Professional engineer Bernd Töpperwien made a presentation (in German) on infrasound and its impacts on human health, specifically addressing the impacts of a wind park proposed to be built in the region he resides.
Though low-frequency infrasound (<20 Hz) is not audible to the human ear, the pressure variations are felt by the inner ear, which plays a major role when it comes to our sense of balance, perception, and orientation.
In his presentation Töpperwien says he used to be a proponent of wind energy. But after having researched the phenomenon of infrasound, he has changed his mind. One problem is that it is very difficult to dampen infrasound and that it travels great distances. A typical infrasound wave from a wind turbine can be measured up to 25 kilometers away he says. They travel great distances.
Moreover, air inversions can even reflect infrasound, and hence act to amplify the waves. Infrasound can also be transmitted to homes via the ground.
The changing pressures ´that infrasound causes in the inner ear lead to the person to believe he is in motion when he actually is not. This can cause the person to experience motion sickness symptoms. Other people may experience feelings of panic or feel discomfort in their organs.
Negative health impacts already confirmed
Other problems persons exposed to infrasound may experience include, insomnia, headaches, depression, high blood pressure, dizziness, tinnitus or even heart problems. All these ailments have been confirmed by a number of German government institutes. The German Army and the Robert Koch Institute have confirmed that persons exposed to infrasound over extended time periods can suffer damage to health, Töpperwien tells the audience.
What does Töpperwien say about wind turbines near homes?
I wouldn’t like to have any such turbine anywhere within 5 kilometers from where I live. I would like to stay healthy.”
What is the result? Increasingly German citizens are mounting ferocious resistance to wind turbines. Today there are hundreds of opposition groups.
And in Poland
Don’t leave out the whales
I think we are almost to the point where we can say who the REAL
Sorry. Hit wrong button.
I think we are almost to the point where we can say who the REAL “climate criminals” are, and they aren’t the “skeptics.”
Speaking of “Climate Criminals”
As soon as, they could our predecessors dumped, ditched and scratched the windmill.
Clearly, even an idiot knew well, that, wind power was for the birds!
Only steam driven machines bestowed untold prospects of wealth in the future and henceforward during the industrial revolution: mankind positively raced ahead.
Notwithstanding, all of the noted “problems persons exposed to infrasound may experience include, insomnia, headaches, depression, high blood pressure, dizziness, tinnitus or even heart problems”.
Wind power, the very idea takes us back to an era of stumbling darkness and in a word, regression and regressive anti-technology, how stupid can it get?
Socialism is green, green agenda is Socialism,
Socialism means tolerating ignorance, a regressive backwards looking nostalgia for a lost age, when the peasants had to put their backs into it – out in the fields, do we really want to go back to all of that, green witchcraft?
I thik the dead Sperm Whales will have more of an effect on environmentalists than the infrasound effects on Humans. Environmentalists care deeply for animal well being; Humans, not so much!
“Environmentalists care deeply for animal well being; Humans, not so much!”
True, and they call their movement HUMANISM.
I used to think they cared about nature, but have long ago come to realize they really hate humanity. Sure, those supporting them may care about nature, but they are the “useful idiots” who enable the zealots in their quest to destroy civilization under the guise of “protecting” nature.
Pierre has written a lot about them. Here’s one report that shows just how clearly anti-social they are.
So, while you are correct that they care nothing for humans, you also need to realize that their feigned concern for nature is just a vehicle for their destruction of mankind.
It’s all good. We can finally stop messing around with distractions like wind electricity fantasies and aim straight for the real Green goal:
“We must convert to a sustainable system where each of us leaves the planet in the same condition that it was in before we were born. This will require many fewer of us and much less extravagant lifestyles. We won’t be able to move around so freely (airplanes will become a thing of the past) and we will have to go back to walking and riding horses. In addition, humans will have to be more spread out, living without big cities. Before it is all over, we are going to have to limit our own reproduction, un-invent money, control human greed, revert back to trade and barter, and grow our own crops, among other things.”
Eric R. Pianka, American biologist and environmentalist
“We must convert to a sustainable system where each of us leaves the planet in the same condition that it was in before we were born.”
He should while he’s at it outlaw the 2nd Law Of Thermodynamics. I always felt it unjust that entropy always has to win. That’s a goal worth fighting for! A political fight against an unjust law!
Also, how I am supposed to leave the planet without burning a 100,000 tons of Kerosin?
I thought that, you had bought a Jet for personal use Dirk?
You confuse that with my folding bike.
Aha! So Dirk does have a personal jet!
Question to Radio Yerevan: “Is it true that udarnik Grigori Grigorievich Grigoriev was awarded a luxury automobile Chaika at the All-Union Congress of Kolkhoz Workers in Moscow?”
Radio Yerevan answer: “Yes, it is mostly true, but first of all it was not famous udarnik Grigori Grigorievich Grigoriev, but local drunkard Vassili Vassilievich Vassiliev; second, it was not at the All-Union Congress of Kolkhoz Workers in Moscow, but at a Collective Farm Sports Festival in Smolensk; third, it was not a Chaika automobile, but a Sputnik bicycle; and fourth it wasn’t awarded, but rather it was stolen from him.”
It’s absurd when people who were qualified as physicists forget all about entropy as they enter politics.
This is good work, danke schon. However, I submit living between 4.8 and 5.2 km from an industrial wind facility that you will need to increase the safe distance to greater than 5km. I have suffered 9 of the 11 commonly reported health issues and my observations trace it to them. I observe a very subtle WHOOM-WHOOM in my concrete rich home and verified it is incited by the wind facility. I also notice my issues are site specific and most intense when that WHOOM-WHOOM is most intense.
One specialist here has measured the wind turbine signature in the infrasonic range much further away than this – 126 km. Unfortunately, opportunities to have such isolation have waned with the continued proliferation of these machines.
Guten tag,
I seem to remember a NACA study on the health effects of (infrasound) beat frequencies between engines on crews of multi-engined aircraft from the 1940’s. Exposure of many hours impaired the crew’s ability to work; reducing concentration and visual acuity.
In my country of birth the Netherlands the minimum allowed distance between windmills and houses is reduced to 400 metres…… Glad I left.
You lost out. How cool would it be to tell people you live inside of a wind turbine?
The Dutch Windwheel is not only a silent wind turbine – it’s also an incredible circular apartment building
30 May, 2015
by Charley Cameron
Uni Delft does not even HINT at the efficiency of their EWICON
So they KNOW it’s a joke. They don’t even try. The only thing EWICON can move EFFICIENTLY is FUNDING; using Green politician brains as catalyst.
If they’re very lucky they might even get a NET ENERGY GAIN…
“Another issue: Creating an electric field in a way that the system doesn’t consume more energy than it generates. Researchers considered several techniques but found two particularly promising.”
Yay net energy gain! Like JET and ITER! Let’s have Green scientists funded for 50 years until they figure THIS one out, only this time, for a fistfull of … kiloWatts…
If we relate the amount of scavenged electrostatic charge from the atmosphere to the amount of taxpayer money scavenged by this research from the populace, maintaining entire university populations of boffins, we find an efficiency of 1*10^6 Euro / 1*10^-23 J; proving that the EWICON is truly the most efficient Green Technology ever.
EWICON = Ew, I con.
[…] har man kunnat visa att människor som har oturen att leva i närheten av vindkraft får skador och obehag av olika slag: Sömnproblem, depression, tinnitus, yrsel och t.o.m. hjärtproblem. En presentation […]
[…] No Tricks Zone […]