There’s a lot going on today as the IPCC continues to clash violently with climate reality.
We’ve always suspected that governments had contracted out the results to begin with. In the beginning, the scientists played along. After all the observations nicely followed the model projections for almost 2 decades. But the wanted results are no longer possible to deliver and the observations have long since diverged from the model projections. Now bitter disputes are breaking out between client and provider as a result.
Today Axel Bojanowski at Spiegel here reports:
Dispute with scientists […] Against the will of many scientists, especially delegates of the German government want to keep the pause in global warming of the last 15 years out of the IPCC Report’s summary.”
Hat tip: Ike.
Obviously “many scientists” are starting to have serious second thoughts and are getting queasy about assuming the role of science prostitute, assigned by sleazy pimping governments. This is understandable for any self-respecting scientist. After all, who is ready to go down in history as purchased whore, crackpot scientist?
Bureaucrats schooling experts on what the results are
Picture this: What we have are German politicians from the Ministry of Environment, who have little science background, literally schooling the expert scientists on what the results should be and which ones are important. What’s now happening in Stockholm is the brazen politicization and corruption of science. The picture speaks for itself. That’s why I write using the crude analogies of pimps and (potential) whores.
SPIEGEL writes:
Leading scientists are contradicting the political delegates. Jochem Marotzke, President of the German Climate Consortium and the leading scientific representative at the negotiations in Stockholm promises: ‘We are going to confront this issue head on.’ The UN IPCC has to accept a discussion about the temperature stop.”
New SPIEGEL survey: only 39% fear global warming!
The SPIEGEL report in general conveys a growing sense of desperation among German delegates. The flagship news magazine writes of waning public concern when it comes to climate change, writing of a “dramatic change in public opinion” shown by a new survey commissioned by SPIEGEL:
Germans no longer have any fear of the impacts of climate change. While in 2006 a clear majority of Germans (62 percent) feared global warming, now it’s only a minority of 39 percent.”
With apologies to Lenin: “”The truth is precious—so precious that it must be rationed.”
The global surface temperature pause is clear. Send this to your German representatives. Pierre, this is a longer version of the one I posted last time with more statements made in 2013.
Another “Green” setback
“Norway abandons Mongstad carbon capture plans”
Too costly, too difficult.
Haha! Norway is not socialist anymore? Congrats!
Next they’ll sell their river water osmosis power plant on Ebay for scrap value.
If I thought it would have any effect I would complain to the BBC about Harrabin’s article.
Because it is negative from an environmentalist point of view he tacked on some utterly irrelevant (to the main story) ‘good’ news from France about Hollande’s plans for a carbon tax in France.
The BBC simply does not allow unadulterated ‘bad’ environmental news (or they are too stupid to see what Harrabin is doing).
The Germans are voting this weekend.
Let’s hope this scepticism translates into votes for the AFD.
For the first time in my lifetime I’ll be following the results of the German elections with interest.
It’s doubtful they will reach the 5% min. needed to get into Parliament. I’d say their chances are 50-50.
at AfD reached 25% ! 153965 people took part. CDU at 29% and SPD at 27%. Greens 2% and FDP 3%. Wow!!!
Very painful. Friede Springer, the owner of Bild and Welt, is trying her very best to throw dirt at the AfD.
Friede is a good friend of Merkel one must add.
That’s been obvious over the last few days, lots of pedophile stories about the Greens. Timed perfectly. Expect lots of sharp attacks tomorrow from the Greens after the first exit polls roll in.
It’s a little late for that. Merkel is desperate and will probably not reach 40% after all. That means grand coalition.
According to the independent wahl-o-meter which analyses tweets in realtime
we have Afd at 11%, as many votes as the Greens.
There is also the Wahl-O-Mat which is a website from the federal centre for political education; calling itself independent, but is a bloc party propaganda organ – it has a questionaire helping you to decide which of the bloc parties is best for you 😉
[…] pressure on the IPCC and “learned” journals to conceal, cover up, explain away and generally deny these two simple truths for the upcoming release (in parts) of the AR5 report. It is a full-court […]
This is what Trenberth really says: regarding the “hiatus”,
Trenberth says, in fact, the planet has continued to warm during this time — but the heat has been flowing into the oceans, which have a vast capacity to absorb it.
[…] Spiegel: “Dispute With Scientists: Politicians Want To Ban Warming Stop From Climate Report… […]