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Energy Shortages Continue Powering Inflation In Europe...Reaching "Record 8.9 Percent"!

Energy Shortages Continue Powering Inflation In Europe…Reaching “Record 8.9 Percent”!

Zurich’s online NZZ daily warns that come autumn, inflation in Germany could reach “double-digit figures for the first time since 1951”. The inflation rate in Germany in August rose to 7.9 percent, up from 7.5% a month earlier. Chart source: Statista. “At such a rate, the purchasing power of money melts like snow in the […]

The 2022 Climate Surprises No One Is Talking About: Arctic Sea Ice, Hurricanes And German Sunshine

The 2022 Climate Surprises No One Is Talking About: Arctic Sea Ice, Hurricanes And German Sunshine

Relatively much Arctic sea ice and so far missing hurricanes By Stefan Kämpfe (EIKE) This summer, the ice melt in the Arctic was remarkably slow, even though the catastrophists had threatened us with the imminent death spiral of the Arctic sea ice. Figure 6: Area surface covered by ice (Arctic) from May to August 27, […]

Arctic-Wide Glaciers And Ice Caps Were Absent Or Smaller Than Today From 10,000 To 3000 Years Ago

Arctic-Wide Glaciers And Ice Caps Were Absent Or Smaller Than Today From 10,000 To 3000 Years Ago

A new study details how a much warmer climate than today led to the disappearance of glaciers and ice caps during the sub-300 ppm CO2 Early to Middle Holocene. The Arctic’s modern ice extent is among the largest of the last 10,000 years. Glaciologists Larocca and Axford (2022) have synthesized a comprehensive record of Arctic-wide […]

Germany's DWD Weather Service Redefines "Heat Wave": Now 3 Consecutive Days Of Warm Weather!

Germany’s DWD Weather Service Redefines “Heat Wave”: Now 3 Consecutive Days Of Warm Weather!

Like the WHO changed the definition of a “pandemic”, the DWD has changed the definition of a “heat wave”…all to falsely generate the sense of a crisis?  Repeat a lie often enough, and in no time the masses start believing it’s true. Probably few institutions know this better than Germany’s DWD national weather service. In […]

German Experts Warn Of Grid Instability…”Conventional Power Plants Needed For A Long Time To Come”

Germany’s massive, subsidized expansion of electricity generation from renewable sources has squeezed out conventional generation units out of the market. Two experts warn of growing grid instability. Quo Vadis, Grid Stability? Original article at Die kalte Sonne The conclusion of the two is very alarming. Here, too, not a word about “storage facilities galore. Here, […]

Northern Europe Mid Summer Hasn't Warmed In 25 Years....Late Summer Arctic Ice Near 15-Year High!

Northern Europe Mid Summer Hasn’t Warmed In 25 Years….Late Summer Arctic Ice Near 15-Year High!

Charts by Kirye This summer it’s been warm and awfully dry across mush of Europe. But in terms of global warming and the so-called Arctic tipping point, i.e. a point where the Arctic sea ice melts and theoretically sets off an unstoppable chain of catastrophic events – we look at the midsummer trends of Scandinavia […]

Scientists: Only 10% Of The 1984-2017 Greenhouse Gas (Longwave) Forcing Was From CO2

Scientists: Only 10% Of The 1984-2017 Greenhouse Gas (Longwave) Forcing Was From CO2

A late 2021 study finds water vapor and temperature changes accounted for 90% of the changes in clear-sky downwelling longwave or greenhouse effect forcing since the mid-1980s. CO2 forcing assumed a mere bit-player role. The seminal Feldman et al. (2015) study concluded it takes 10 years and a 22 ppm increase in CO2 to account […]

Nothing Alarming: Europe Data Show No Upward Trend In Droughts And Forest Fires

German online NOVO-Argumente looks at the forest fire situation in Germany and Europe. Currently parts of Europe are experiencing severe drought conditions and forest fires are raging in Germany. Climate activists and the mainstream are claiming it’s climate change, and it’s unprecedented. But NOVO-Argumente looks at the historical data going back decades and finds nothing […]

Germany Plans “Climate Lockdown”…Forbidden To Leave Doors Open…Washcloths Instead Of Showers!

The future in Germany is lockdown after lockdown. After the COVID lockdown, Germany now moving to impose a climate lockdown, says German Editor in Chief. Germany’s Bild TV YouTube site here looks at the latest Socialist-Green government’s initiatives to combat the country’s deepening energy crisis. The latest initiatives have been drawn up by Economics Minister […]

New Study: A Post-2000 Increase In Absorbed Solar Energy 'By Far The Largest Contribution' To Warming

New Study: A Post-2000 Increase In Absorbed Solar Energy ‘By Far The Largest Contribution’ To Warming

Scientists have once again affirmed the 2000-2020 total greenhouse effect (longwave) forcing has been declining in recent decades just as absorbed solar radiation has been increasing due to cloud albedo modulation. The latter explains the net positive Earth Energy Imbalance (EEI) and consequent global warming during this period. Recently we detailed the satellite-observed decline in […]

"Electricity Crisis": German Wholesale Prices "Virtually Exploding"...2,347% Rise Over Single Year!

“Electricity Crisis”: German Wholesale Prices “Virtually Exploding”…2,347% Rise Over Single Year!

Here’s more on the Great Energy Debacle, which is brought to you by the green energy masterminds who followed “the science”. Europeans, especially Germans, are already fearing massive natural gas supply shortages this coming winter, but experts are warning an electricity crisis could hit first. The “Handelsblatt”, Germany’s business and finance daily, reports on the […]

German Electricity Prices Spiraling Out Of Control...Tripling Since 2000... Blackouts, Unrest Loom

German Electricity Prices Spiraling Out Of Control…Tripling Since 2000… Blackouts, Unrest Loom

German electricity prices surge out of control, social instability threatens….German Chancellor assures police won’t open fire on demonstrators.  Sun and wind don’t send any electric bills, the green energy swindlers used to tell us. Changing over to sun and wind energy would cost only one euro a month more, Germany’s former Environment Minister Jürgen Trittin […]

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