1. About

Last updated: March 11, 2020

I received an Associate Degree in Civil Engineering at Vermont Technical College and a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Arizona in Tucson. I currently live in Europe.

I’ve always been a skeptic of the hypothesis mankind is causing catastrophic global warming. Humans adding a few ppm of a trace gas into the atmosphere is not enough to  “drive” the climate. There other many, constantly changing natural factors at work. I’m not convinced of any one particular position, and so my non-alarmist view could change at any time. Only the tip of the iceberg is known about climate change. There’s so much that remains unknown.

Many extreme weather events back over the past centuries, and even the IPCC says there’s no data to support there’s been an increase. That’s one reason of many why I think what’s happening today is nothing unusual, hurricanes back then were just as bad or worse than they are today. The data show it.

In fact, if the media hadn’t hyped up the climate, most people wouldn’t have noticed much “climate change” at all. It’s mostly a media-politically manufactured hysteria.

I do think man’s activities are having a modest impact on the climate and environment, but more through land use and poor waste management practices. So far, however, the data show that the forces of nature (solar and oceanic cycles) totally overwhelm anything man does. Man probably has contributed a few tenths of a degree C warming over the past century, but that likely is more connected to the urban heat island effect.

Today’s environmental challenge, in my view is waste management.

Irresponsible use of capital resources

As Danish economist Prof. Bjorn Lomborg says, the focus of public policy and resources really needs to be on solving real problems that exist today like water pollution, poverty, mal-nutrition, urban squalor, education, tyranny and so on, and not become obsessed with computer-generated catastrophe scenarios that might or might not occur 100 years from now. Climate warming disaster predictions have been made for 30 years, a none have come true.

Worse, too many governments are using AGW as an excuse for their own policy debacles – claiming the problems are due to AGW, and not their own often ineptitude. Many other sectors, e.g. media, banking, insurance, academia, “environmental industry” also have been grossly abusing and hyping the science with the aim of spreading panic and profiting from it.

I’m not funded by anyone except by my own modest means. Donations are welcome.

154 responses to “1. About”

  1. David Pristash

    You maybe interested in a climate model I built over the past dozen years. I provided you a link to a monthly report I publish on my website. which describes my model and methods. I’ll be updating it again in two weeks when the new NASA data in their monthly LOTI is published but I do not expect any change. It supports the paper you just translated from a different direction.

  2. Scottar

    Where were you born may I ask? How long have you been in Germany?

  3. howard brady

    – Breaking News –
    Two leading US scientists acclaim Australian climate book

    Two leading USA scientists have acclaimed a little known book for its remarkable ability to show everyday people, not just scientists, the wonder of the climate system and how carbon dioxide is not driving modern climate change. The accolades are from world famous physicist, Emeritus Professor William Happer (who has advised President Trump on climate change), Princeton University, and Dr Willie Soon, Senior Researcher, Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics.

    The short 175 page book, Mirrors and Mazes; A guide through the climate debate, was written by Dr Howard Thomas Brady, an award-winning Australian scientist who studied in the USA and went on 4 expeditions to Antarctica with the US Office of Polar Programs. The Kindle version of this book has just been released with Happer and Soon’s recommendations on the back cover. The paperback version (2nd Edition) was released earlier in March 2017. The reader is invited to enter the climate debate, likened to a twisting maze or hall of mirrors, with dead-ends, illusions, traps – that are the lies, misinformation, over-simplifications and false prophecies.

    The recommendations are:

    “My bookshelf has many professional and popular books on climate, but I am especially fond of a recent addition, “Mirrors and Mazes.” The author, Dr. Howard Thomas Brady, is uniquely qualified to write this “guide through the climate debate.” Leaving a youthful career as a Catholic priest to pursue his fascination with science, Dr. Brady made many important contributions to geology, notably in studies of Antarctica, where he did extensive fieldwork during the Ross Ice Shelf Drilling Program.

