Sea Ice

Polar Opposite: Polar Bears Require Thin Ice Or Open Water To Survive

Polar Opposite: Polar Bears Require Thin Ice Or Open Water To Survive

Abundant polar bear remains dating to 8000 to 9000 years ago have been found on Zhokhov Island, which is today surrounded by year-round sea ice (even in summer). This Arctic latitude (76°N) is too cold and thus too ice-covered for polar bears to inhabit today. During the Early Holocene CO2 concentrations ranged between 255 to […]

Since 2000 The Arctic's Hudson Bay Has Cooled -0.35°C With 10 Of 15 Sites Gaining Sea Ice

Since 2000 The Arctic’s Hudson Bay Has Cooled -0.35°C With 10 Of 15 Sites Gaining Sea Ice

A new study (Gupta et al., 2022) indicates that from 2000-2019 73% of the 15 sites considered have been cooling and 67% have experienced a lengthening of sea ice duration. Canada’s Hudson Bay extends into the Arctic Ocean and its coasts are teeming with polar bears. Scientists report 11 of 15 Hudson Bay sites have […]

Recent Greenland Cooling And Only 'Limited Retreat' Of Glaciers Since The Little Ice Age

Recent Greenland Cooling And Only ‘Limited Retreat’ Of Glaciers Since The Little Ice Age

More evidence surfaces showing Greenland isn’t cooperating with the global warming narrative. The notorious “Climategate” e-mail exchanges between activist scientists like Drs. Phil Jones and Tom Wigley revealed how grave a concern it was in 2004 that “GREENLAND HAS BEEN COOLING SIGNIFICANTLY” since the 1950s. “…a warming trend occurred in the Nuuk fjord during the […]

New Study: The 2016-2020 Antarctic Sea Ice Decline May Be Traced To Natural Processes

New Study: The 2016-2020 Antarctic Sea Ice Decline May Be Traced To Natural Processes

Defying climate models, the sea ice surrounding Antarctica steadily increased during the 37 years from 1979-2015. Even after many decades of studying climate processes and a supposed “consensus” that hemispheric-scale sea ice should decline in a rising CO2 concentration world, climate models cannot simulate the causative mechanisms for sea ice variability. “Over recent decades Antarctic […]

Hundreds More Papers Published In 2021 Support A Skeptical Position On Climate Alarm

In 2021, several hundred more scientific papers were published that cast doubt on the position that anthropogenic CO2 emissions function as the climate’s fundamental control knob…or that otherwise serve to question the efficacy of climate models or the related “consensus” positions commonly endorsed by policymakers and mainstream media sources. These scientific papers affirm the position […]

New Study: Northern North Atlantic Sea Ice Cover No Less In 2000 CE Than In 1600s - 1800s CE

New Study: Northern North Atlantic Sea Ice Cover No Less In 2000 CE Than In 1600s – 1800s CE

The northern North Atlantic’s sea ice records derived from ice cores and marine sediments consistently affirm there was far less sea ice during the Early/Mid Holocene than in 2000 CE. Even 17th to 19th century sea ice coverage was similar to (or less than) today’s. A 2020 study (Geirsdóttir et al.) indicated peak Holocene warmth […]

New Study: There Was Less Arctic Sea Ice In The 1700s-1800s Than From 2002-2006

New Study: There Was Less Arctic Sea Ice In The 1700s-1800s Than From 2002-2006

Paleoclimate data indicate there was less Arctic sea ice during the pre-industrial period than in modern times, or when CO2 concentrations were 100 ppm lower than today (280 vs. 380 ppm). Scientists (Diamond et al., 2021) assert that during the 18th and 19th centuries Arctic sea ice extent minimum (September) values averaged 5.54 million km². […]

More Evidence Antarctica Has Been Cooling, Regional Sea Ice Increasing For Over 40 Years

More Evidence Antarctica Has Been Cooling, Regional Sea Ice Increasing For Over 40 Years

A new study (Kumar et al., 2021) reports the “overall SST trend in the Weddell Sea is negative” since 1979 and this has occurred in tandem with “the expansion of SIE [sea ice extent].” Another new study (King et al., 2021) reports the oldest temperature stations in Antarctica show a cooling/non-warming trend since 1956. Antarctica […]

In The 1970s Climate Modification Proposals Included Purposely Melting Arctic Sea Ice With Black Soot

In The 1970s Climate Modification Proposals Included Purposely Melting Arctic Sea Ice With Black Soot

In his 1975 book The Genesis Strategy, the late climate scientist Dr. Stephen Schneider reviewed contemporary climate modification proposals to reduce the severe 1960s and 1970s droughts, floods, and extreme weather…which were at that time associated with the ongoing global cooling. One proposal was to eliminate the Arctic’s sea ice by having aircraft dump black […]

Seal Numbers Increased 700% Since The 1970s - But Models Project Future Declines Due To Sea Ice Loss

Seal Numbers Increased 700% Since The 1970s – But Models Project Future Declines Due To Sea Ice Loss

Sea ice has been declining in the Canadian North Atlantic since the 1970s, and yet the harp seal population has been estimated to have risen from a little over 1 million in 1971 to about 7.5 million in 2012 to 2019. But model projections suggest the seal populations will decrease in the future due to…declining […]

New Study: Southern Hemisphere Sea Ice Now Extends ~80 km Farther North Than Prior Estimates

New Study: Southern Hemisphere Sea Ice Now Extends ~80 km Farther North Than Prior Estimates

It was previously thought the northern limit for Southern Hemisphere sea ice was 55°S. But recent declines in surface air temperatures in southernmost South America have led to sea ice formation creeping 80 to 100 kilometers further north than previous estimates. Since 2000, sea ice has been extending well into 54°S. The southernmost tip of […]

March Sea Ice: Arctic Stable 16 Years, Gains 504,000 Sq Km Since 2017! Antarctic Above Mean!

March Sea Ice: Arctic Stable 16 Years, Gains 504,000 Sq Km Since 2017! Antarctic Above Mean!

Though it has dropped since its peak in 1979, Arctic sea ice extent in March has remained stable since 2005. There are two months that are of particular interest in the Arctic: September, when sea ice reaches its minimum, and March, when it reaches its maximum. Gains 504,000 sq km. Today we look at Arctic […]

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