HadCRUT Has Now Fully Removed 0.15°C From The 1940s Warmth ‘Blip’ As Proposed In 2009 E-mails

The amplitude of the recorded warmth in the 1940s was always a problem for purveyors of the human-caused global warming narrative. So the 1940s temperatures have been artificially cooled to make this less of a problem.

In 2009, overseers of the HadCRUT global temperature data discussed “correcting” the “1940s warming blip” in e-mails that they later tried to hide from Freedom Of Information Act (FOIA) investigators.

“So, if we could reduce the ocean blip by, say, 0.15 degC, then this would be significant for the global mean — but we’d still have to explain the land blip.”

“I’ve chosen 0.15 here deliberately.”

“It would be good to remove at least part of the 1940s blip, but we are still left with ‘why the blip?’.”

Image Source: Climate Gate E-mails (FOIA)

And, just as they had said they would do, 0.15°C of warmth has gradually been removed from the 1940s HadCRUT global temperature data over the last 15 years. They have “corrected” the data to align with their narrative.

Image Source: climate4you.com

What’s also noticeable here in this HadCRUT-changes-temperature-data chart provided by climate4you is just how much warmth has been added to 21st century temperatures since 2008.

The HadCRUT3 global temperature trend was recorded as 0.03°C per decade during the global warming hiatus years of 2000-2014 (Scafetta, 2022).

This was increased to 0.08°C per decade by version 4, as the overseers of the HadCRUT data conveniently added 0.1°C to 0.2°C to the more recent anomalies.

Today, in HadCRUT5, the 2000-2014 temperature trend has been adjusted up to 0.14°C per decade when using the computer model-infilling method.

So, within the last decade, a 15-year temperature trend has been changed from a pause to a strong warming. After all, when the observations don’t fit the narrative, it is time to change the observations.

Image Source: Scafetta, 2022

15 responses to “HadCRUT Has Now Fully Removed 0.15°C From The 1940s Warmth ‘Blip’ As Proposed In 2009 E-mails”

  1. soundos

    very good post

  2. oebele bruinsma

    Indeed, temperatures influenced by men…..

  3. HadCRUT Has Fully Removed 0.15°C From 1940s Warmth ‘Blip’ As Proposed In Climategate E-mails – altnews.org

    […] Read more at No Tricks Zone […]

  4. b.nice

    The aim is to make a straight line that coincides with the climate models.

    Model driven temperature mal-adjustments.

    It is tantamount to outright fraud.

  5. HadCRUT Has Now Fully Removed 0.15°C From The 1940s Warmth ‘Blip’ As Proposed In 2009 E-mails - Climate- Science.press

    […] From NoTricksZone […]

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