By P Gosselin on 31. July 2020
By Die kalte Sonne (Translated/edited by P. Gosselin) In a guest article in the German DIE ZEIT, Rainer Moormann and Anna Veronika Wendland recently mentioned the subject of the nuclear phase-out. There is a replica of it at, written by Nicole Weinhold. In it the author puts forward the idea that a simultaneous phase-out […]
Posted in Alternative Energy |
By Kenneth Richard on 30. July 2020
The magnitude of claimed global warming since the mid-1800s has tripled from 0.56°C to 1.72°C in the last few years. As recently as 1994, the IPCC claimed global surface temperatures had risen “0.3 to 0.6°C” (0.45°C) since 1861. By 2001, it was changed to 0.61°C warming from 1861 to 2000 (IPCC TAR 2001). Image Source: […]
Posted in Cloud Climate Influence, Data Manipulation, Solar Sciences |
By P Gosselin on 29. July 2020
German climatologist Professor Dr. Horst-Joachim Lüdecke recently took data from two independent studies and superimposed them. The result shows the long claimed atmospheric CO2-global temperature correlation doesn’t exist. The first data set was global temperature anomaly going back 600 million years, taken from the results of a paper by Came and Veizer, appearing in Nature […]
Posted in CO2 and GHG, Paleo-climatology |
By P Gosselin on 28. July 2020
The ugly face of environmentalism exposed… “Nature conservation is the new colonialism,” Kenyan ecologist Mordecai Ogada told German magazine GEO. A Kenyan biologist thinks white Europeans and Americans are using “nature conservation” for “self promotion” and have created nothing but failure in Africa. He accuses NGOs and nature conservation organizations of creating a “permanent crisis” […]
Posted in Activism |
By Kenneth Richard on 27. July 2020
Using biomarker evidence (for example, the Early Holocene presence of sea creatures unable to survive below fixed warmth thresholds) and glacier melt extent measurements (for example, sea shells buried 6 km inside a glacier), scientists have been colloborating on a growing consensus that much of Arctic Svalbard was about 7°C warmer than today during the […]
Posted in Arctic, Glaciers, Paleo-climatology |
By P Gosselin on 26. July 2020
By Die kalte Sonne (German text translated by P. Gosselin) The Federal Ministry of Transport is looking at the temperature of the North German seas. Is that really the right Ministry for this? And why has the Green Party’s Steffi Lemke put forth this question? Before we take a closer look, let’s first clarify the […]
Posted in Activism, Oceans |
By P Gosselin on 25. July 2020
Image: NASA (public domain) By Die kalte Sonne Do you remember the wild story that cold winters in Central Europe are supposedly a consequence of the Arctic turbo-heating? A great sideshow hypothesis in those years when winters were suddenly colder than expected. A study by Dai & Song 2020 has now brought the idea back to […]
Posted in Arctic, Models, Sea Ice, Stupid Predictions |
By P Gosselin on 24. July 2020
By Kirye and Pierre Gosselin COVID 19 deaths in Japan diverts attention from growing number of suicides It’s a long known but also a tragically long ignored problem in Japan: suicide. With all the focus on COVID-19 nowadays, other more pressing problems often fall off the radar and get ignored. One problem in Japan is […]
Posted in Activism, Alarmism |
By Kenneth Richard on 23. July 2020
It is claimed Earth’s surface has warmed by 1°C in the last 140 years – which is a supposedly rapid climate change. But a new study suggests the Northern Hemisphere surface naturally cooled by 1°C in 8 or 9 years, then warmed up again by 1°C within decades during the Late Antique Little Ice Age. […]
Posted in Cooling/Temperature, Natural Variability, Paleo-climatology |
By P Gosselin on 22. July 2020
German expert scientists, geologist Dr. Sebastian Lüning and chemist Prof. Fritz Vahrenholt, need funding to get out climate realist message, which the well-funded activists don’t want you to hear. ========================== German climate video site: asking for donations By Kalte Sonne German text translated/edited by P. Gosselin) Dear readers, On television and on YouTube, climate warnings […]
Posted in Scepticism |
By Kenneth Richard on 20. July 2020
A new study finds China’s 2016 “cold wave” – a sudden 6°C temperature plunge below the average, sustained over several days – resulted in a dramatic increase in cold-related deaths for a period of 5 weeks. Since the 1980s, there have been 20 times more deaths attributable to cold weather than to hot weather (Gaspirrini […]
Posted in Cooling/Temperature, Weather |
By P Gosselin on 19. July 2020
Germany has been seeing the opposite of the hotly projected “another record hot” summer the media blared on about earlier in May. Instead it’s been pretty cool this month. Looking at the maximum temperatures reached so far this month at major northern Germany cities, today is the first for many to see readings finally hit […]
Posted in Cooling/Temperature, Weather |
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