    Mirrors and Mazes is written for intelligent laymen who like to think for themselves. The book reviews all of the issues that touch on the current climate debate: the nature of greenhouse gases; clouds; the sun; sea level; extreme weather; polar ice; etc.

    The author, Dr Howard Thomas Brady, is uniquely qualified to write this guide through the climate debate. Leaving a youthful career as a Catholic priest to pursue his fascination with science, Dr Brady made many important contributions to geology, notably in studies of Antarctica, where he did extensive fieldwork during the Ross Ice Shelf Drilling Program.

    Equations are avoided, but numbers are given when essential, for example, in discussions of rising sea level, where Dr Brady is an expert. There are well-chosen illustrations and good references for those who would like to dig deeper. Dr Brady’s discussions of the complicated interplay of the climate movement with religion, politics and the media are especially insightful, perhaps because of his youthful training in theology.

    I am especially fond of Mirrors and Mazes. It would be an excellent addition to the personal library of anyone who wants to understand climate facts, stripped of propaganda and emotion.”

    William Happer
    Cyrus Fogg Brackett Professor of Physics Emeritus, Princeton University

    “Mirrors and Mazes is a beacon of light to see through the cloudy attempts to demonize CO2 as the satanic gas of our times. It is a must read and welcome contribution to the educational aspect of this hot scientific debate.”
    Dr Willie Soon
    Senior Researcher, Solar and Stellar Physics Division
    Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics

    The Kindle (US$7.99) and paperback (US$18.00) versions are available here from Amazon.

  4. Gregg Kolpin

    Thanks for all the work you do Pierre. I just shared an article of yours that displayed the enormous amount of scientific research completed in 2017 that didn’t agree with AGW alarmism. I am a member of a Facebook group “Scientists Skeptical of Anthropogenic Global Warming”. We would very much like you to join our group as we appreciate your unbiased intelligent input.
    Thanks again for all you do.
    One more thing, does anyone actually write climate science papers that support AGW anymore? It would be good to have that list if there are any.

  5. Interested parties

    Thanks Pierre.

    I appreciate your efforts, and your fight against such large forces. I’m sure the mainstream climate science community doesn’t even know you exist or listen to your arguments, and that must be a frustrating sensation. But I can see you are uniquely determined.

    Keep up the good fight, and please consider getting the PhD, so that you could do some research and contribute your voice to the official discussion. Then the climate scientists won’t know what hit them!

    The truth is out there!

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  7. Kick Honijk

    Dear Pierre Gosselin,

    During this month of December 2018, after the signing of the Marrakesh Compact , there is a lot of discussion going on in the Netherlands about global Warming (or not).
    Today, I was tweeting your publication in which I have much trust:


    To my surprise, I got a response from Gerrit Hiemstra, the weatherman of the national tv in the Netherlands, stating that “all in your website is fake news and is only believed by idiots”.
    That is the level of discussion here, at the moment…

    Best regards,

    Kick Honijk, geologist
    The Netherlands.

  8. Dr Roger Higgs


    I greatly admire your website. I agree 100% with your ‘About’ introduction above. Your comment ‘In fact, if the media hadn’t hyped up the climate, most people wouldn’t have noticed any “climate change” ‘ is spot on.

    The following two posts will interest you, with 9,000 reads in the last 4 days, increasing quickly and attracting many comments …



    Please keep up your vital work. Truth is on our side and we are going to win.

    Thanks and regards,


    Dr Roger Higgs, geologist, UK

  9. NASA, You Have a Problem – Quadrant Online

    […] 2012 No Tricks Zones‘ Pierre Gosselin described, with evidence, how Hansen continued to “massage” US temperature data to (again) […]

  10. NASA, You Have A Problem – Menopausal Mother Nature

    […] 2012 No Tricks Zones‘ Pierre Gosselin described, with evidence, how Hansen continued to “massage” US temperature data to (again) […]

  11. Episode 27 – Fake and Vulgar – The Truth Paid Bare – Unintended Consequences – Chapter 9 Part 4 – The Thorium Network

    […] Pierre L. Gosselin, 2014 […]

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