Charts by Kirye
This summer it’s been warm and awfully dry across mush of Europe. But in terms of global warming and the so-called Arctic tipping point, i.e. a point where the Arctic sea ice melts and theoretically sets off an unstoppable chain of catastrophic events – we look at the midsummer trends of Scandinavia and Finland, and then the Arctic.
As you’ll see, there’s been signs of an Arctic tipping point over the past 15 years.
The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) has the latest mean temperature data for July and today we plot the July data from Sweden and Finland for the stations for which the JMA has sufficient data.
We begin with Finland:
Data source: JMA
In Finland, three of the six stations have shown no warming and three of the six stations just modest warming since 1997. Overall there’s no sign of a midsummer temperature trend happening in Finland.
In Sweden, home of climate activist Greta Thunberg, the story is the same.
Data source: JMA
Four of Sweden’s 6 plotted stations show cooling while only 2 show some warming. There’s nothing alarming going on and so we have to wonder what Greta his having nervous break about.
Arctic sea ice for August 25 near 15-year high
The Scandinavian midsummer hasn’t been warming in a quarter century, but what about the Arctic sea ice?
Recall that Al Gore said 15 years ago that sea ice there would disappear in the summer by 2014 or so. Here’s the current Arctic sea ice extent, from the National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC):
Source: NSIDC.
As of yesterday, August 25th, the sea ice extent in the Arctic was right near a 15 year high for August 25th!
No wonder the alarmists want to shut us up. Facts are just so embarrassing to them.
A similar chart of sea ice is here:
The lowest extent is still about 3 weeks away.
At the NSIDC site, the right-hand column has pastel squares (years).
Click on these to see the line for that year.
Ten years ago, the “climate cult” was positive Arctic Sea Ice was headed to Zero area.** When it became clear that wasn’t happening the German Professor Peter Wadhams changed the definition to 1 M sq. km. (1 Wadham).
Misleading data on hard to read charts.
The warming of the Northern half of the Northern hemisphere was mainly in the six coldest months of the year, and mainly at night (TMIN).
The first two charts were chosen specifically to avoid showing those months, and they show TMAX rather than TMIN, to obscure the actual warming trend 1970s.
This is biased reporting, unbecoming for a website with “No Tricks Zone ” in its name. This must be described as “TRICKY REPORTING”
Go to the source. It shows the same thing. Not sure what you are getting at.
“The warming of the Northern half of the Northern hemisphere was mainly in the six coldest months of the year, and mainly at night (TMIN).” Yes, the warming is mainly winter and at night. Hot summer weather is not increasing. That’s a very important point for those who keep saying things like “hothouse earth” and “extreme heat” and “heat waves”, etc. The reality is that the world has just gotten a little milder, less extreme, less cold, not hotter.
Difficult for him to see the forest is, what with all those trees in the way.
His misleading angry words in difficult to stomach posts are more a distracting nuisance than insightful contribution. I’ve stopped reading most of what he writes, and wouldn’t have read that one if you hadn’t commented on it. Nice job clarifying for him what he’s missing.
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[…] Northern Europe Mid Summer Hasn’t Warmed In 25 Years….Late Summer Arctic Ice Near 15-Year High! […]