Due to changing solar activity, the Earth is heading into a new Little Ice Age, according to Northumbria University astrophysicist Prof. Valentina Zharkova, Newcastle, Great Britain.
“There’s nothing we can do about it.”
This was reported by German online Report 24 here last week.
NASA image of a blizzard. Image soutce: NASA, public domain.
“This is due to the changing solar activity, she explains. Only uneducated people could call for a reduction in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere,” according to Report 24 here.
As the media is full of reports about record temperatures, the elevated readings likely have a lot to do with thermometers being placed increasingly in urban heat absorbing areas. The recent warming has very little to do with carbon dioxide.
“CO2 is not our enemy,” says Professor Zharkova, who was born and educated in Ukraine.
“We in fact have a CO2 deficiency in the world, and it is three to four times lower than the plants would like,” says Zharkova. On geological terms, over the last 140 million years, CO2 in the atmosphere is at really near record low levels.
“140 million years ago, it was estimated at 2,500 ppm, or about six times higher. And this also meant a greener and more biodiverse world, according to the professor,” writes Report 24.
“We don’t need to remove CO2 because we would actually need more of it. It’s food for plants to produce oxygen for us. The people who say CO2 is bad are obviously not very good at universities or wherever they studied. Only uneducated people can come up with such absurd talk that CO2 should be removed from the air,” Professor Zharkova tells Report 24.
Scharkova estimates the Earth’s average temperature will fall by one degree Celsius over the next 30 years and not rise. She says that the sun’s lower solar activity will lead to cooling.
Report 24 quotes Zharkova: “I only feel sympathy for the people who have invested in solar systems,” says the professor. “During the Maunder Minimum, there were years when there was no summer at all – there was a brief spring, then fall, then winter again. And if there’s snow on your solar panels or the sky is cloudy, they’re useless.”
“Whatever we do on Earth, we can’t change the orbit of the sun and the big planets like Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus,” she explains. “There’s nothing we can do about it.”
Read entire article (German) at Report 24.
Another baloney sabwish
Valentina Scharkova, has been making the same prediction since 2015
Eight years later we had the warmest year in the surface and satellite temperature record and the warmest decade. Satellite measurements of TOA TSI reflected a tiny decline after the late 1970s. Wrong for none years in a row a she still gets attetion?
“We in fact have a CO2 deficiency in the world, and it is three to four times lower than the plants would like,””
C4 plants (20% of vegetation) are perfectly happy with 400 ppm CO2 or even 200 ppm CO2. C3 plants prefer from 800 to 1200 ppm. 1500 ppm and higher ca be dangerous fow some C3 plants, so is not recommended. Four times the current 420 ppm is 1680 ppm CO2. To much CO2. But Ms. S. doesn’t know that.
Experts agree that 1,500 ppm is the maximum CO2 level for maximum plant growth, although any CO2 level between 1,000ppm and 1,500ppm will produce greatly improved results.
Learn to read correctly before you answer. That will help you and others.
She has been predicting a new Little Ice Age since 2025. Is that not enough years of being wrong for you? A one degree C. decline over 30 years is -0.333 degrees C. per decade which is the mirror image of the IPCC long term prediction for long term warming.
Do we really need any more climate predictions?
They have all been 100% wrong in the past century. Or is it time to admit long term climate predictions are not possible? You might want to learn to think as I am “learning to read”
“She has been predicting a new Little Ice Age since 2025”
Roflmoa.. It is not 2025 yet. !
The NOAA record for the USCRN a network of the most pristinely sited land temperature stations using SOTA equipment show COOLING since 2013……and no long term warming trend despite continually rising CO2.
CO2 forcing capacity at 400 PPM is largely saturated. CO2 forcing is logarithmic and we are already on the flattening slope. Doubling CO2 will result in very little warming.
Cloud formation depends on condensation nuclei. The greens convinced shipping companies to convert to low sulfur fuel. Now years later ocean cloud cover is at an all time low and ocean temperatures are at record highs. Oceans cover 71% of the Earth. Wanna source for the current warming? Look no further.
“Plants are perfectly happy with 400 PPM”. I guess commercial growers who maintain greenhouse concentrations of CO2 at 1500 PPM have gotten it wromg for decades then….
Thank you Brian Wilson!!
TSI is higher now than in 1970, but do go ahead and believe yourself.
TSI is slightly LOWER than in the late 1970s per satellite data and a lot LOWER based on the inaccurate TSI proxy of sunspot counts. I have the data. You have the claptrap.
@Richard Greene
You are wrong about so much. It’s really sad. People correct you, and you only double down on warmist nonsense. For those who are actually looking for facts, there are many others who correct you for them to learn from. Here’s another item.
Not sure how to key up the graphics, maybe you guys can figure that out. They’d probably help to visualize his message.
[…] “New Ice Age Has Begun,” Astrophysicist Warns…Due To Reduced Solar Activity […]
There is a cooling projected in the near future as the AMO cycle is about to go into decline, but no LIA nonsense is coming as that was based on a combination of two long running cycles which are not in play at this time.
People seems to forget we are already in an ice age and have been for around 2.6 million years.
[…] No Trick Zone […]
“People seems to forget we are already in an ice age and have been for around 2.6 million years.”
But what happened to Europe in terms of climate, crop failures, and disease beginning about 1303 can’t be dismissed even if you take issue with the LIA terminology.
While I’m not sure which “two long running cycles” you are referring to, she has modeled cycles that support her outlook … see the last paragraphs here
I am one of those who has invested in solar panels.
Well there was El Nino and in March is has been really hot. by now these first 3 and 1/2 months of the year we have the highest average temperature in my town since 2013, when I have begun to record the data.
I still believe that in the coming years it will be colder: This winter SOI index was at -1.4 so a very strong El Nino and this may have led to such high temperatures.
now let’s see what’s going to happen in summer.
Many thanks for the blog.
Can you please correct my surname to Zharkova? Yu can also use my webpage https://solargsm.com.
Many thanks
Prof. Valentina Zharkova
A question for Zharkova:
GSM started in 2020 according to your research.But the temperature has been increasing since 2020 and 2023 is the hottest year on record according to GISS and satelitemeasures and the AGW-people ++. Is this mostly an effect of El Nino and watervapor from Honga Tonga erruption? (There were also a similiar jump -about 1 C — in temperature 1997/98 according to UAH measures.)
Does also the top of current solar cycle also play a role her? In a way that the solar acitivity is on top now– will we experience a cooler climate after this top is finished?
[…] “New Ice Age Has Begun,” Astrophysicist Warns…Due To Reduced Solar Activity […]
[…] From NoTricksZone […]
One of the big mistakes that is currently being made in the climate debate, is attempting to assess “Climate” on the basis of surface level temperature measurement alone. This gives rise to significant errors. It is necessary to assess the behaviour of the atmosphere “as a whole”.
As the atmosphere expands and contracts under the influence of solar activity – especially the explosive component of that activity, so it pushes and pulls on the jet stream and the so-called “steering level”. This influences the tracks of cyclonic surface activity which gives rise to seasonally unusual surface weather, especially temperatures.
Data at – https://howtheatmosphereworks.wordpress.com/historical-charts/ – shows the condition of the atmosphere taken at the same time/date anually going back to 1870 and gives a far truer historical evaluation of the climate over the years and does, indeed, seem to show an overall cooling taking place since the mid to late 1900’s.
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