Sea Ice

New Study: 75% Of Recent Arctic Sea Ice Decline Is 'Accounted For' By An Internal Variability Pattern (PNA)

New Study: 75% Of Recent Arctic Sea Ice Decline Is ‘Accounted For’ By An Internal Variability Pattern (PNA)

Scientists (Liu et al., 2021) have assessed the Pacific North American (PNA) pattern, “largely a mode of internal variability,” is “an important driver of western Arctic sea variability and trends”. The heat-redistributing PNA pattern recently shifted from a negative (1980s) to positive (1995-) phase. This internal shift “induced significant increases in poleward heat” transport, explaining […]

New Study Finds A 79% Rise In Polar Bear Sightings Since 2005 As Their Arctic Habitat Dramatically Expands

New Study Finds A 79% Rise In Polar Bear Sightings Since 2005 As Their Arctic Habitat Dramatically Expands

Research on polar bear sightings using a systematic “regional marine mammal sightings programme” during 2005-2018 reveals there were 1,433 polar bears sightings from 2005-2011 compared to 2,569 during 2012-2018 around Svalbard. The perspective that polar bears  are endangered by global warming because reduced sea ice limits their seal-hunting opportunities is  again contradicted by real-world observations. […]

Seals, Mammoths, Horses, Waterfowl...All Tell Us Claims Of Exceptional Modern Warmth Are Bull Hockey

Seals, Mammoths, Horses, Waterfowl…All Tell Us Claims Of Exceptional Modern Warmth Are Bull Hockey

The survivable temperature thresholds for terrestrial animals in both hemispheres affirm recent millennia were much warmer with less sea ice than today. Antarctica hasn’t warmed in the last 70 years (Singh et al., 2020). The Southern Ocean surrounding Antarctica has been cooling and sea ice has been expanding since 1979 (Fan et al., 2014; Qian […]

Over 400 Scientific Papers Published In 2020 Support A Skeptical Position On Climate Alarm

Over 400 Scientific Papers Published In 2020 Support A Skeptical Position On Climate Alarm

In 2020, more than 400 scientific papers were published that cast doubt on the position that anthropogenic CO2 emissions function as the climate’s fundamental control knob…or that otherwise serve to question the efficacy of climate models or the related “consensus” positions commonly endorsed by policymakers and mainstream media sources. Over 400 scientific papers published in […]

Modern Iceland's Climate Is Colder With More Ice Than Any Other Time In The Last 8000 Years Except The 1800s

Modern Iceland’s Climate Is Colder With More Ice Than Any Other Time In The Last 8000 Years Except The 1800s

A wealth of new research in glacier and sea ice extent show modern Iceland is 2-4°C colder than all of the last 8000 years except for a slightly colder late 19th century. Even the 1700s were warmer with less ice than today in and around Iceland. A new study (Geirsdóttir et al., 2020) now affirms […]

New Study: Western North America Was Much Warmer And Drier With Peak Wildfire Rates When CO2 Was 265ppm

New Study: Western North America Was Much Warmer And Drier With Peak Wildfire Rates When CO2 Was 265ppm

The southwestern US was nearly a desert from about 9000 to 5000 years ago, when Holocene peaks in aridity, surface temperature, and wildfire rates occurred. Arctic sea ice was at its lowest extent of the Holocene during these years. Image Source: Lachniet et al., 2020 A new extensively-referenced study (Lachniet et al., 2020) reviewing many […]

3 More New Studies Show Modern Arctic Sea Ice Extent Is Greater Than Nearly Any Time In The Last 10,000 Years

3 More New Studies Show Modern Arctic Sea Ice Extent Is Greater Than Nearly Any Time In The Last 10,000 Years

For years scientists have been using biomarker evidence (IP25, PIP25) to reconstruct the Arctic’s sea ice history. The evidence shows modern (20th-21st century) Arctic sea ice is at its greatest extent since the Holocene began. Scientists (Wu et al., 2020) have determined that from about 14,000 to 8,000 years ago, when CO2 lingered near 250 […]

Astrophysicist Asserts The Globe Will Cool ~1°C During 2020-2053 Due To An Oncoming Grand Solar Minimum

Astrophysicist Asserts The Globe Will Cool ~1°C During 2020-2053 Due To An Oncoming Grand Solar Minimum

During the last Grand Solar Minimum (17th century), global surface temperatures dipped to the coldest of the last 10,000 years – about 1.4°C colder than today. Dr. Zharkova, an astrophysicist, has determined another imminent drop in solar activity will lead to a 1°C cooling in the coming decades. From 1645 to 1710, the Sun went […]

New Northern North Atlantic Study Finds The Coldest Period With The Most Sea Ice Of The Last ~85 Years...Is Today

New Northern North Atlantic Study Finds The Coldest Period With The Most Sea Ice Of The Last ~85 Years…Is Today

Ecological conditions for 3 temperature- and sea ice-sensitive species show the sub-Arctic North Atlantic has been cooling and gaining ice since 1940. In recent months, several scientific publications have documented a dramatic cooling trend in the subpolar North Atlantic, with temperatures plummeting 2°C since 2008 (Bryden et al., 2020) or -0.78°C per decade since 2004 […]

Climate Alarmist Claim Blown to Smithereens: Unlikely That Warm Arctic Leads To Cold Winters

Climate Alarmist Claim Blown to Smithereens: Unlikely That Warm Arctic Leads To Cold Winters

Image: NASA (public domain) By Die kalte Sonne Do you remember the wild story that cold winters in Central Europe are supposedly a consequence of the Arctic turbo-heating? A great sideshow hypothesis in those years when winters were suddenly colder than expected. A study by Dai & Song 2020 has now brought the idea back to […]

New Study: Arctic Waters Were 4°C Warmer Than Today And Nearly Sea-Ice Free Year-Round ~4100 Years Ago

New Study: Arctic Waters Were 4°C Warmer Than Today And Nearly Sea-Ice Free Year-Round ~4100 Years Ago

Today, the region north of Svalbard is encrusted with sea ice for all but a few weeks per year and summer sea surface temperatures (SSTs) hover near 0°C.  Scientists (Brice et al., 2020) have determined this same region had sea ice-free conditions last about 10 months per year while SSTs reached 4°C just ~4100 years […]

New Study Indicates Iceland Must Have Been 3°C Warmer During The Early Holocene To Match The Glacier Record

New Study Indicates Iceland Must Have Been 3°C Warmer During The Early Holocene To Match The Glacier Record

During the Early Holocene, when CO2 levels lingered near 260 ppm, ice core records suggest surface temperatures in Iceland were about 3°C warmer than today. Iceland’s extensive lakes and glaciers topography provides a verifiable history of the region’s paleoclimates. For example, scientists can infer summer temperatures 3°C warmer than today in Iceland to account for […]

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