Germany’s Running Out Of Energy: Wind Turbine Construction Stalls, Firewood Becoming Scarce!

Wind energy installation stalls, firewood becomes scarce as Germany shuts down its coal and nuclear power, sees gas stockpiles dwindle away. 

Firewood is getting scarce in Germany as heating prices skyrocket. Photo: P. Gosselin

As natural gas and oil for heating skyrockets, many Germans are now turning to firewood as a way to keep warm this coming winter. But now firewood is getting rare too, and prices are skyrocketing. The German online Merkur reports of “exploding demand”.

According to firewood dealer Konrad Kötterl. “Some people are panicking about not being able to get any more wood.” As a result, they’re stockpiling. Normally, he has three to four orders a day in the summer. “Right now, it’s 20 to 30.”

Personally, I called a local firewood dealer earlier in the week. They told me they have none left and that they could put me down on a waiting list.

Wind turbine woes

Meanwhile, Die kalte Sonne here reports on how wind energy installation is moving along only at a snail’s pace, and so will never be able to rescue Germany from its accelerating energy demise:

“Germany’s government expansion of wind energy is making only snail-like progress the German Tagesschau reports, but forgets to clarify that the 57,000 megawatts are rated nominal capacity. While this could theoretically be achieved, in practice it almost never is.

In the first half of 2022, 238 new wind turbines were installed with a combined capacity of 977 megawatts. This means that the speed of wind power expansion is similar to the same period last year – it has even decreased slightly, explained the German Wind Energy Association (BWE) and the VDMA machine and plant building association.

Since old turbines were also decommissioned, the so-called net addition in the first half of the year was 878 megawatts, which is slightly more than in the previous year’s comparison. According to the report, at the end of the first half of the year, there were 28,000 wind turbines in Germany with a total capacity of just under 57,000 megawatts.’

What is astonishing in the report are the figures on employees in the industry. Currently there are 100,000, but there had once been 40,000 – 50,000 more. That’s not really much when measured against a total of more than 40 million jobs subject to social security contributions. Renewable energies are often portrayed as a job miracle machine, but the potential is limited and modest, especially compared to other industries.”

The energy situation in Germany has deteriorated so much that Swiss publicist Roland Tichy asks: “Are we on the path back to the Stone Age?”

Well, at least Stone Age people had enough firewood.

18 responses to “Germany’s Running Out Of Energy: Wind Turbine Construction Stalls, Firewood Becoming Scarce!”

  1. Richard Greene

    Meanwhile, Germany can get all the natural gas they can afford to buy from Gazprom if they simply pay in Rubles. Currently, Euros are like Monopoly money to Gazprom due to harsh banking sanctions on Russia. Germany refuses to pay in Rubles.
    Whose fault is that?

  2. Richard Cook

    Germanys best bet is nuclear but they wont do that. Getting gas from Gazprom enables Russia to exert alot of leverage in German politics. What about buying from the U.S.?

    1. amike

      “Germanys best bet is nuclear …”
      No, it was the plentiful, cheap, available Russian gas. The petrochemical industry needs gas. How to do chemistry with nuclear?

  3. Graeme No.3

    The answer to the failure of wind turbines to deliver enough electricity is MORE Turbines say the Greenies.

    Actually chopping down all those old forests to install turbines would result in a ONCE IN A LIFETIME supply of lots of wood. Quite how you burn green wood without pollution is one of life’s mysteries like why do Greenies keep trying the same old failed idea again and again?

  4. John Hultquist

    Newly cut trees have a great deal of H2O in them. Burning such wood is inefficient because much of the energy goes to driving the moisture off and up the flue. The type of tree will influence drying time, but the common suggestion is to let it dry until about 11% moisture. A meter to measure this is inexpensive and easy to use. Mine came from Germany. Two years is usually required. If too dry, it might burn faster and might be mixed with less dry wood. All wood users should learn about the types of Creosote and what to do about the buildup thereof.
    A modern wood stove with a catalytic burner (converter) is efficient and relatively clean burning.
    An open fireplace is a poor choice; to be avoided.
    I have trees, chainsaw, and a splitting mall. I get warm by the harvest of and carrying the wood, and again when it burns.
    Buying wood might not save money but it will keep the house warm.

    Good luck, over there.

  5. Germany’s Running Out Of Energy: Wind Turbine Construction Stalls, Firewood Becoming Scarce! – Watts Up With That?

    […] From the NoTricksZone […]

  6. Wind Turbine Construction Stalls, Firewood Becoming Scarce! – Watts Up With That? - Lead Right News

    […] From the NoTricksZone […]

  7. Wind Turbine Construction Stalls, Firewood Becoming Scarce! – Watts Up With That? – Adfero News

    […] From the NoTricksZone […]

  8. Wind Turbine Construction Stalls, Firewood Becoming Scarce! – Watts Up With That? – Jigaming News

    […] From the NoTricksZone […]

  9. Wind Turbine Construction Stalls, Firewood Becoming Scarce! – Watts Up With That? -

    […] From the NoTricksZone […]

  10. “Easily Solvable” – Newsfeed Hasslefree Allsort

    […] Germany’s Running Out Of Energy: Wind Turbine Construction Stalls, Firewood Becoming Scarce! […]

  11. Wind turbine construction stalls, firewood is increasingly scarce! - Is it good? - News7g

    […] From NoTricksZone […]

  12. Germany’s Running Out Of Energy: Wind Turbine Construction Stalls, Firewood Becoming Scarce! | ajmarciniak

    […] From the NoTricksZone […]

  13. posa

    “Are we on the path back to the Stone Age?”

    Well, yeah, a New Dark ages has always been the goal of hard-core Eco-Fascists and their Oligarchic rulers… it’s all about mass de-population and deindustrialization… in Holland farming is outlawed! What more do you need to see?

    But hey, for 90% of Germans this is what the masses vote for and swear allegiance to… Sympathy? I think not

    1. Jeff

      Where do you get your 90 percent? The same place John Cook (s the Books) gets his 97 percent?

      The greens only got 16 percent of the vote.

      SIXTEEN PERCENT. Not exactly a “sweet” majority or even close…

      SPD got 28%, CDU/CSU 27%, meaning that either of them got almost twice as much.

      The Greens’ 16% tail wagging the 84% dog shows some skulduggery is afoot. But the people here DID NOT vote for this madness. More than likely Soros or Schwab have their paws in the pie, as it were…

      1. posa

        The only party in Germany that’s not Green ti the core if AfD… which regularly draws about 10% of the vote…

      2. posa

        Sorry. Some typos
        The only party in Germany that’s not Green to the core is AfD… which regularly draws about 10% of the vote…

  14. Germany plans to be wood fired nation (for homes) but has run out already. EU says plan which industries to close first - Climate-

    […] Germany’s Running Out Of Energy: Wind Turbine Construction Stalls, Firewood Becoming Scarce! […]

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