Study: Sea Levels Rose 4.7 Centimeters Per Year 8200 Years Ago – 30 Times Faster Than Modern Rates

The modern rate of sea level rise is not even close veering outside the range of natural variability.

A new study reminds us that, 8200 years ago, near-global sea levels rose 6.5 meters in a span of just 140 years. This is 470 centimeters per century, 4.7 centimeters per year, during a period when CO2 levels were alleged to be a “safe” and stagnant 260 ppm.

Image Source: Nunn et al., 2024

To put this change rate in perspective, global sea levels rose at a rate of 1.56 millimeters per year from 1900 to 2018, including 1.5 mm per year rate during the more recent period from 1958-2014 (Frederikse et al., 2020, Frederikse et al., 2018). This is just under 16 centimeters per century or sixteen hundredths of a centimeter (0.16 cm) per year.

Image Source: Frederikse et al., 2020 and Frederikse et al., 2018

The net melt of the Greenland ice sheet (GIS) is thought to have been the largest contributor to sea level rise in recent decades. But, to put the GIS change in context, the entire ice sheet melt contribution to sea level rise was just 1.2 total centimeters from 1992-2020 (Simonsen et al., 2021).

Image Source: Simonsen et al., 2021

The Earth’s natural range of sea level rise rates, periodically reaching 4.7 cm per year, is thus 30 times greater in magnitude than the modern period’s (1900-2018) “anthropogenic” rate, which is 0.156 cm per year.

9 responses to “Study: Sea Levels Rose 4.7 Centimeters Per Year 8200 Years Ago – 30 Times Faster Than Modern Rates”

  1. The modern rate of sea level rise is not even close veering outside the range of natural variability. – Watts Up With That? – The Insight Post

    […] From the NoTricksZone […]

  2. The modern rate of sea level rise is not even close veering outside the range of natural variability. – Watts Up With That?

    […] From the NoTricksZone […]

  3.  Study: Sea Levels Rose 4.7 Centimeters Per Year 8200 Years Ago – 30 Times Faster Than Modern Rates - Climate-

    […] From NoTricksZone […]

  4. oebele bruinsma

    “Study: Sea Levels Rose 4.7 Centimeters Per Year 8200 Years Ago – 30 Times Faster Than Modern Rate”

    Apparently our “experts” picked the wrong part of history…..

  5. Don

    “………. This is just under 16 centimeters per century or sixteen tenths of a centimeter (0.16 cm) per year.

    Hard to be credible when there’s such a blatant mistake in the actual headline. It’s not sixteen tenths – it’s sixteen HUNDREDTHS.

  6. Study: Sea Levels Rose 4.7 Centimeters Per Year 8200 Years Ago – 30 Times Faster Than Modern Rates | Un hobby...

    […] K. Richard, Aug 26, 2024 in […]

  7. Current rates of sea level rise are not even outside the range of natural variability. – Watts Up With That? - News7g

    […] From NoTricksZone […]

  8. Neue Studie: Der Meeresspiegel stieg vor 8200 Jahren um 4,7 Zentimeter pro Jahr – 30 Mal schneller als heute | EIKE - Europäisches Institut für Klima & Energie
  9. UNO Generalsekretär Guterres fordert „harte Emissionssenkungen“ wegen Meeresspiegel | Linke Zeitung

    […] zurück zum Meeresspiegel. Die Kollegen von NoTricksZone hatten kürzlich über Studien berichtet, die sich mit den Schwankungen des Meeresspiegels befasst […]

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