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Merchants Of Panic. Data Reveal That Damages From Weather Have Not Risen

Merchants Of Panic. Data Reveal That Damages From Weather Have Not Risen

At the online Die Welt, science journalist Axel Bohanowski reports on: “How insurance companies and the media are misleading with weather disasters.”  Image cropped here.  Hat-tip: Klimaschau here. The rise in property damage often gets blamed on climate change, especially by click-baiting media and greedy insurance companies. But Bojanowski says it’s misleading to blame climate […]

New Study: Western Greenland Was '1.5-2°C Warmer Than Today' During Medieval Warm Period

New Study: Western Greenland Was ‘1.5-2°C Warmer Than Today’ During Medieval Warm Period

A new West Greenland temperature reconstruction (Strunk et al., 2024) finds the region was 1.5 to 2°C warmer than today from 560 to 1100 CE, encompassing the Medieval Warm Period (MWP). The LOI (vegetation abundance) record reflects a much wetter, greener landscape during the MWP. Image Source: Strunk et al., 2024

Author Of New Paper: No AMOC Collapse..."Should Dissuade People From Climate Doomism"

Author Of New Paper: No AMOC Collapse…”Should Dissuade People From Climate Doomism”

The ice sheet and the Atlantic overturning circulation (AMOC): No Alarm AMOC. Source: Woods Hole By Frank Bosse We hear it over and again: the melting ice in Greenland due to warming will soon lead to a collapse of the AMOC, making it difficult for it to “restart”. The salt content in the north is […]

The Claim 'Exxon Knew' Their Products Induced 'Catastrophic Climate Impacts' In The 1970s Is Bunk

The Claim ‘Exxon Knew’ Their Products Induced ‘Catastrophic Climate Impacts’ In The 1970s Is Bunk

In the 1970s and 1980s ExxonMobil did not know that their reports would be so wrongly misinterpreted in the 2010s. Since 2015, when “investigative journalists” uncovered reports written in the late 1970s by ExxonMobil’s Science Advisor J.P. Black, it has been a common talking point in alarmist circles to insist that “Exxon Knew” about the […]

Half Of German E-Car Buyers Regret Their Purchase Or Lease!

Half Of German E-Car Buyers Regret Their Purchase Or Lease!

Many Germans regret their purchase or lease of an e-car and Germans overall are increasingly unwilling to consider them.  Citing an article published in the online, Blackout News reports: “Half of German e-car owners regret their purchase or lease”. Apparently German e-car owners are disappointed due especially to “rising electricity prices”. Recently we reported […]

Oops…Cleaner Fuels Mean Less Clouds, More Warming!

Better air temporarily warms the atmosphere Image: NASA (pubic domain) By Klimanachrichten An interesting article in Spektrum about a development that we have already reported on here. Apparently there is a connection between cleaner fuels for ships and cloud formation, which means more sunshine and higher temperatures. However, the reduced content of atmospheric sulphate aerosols […]

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