‘Handelsblatt’ Reports: Photovoltaics “Causing Problems Electricity Distribution Grids

Photovoltaics are escalating power grid instability in Germany, thus increasing the risk of regional blackouts. Too many cheap, uncontrollable systems from China are flooding the market. 

“Millions of solar installations will have to be torn down”

Mini solar module by KSENG. Image: KSENG

Hat-tip: Alexander Raue

In Germany there are growing fears of power grid blackouts. The reason: The effects that the “rapid expansion of photovoltaics” is having on grid stability.

“Many countermeasures will not take effect for years,” reports the online business daily Handelsblatt. “In 2023 alone, the number of photovoltaic systems connected to the grid rose by 30 percent to 3.4 million units, the Federal Statistical Office announced on Monday.”

As more and more small-scale systems get installed, the more unstable power grids are becoming, experts are warning. Because wherever more electricity gets produced than consumed, the grid can collapse.

“In the worst case, this could mean local power cuts, warns the Association of Municipal Enterprises (VKU), which brings together many municipal utilities,”reports the Handelsblatt. Small, private rooftop systems have gained wide popularity across Germany, The problem however, is their technology.

“The majority of systems cannot currently be switched off automatically if too much electricity is produced in certain phases and regions,” the Handelsblatt adds.  This is leading to grid overloading and instability.

Online news-video publisher Alexander Raue also blames the grid instability problem on “cheap solar systems from China.”

“I believe there’s a well-functioning technology available -already today- but it’s considerably more expensive. And because the market is being flooded by millions of cheap products from China, thrifty German consumers are snatching up the Chinese junk and are thus putting the German power grid in jeopardy,” says Raue. All of this is being promoted by Germans Economics Minister, Robert Habeck.

“The electricity grid operators have now issued an explosive blackout warning about solar power! Millions of solar installations will have to be torn down, as Habeck’s favorite project, of all things, means the collapse of Germany!” Raue comments.

9 responses to “‘Handelsblatt’ Reports: Photovoltaics “Causing Problems Electricity Distribution Grids”

  1. oebele bruinsma

    “The electricity grid operators have now issued an explosive blackout warning about solar power! Millions of solar installations will have to be torn down, as Habeck’s favorite project, of all things, means the collapse of Germany!”

    Everything “Greens” touch will whither and die off.

  2. Hansi
  3. John Hultquist

    It might not be possible, but why not disconnect the small solar from the grid and let the owners deal with their facility?

    1. Gerry, England

      The best idea is to make an annual charge to connect their panels to the grid to cover the costs incurred in grid balancing.

  4. D. Boss

    That does not make sense. I am not a green idiot promoting unreliable power sources, but I did study both wind and solar connection protocols. Here in N America you cannot grid tie without approved equipment – period. I presume in less free Germany this must also be the case. So either people are illegally connecting their solar to the grid (which is unlikely as mismatched frequency would fry their interconnect), or simply isolating some of their power from the grid to be powered by their own solar installation.

    In the latter case consumer demand will drop in daylight hours, and normal load management would accommodate that. So again I say it does not make sense.

    Unless normal load management has become so compromised by large scale wind and solar installed by the state or power companies has left the normal load management system unable to respond properly…. and they are merely trying to blame consumers for the bad choices of gov and power companies….

    1. MarkE

      If the solar component alone exceeds the total demand at the time (mid-day, peak solar production, lowest demand) then there is nothing at all the baseload suppliers can do to control the situation; they are already off.

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