Scientists And Media Outlets Increasingly ‘Scolded’ And ‘Pressured’ To Blame Extreme Weather On Humans

Media outlets are pressured by “green groups” to opportunistically claim every extreme weather event – including the ensuing damage – is caused by human greenhouse gas emissions.

In recent decades there has been a deintensification of extreme weather (precipitation) events.

Image Source: Koutsoyiannis, 2020

Deaths and property losses from extreme weather events have also been on the decline in recent decades (Broccard, 2021).

Image Source: Broccard, 2021

Models cannot simulate extreme events and mechanistically attribute them to human activity (Bellprat and Doblas-Reyes, 2016).

Image Source: Bellprat and Doblas-Reyes, 2016

While they admit “climate-centric framings of disasters can be misleading and problematic,” Lahsen and Ribot (2022) nonetheless seem to defend the practice of journalists and media outlets systematically dismissing uncertainties and doubt in attributing extreme weather to humans. They even acknowledge that alarmism is coached.

Where is the science in this?

“Powerful science leaders hope that identification of the role of climate change in extreme weather events will ‘spur more immediate action’ to mitigate climate change.”

“[T]he progressive research and information center Media Matters for America regularly scolds U.S. media outlets for failing to mention that climate change is driving the conditions that create this ‘new normal’ of frequent crises”

“[L]eading climatology communications advisors associated with the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) invoke examples from around the world to criticize media outlets for ‘far too often’ failing to seize on ‘clear opportunity’ to call attention to the climate as cause (Hassol et al., 2016). They coach experts to begin communications about such events by clearly defining climate change as cause, “[r]ather than starting with caveats, uncertainties, and what we cannot say,’ as scientists often do”

Image Source: Lahsen and Ribot, 2022

7 responses to “Scientists And Media Outlets Increasingly ‘Scolded’ And ‘Pressured’ To Blame Extreme Weather On Humans”

  1. Richter W.

    Interesting what scientist write in “nature”:

    Stop blaming the climate for disasters

  2. J.R.

    Do the people being scolded by these alarmist bullies ever tell them to drop dead?

    The narrative that “Every bad thing is caused by climate change!!” severely erodes credibility and is self-defeating. Then of course when anyone challenges the assertions of the alarmist bullies, the bullies turn around and scream, “You’re anti-science!”

  3. pochas94

    Academics facing penury take refuge in the fear cycle.

  4. Scientists And Media Outlets Increasingly ‘Scolded’ And ‘Pressured’ To Blame Extreme Weather On Humans – Watts Up With That?

    […] From the NoTricksZone […]

  5. richard

    I cover a lot of ground on social media and my feeling is nobody is buying it.

  6. Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #489 – Watts Up With That?

    […] Scientists And Media Outlets Increasingly ‘Scolded’ And ‘Pressured’ To Blame… […]

  7. Ravaged | Climate Discussion Nexus

    […] journalists are crusaders for their truth not reporters of the boring old real one. But there’s also considerable ideological pressure to amp up the rhetoric and facts be hanged, in order to get people to deal with a crisis that they […]

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