Wind Power

People Living Near Wind Turbines Vacate Their Homes Due To Harm To Pets, Livestock, Water Supply

People Living Near Wind Turbines Vacate Their Homes Due To Harm To Pets, Livestock, Water Supply

A new study documents the detrimental effects linked to living in close proximity to wind turbines. Living within 10 km of a wind turbine may be associated with serious consequences to the health and safety of people and animals. Examples include: • limb deformities in horses • birth defects (born with missing eyes and tails) […]

75% Of German Wind Turbines Kill 70 Bats Each In 2 Months. There Are 30,000 Wind Turbines In Germany.

75% Of German Wind Turbines Kill 70 Bats Each In 2 Months. There Are 30,000 Wind Turbines In Germany.

In ‘a call against ignorance and neglect’, researchers expose the massacre of bat populations inflicted by wind turbines in Germany. Per a new study, there were 209 bats slaughtered in a span of 2 months at 3 studied wind turbine sites in Germany. This amounts to about “70 casualties per turbine.” (These turbine fatality rates […]

Germany's Running Out Of Energy: Wind Turbine Construction Stalls, Firewood Becoming Scarce!

Germany’s Running Out Of Energy: Wind Turbine Construction Stalls, Firewood Becoming Scarce!

Wind energy installation stalls, firewood becomes scarce as Germany shuts down its coal and nuclear power, sees gas stockpiles dwindle away.  Firewood is getting scarce in Germany as heating prices skyrocket. Photo: P. Gosselin As natural gas and oil for heating skyrockets, many Germans are now turning to firewood as a way to keep warm […]

New Study: Wind, Solar Energy Now Killing 48% Of Priority Bird Species With 'Population-Level Effects'

New Study: Wind, Solar Energy Now Killing 48% Of Priority Bird Species With ‘Population-Level Effects’

Of California’s 23 vulnerable bird species studied (barn owls, golden eagles, road runners, yellow-billed cuckoos…), scientists have found 11 are now experiencing at least a 20% decline in their population growth rates because wind turbines and solar panels are killing them and/or destroying their limited-range habitat. California’s mild-winter Mediterranean climate is home to some of […]

Green Fuel Folly: Forest Thinning (For Wood Pellet Production) Has A Profound Surface Warming Impact

Green Fuel Folly: Forest Thinning (For Wood Pellet Production) Has A Profound Surface Warming Impact

4 recent studies tell us that forest thinning for the production of wood pellets and clear cutting for wind parks are really dumb ideas.  Reforestation and afforestation (R&A) are among the most prominent ideas for the sequestration of CO2 and thus viewed by alarmists as a climate solution. But others doubt forests play much of […]

Messing With The Environment “To Fight Climate Change”… Wind Farms Are Altering The North Sea

Before their approval, largescale projects in Germany – almost without exception – have to be studied to determine their impacts on the surrounding environment. This step seems to be ignored for North Sea wind farms. Hat-tip: Die kalte Sonne. Wind farms are altering the North Sea Atmospheric wakes extending from the bottom to the top […]

New Study: Adding Wind Farms Leads To 1°C Per Decade Nighttime Land Surface Temperature Warming

New Study: Adding Wind Farms Leads To 1°C Per Decade Nighttime Land Surface Temperature Warming

Wind turbines do not reduce surface warming. They enhance it. Wind power  expansion is thought to be “green,” reducing CO2 emissions and consequent surface warming. But a new study (Qin et al., 2022) affirms the warming “saved” by emissions mitigation is easily exceeded by the direct surface warming from turbine-atmosphere interactions. In assessing of the […]

For 40% Of The EU And US To Drive EVs, 56,000-70,000 Km² Of Land Must Be Cleared For Wind Turbines

For 40% Of The EU And US To Drive EVs, 56,000-70,000 Km² Of Land Must Be Cleared For Wind Turbines

A new study warns that “a massive expansion of impervious surfaces” is an inevitable consequence of having electric vehicles reach a 40% share of citizens’ driving needs.  A land area the size of Croatia (in the European Union) or West Virginia (in the United States) must be completely covered with wind turbines to meet EV-charging […]

Professor: Natural Gas Could Supply 600 Million Africans With Electricity...So Europe, USA Ban Its Use

Professor: Natural Gas Could Supply 600 Million Africans With Electricity…So Europe, USA Ban Its Use

By ending funding for energy infrastructure projects that rely on natural gas, Europe and the United States have executed a “blanket ban” on supplying inexpensive and reliable energy to people living in poor countries. As Dr. Ramachandran details in Nature, a de facto natural gas ban effectively does nothing to propel growth in intermittently-available wind […]

Devastating Drone Images Expose The Uselessness Of Wind Energy In Cold Weather

Devastating Drone Images Expose The Uselessness Of Wind Energy In Cold Weather

A new study affirms 0.3 m (12 inches) of ice buildup along the tip of a wind turbine’s 50-meters-long blades during a typical ice storm dramatically reduces the blades’ capacity to rotate – even in very windy conditions. The averaged power production loss induced by this ice accretion reaches up to 80%. Image Source: […]

Over 400 Scientific Papers Published In 2020 Support A Skeptical Position On Climate Alarm

Over 400 Scientific Papers Published In 2020 Support A Skeptical Position On Climate Alarm

In 2020, more than 400 scientific papers were published that cast doubt on the position that anthropogenic CO2 emissions function as the climate’s fundamental control knob…or that otherwise serve to question the efficacy of climate models or the related “consensus” positions commonly endorsed by policymakers and mainstream media sources. Over 400 scientific papers published in […]

'Green' Carnage Study: In 2019 US Wind Turbines Killed 3.7 Million Bats - And This Is A Gross Underestimate

‘Green’ Carnage Study: In 2019 US Wind Turbines Killed 3.7 Million Bats – And This Is A Gross Underestimate

Due to the expansion of wind energy projects in the United States in the last decade, a conservative estimate for yearly bat fatalities from wind turbines ranges between 1.7 to 3.7 million. A new study suggests death numbers may be 4 to 7 times higher due to carcass search deficiencies. It is estimated that North […]

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