnatural climate changes? The advancing glaciers of […]

Warming Stalls As Global Temperatures To Dip, La Nina To Develop. Alaska Sees Little March Warming

Warming Stalls As Global Temperatures To Dip, La Nina To Develop. Alaska Sees Little March Warming

The latest NCEP GFS global temperature anomaly plot shows a sudden cool down is expected for the globe by May 6, with a downward trend since the beginning of the year. Hat-tip: Snowfan. Meanwhile some models are now suggesting La Niña thresholds could be met by September 2020, which would further cool the globe. Alaska […]

Polar Ice Surprises!  Svalbard Well Over Average, Arctic Ice Remains Steady, Antarctic Ice Growing

Polar Ice Surprises! Svalbard Well Over Average, Arctic Ice Remains Steady, Antarctic Ice Growing

Polar ice showing longer term stability. No basis for behind claims of a rapid melt.  By Kirye and Pierre Gosselin We keep hearing how the ice at the poles is supposedly disappearing rapidly, yet a look at the latest data show this is not the case. Polar ice has remained steady for the last decades. […]

New Northern Hemisphere Temperature Reconstructions Are Devoid Of Michael Mann-Like Hockey Sticks

New Northern Hemisphere Temperature Reconstructions Are Devoid Of Michael Mann-Like Hockey Sticks

New paleoclimate records from Europe, Scandinavia-Russia, China, and the northeastern USA indicate there has been no unusual modern warming. Instead, these newly published reconstructions show warmer periods and more rapid centennial-scale warming events occurred in past centuries, or when CO2 concentrations were much lower than they are now. United States In the late 1990s Dr. […]

New Video By German Geologist Casts Doubt Over Exclusively Man-Made Global Warming

New Video By German Geologist Casts Doubt Over Exclusively Man-Made Global Warming

Geologist Dr. Sebastian Lüning just released a video that challenges the  claim that today’s warming is unusual and caused mostly by human activities. While the video’s main focus is on Germany, it presents several key points that tell us why natural factors are just as much at play, if not more. Sea surface temperature fluctuations […]

Communism Extra Stout! Moore, Gibbs Propose Killing Unborn, Revocation Of Property Rights To Save Planet

Although the newly released Planet of the Humans documentary takes a critical look at green energies, it creators take an even harsher view of western democracy and its free market system. On Earth Day (April 22nd) film producer Michael Moore held a livestream podcast with director Jeff Gibbs and Ozzie Zehner, where they discuss their […]

German Review Of Moore Film: “About Selling Out Green Ideas”…Sustainability – In The Cayman Islands”

“Whenever I came across green energy, it wasn’t green energy” By Die kalte Sonne (Text translated by P. Gosselin) American documentary filmmaker Michael Moore presents on YouTube a film that critically examines renewable energies in the USA. All the more astonishing is his relentless portrayal of the situation in the USA regarding these energies. The […]

Are Droughts The Future Of Central Europe? German Data Show There's Been No Trend

Are Droughts The Future Of Central Europe? German Data Show There’s Been No Trend

By Kirye and Pierre Gosselin The summer of 2017 in Europe was a wet one, yet everyone seems to have forgotten that. Then came two hot and dry summers across Europe (2018 and 2019) and already climate alarmists began to call it the new normal. Hot dry summers with intense drought were in store for […]

Michael Moore Film May Splinter Green Movement, Calls Green Energies “A Delusion”, Billionaire Bonanza

In short, everything we’ve been told about green energies is a lie. And a select few swindlers out there are making a financial killing while the environment gets devoured by “green” technologies. The newly released Planet of the Humans film is an as damning documentary as you’ll ever see – produced by leftist Michael Moore. […]

Christiana Figueres: Course Set In The 2015 Paris Agreement Is "In Serious Danger"

Christiana Figueres: Course Set In The 2015 Paris Agreement Is “In Serious Danger”

Setback: In a recent interview with the German Klimareporter here, former UN climate chief Christiana Figueres said that a global energy system transformation “can be a joint solution to the current crises” and that she was “very disappointed” by the cancellation of the 50th Earth Day anniversary event in Washington.  Image: Profile photo Christiana Figueres, […]

New Studies Show Cloud Cover Changes Have Driven Greenland Warming And Ice Melt Trends Since The 1990s

New Studies Show Cloud Cover Changes Have Driven Greenland Warming And Ice Melt Trends Since The 1990s

Scientists now acknowledge cloud cover changes “control the Earth’s hydrological cycle”, “regulate the Earth’s climate”, and “dominate the melt signal” for the Greenland ice sheet via modulation of absorbed shortwave radiation.  CO2 goes unmentioned as a contributing factor. Image Source: Hahn et al., 2020 Climate modeling of factors influencing Greenland warming, surface melt have been […]

Lock Down Exposes Diesel Ban Folly As Air Quality Fails To Improve …Other Factors In Play

Cars are not as dirty as claimed. Once again we find in Germany another article reporting how pollution from diesel cars has been massively over-hyped. Despite a massive reduction in car traffic due to the COVID-19 lock down, nitrogen oxide levels still remain high, reports German weekly FOCUS here. The air is no cleaner than […]

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