Natural Oceanic Oscillations

New Study: Sea Levels Around Japan Are 'Not Rising, Nor Accelerating' Since The 1800s

New Study: Sea Levels Around Japan Are ‘Not Rising, Nor Accelerating’ Since The 1800s

In a region of the world where tide gauges are not compromised by land subsidence or uplift, sea levels have not been observed to be rising since measurements began in 1894. According to a new study, when sea levels rise it usually has more to do with declining land movement (subsidence) or 20- to 60-year […]

The Recent Decades Of Cloud Cover Decline May Be A Continuation Of A Trend That Began In 1818

The Recent Decades Of Cloud Cover Decline May Be A Continuation Of A Trend That Began In 1818

Per a new study, the last 200 years of global warming are associated with cloud cover decline, and this decreasing cloud albedo can be linked to “the dominant roles of external forces – volcanic, solar, and oceanic – in their mutual influence after the LIA [Little Ice Age].” Scientists have repeatedly reported a satellite-observed (CERES) […]

Scientists: Nearly 4 Decades Of Climate Model Failure Undermines Confidence In Future Predictions

Scientists: Nearly 4 Decades Of Climate Model Failure Undermines Confidence In Future Predictions

IPCC models rooted in assumptions that we humans can and do control the Atlantic Ocean’s circulation with our daily-activity CO2 emissions have been wrong since the mid-1980s. Why should we still believe in them? The latest IPCC report continues to say it is “very likely” the Atlantic Meridional Ocean Circulation (AMOC), a fundamental climate parameter, […]

New Study: 'Atmospheric CO2 Is Not The Cause Of Climate Change' ... The Next Glaciation Has Begun

New Study: ‘Atmospheric CO2 Is Not The Cause Of Climate Change’ … The Next Glaciation Has Begun

CO2 “only affects a small range of long-wave re-radiation from the surface of the Earth,” and there “seems to be no connection between carbon dioxide and the temperature of the Earth.” − Harris, 2023 New research published in the MDPI journal atmosphere by Dr. Stuart A. Harris asserts past and modern climate changes are natural […]

Are ENSO Regime Changes Connected To Major Climate Shifts? Are We Tipping To Cooling?

Are ENSO Regime Changes Connected To Major Climate Shifts? Are We Tipping To Cooling?

By Gabriel Oxenstierna We’ve had a La Niña for nearly three years. But now it has officially ended, and ENSO has moved into its neutral phase, the “La Nada”.[1] The La Niña event lasted three winters in a row, something that has only occurred twice before in modern times: 1973–1976 and 1998–2001. Both of these […]

Australia Sees Coldest And Wettest Spring In Decades Amid Third La Niña In A Row

Australia Sees Coldest And Wettest Spring In Decades Amid Third La Niña In A Row

By Die kalte Sonne. (Translated/edited by P. Gosselin) 2007 La Nina. Symbol image, from NASA.  When it comes to German TV meteorologists, warm and dry weather is no longer good weather, but bad weather. At least that’s what often we read. Australia has at present very beautiful weather by this logic. ABC reports about an […]

Nature Geoscience: "Eastern Antarctic Peninsula Ice Sheet HAS GROWN Over Last 20 Years"

Nature Geoscience: “Eastern Antarctic Peninsula Ice Sheet HAS GROWN Over Last 20 Years”

The German Klimaschau here presents a new video, this one featuring a new study on the Antarctic Ice Shelf published in Nature Geoscience: Ice sheet “has grown” According to a University of Cambridge press release dated May 13, 2022, “The eastern Antarctic Peninsula Ice Sheet has grown in area over the last 20 years, due […]

Natural Oceanic Cycles Behind Heavy East Australia Rains, New Study Finds

East Australia got hit by lots of rain in February earlier this year, and the media of course blamed it all on manmade climate change. Now a new study by Holgate et al (2022) titled “The Impact of Interacting Climate Modes on East Australian Precipitation Moisture Sources” shows East Australia’s rains are directly tied to […]

It's Official: The South China Sea Has Not Warmed In The Last 40 Years

It’s Official: The South China Sea Has Not Warmed In The Last 40 Years

Yet another new study documents the lack of regional cooperation with the “global” warming narrative. Since 1979 there has been no net warming in the South China Sea and no evidence of a hiatus or “growth discontinuity” in this region’s coral development (Tan et al., 2022). Natural ENSO variation leads changes in the sea surface […]

Models, Climate Scientists Wrong Again...New Study Finds Jet Stream Strengthening, Not Weakening

Models, Climate Scientists Wrong Again…New Study Finds Jet Stream Strengthening, Not Weakening

Alarmist climate research centers like the Potsdam Institute and the unquestioning media have been claiming for years that the Jet Stream is weakening, hence this would lead to greater weather extremes across the northern hemisphere due to blocking. Responsible for this of course is man-made global warming. Hat-tip: The Klimaschau But a recent paper by […]

Scientists Link 1950s-Present Climate Change In Europe To Sunshine Duration, 'Natural Factors'

Scientists Link 1950s-Present Climate Change In Europe To Sunshine Duration, ‘Natural Factors’

There has been a “strong upward trend” in solar radiation over the European continent since the 1980s driven by natural ocean circulation factors responsible for “triggering and controlling the entire chain of events in climate processes.” A new study references Dr. Michael Mann’s claim that “changes in SST and heat resources in the waters of […]

3 New Studies Show Atlantic Tipping Point Unrealistic…”Muted Response”…”Changes To Be Viewed With Caution”

Yet another 3 recent journal publications show there’s no Atlantic tipping point taking place.  Two days ago we reported on the most recent video by the German Klimaschau here, which reported there are a number of new published papers showing that the AMOC is not weakening, thus contradicting what some climate alarmists claim. These alarmists […]

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