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Another New Study Finds Rising CO2 Enhances Planetary Greening And Reduces Drought Risk

Another New Study Finds Rising CO2 Enhances Planetary Greening And Reduces Drought Risk

“…elevated CO2 concentrations not only boosted vegetation growth through the fertilizer effect but also indirectly enhanced water availability [reducing drought risk] by improving water use efficiency.” – Song et al., 2024 One of the more commonly-stated concerns linked to “global warming” is that sweltering heat will parch the terrestrial landscape (browning), limit vegetation growth, and […]

German Green Raw Deal: First Half 2024 Insolvencies Skyrocket 30%, Near 10-Year High

Germany’s Creditreform registered 11,000 corporate insolvencies in the first half of 2024. This is an increase of almost 30 percent compared to the same period last year (8,470 cases) and marks the highest level for almost ten years. The number of consumer insolvencies has also risen again. The weak economic development and the persistently high […]

AMOC Collapse Depends Entirely On Models…Will Occur Sometime Between Now And Infinity

AMOC Uncertainties By Frank Bosse at Klimanachrichten A “collapse” of the AMOC (Atlantic overturning circulation) cannot be “calculated” at all. We have reported on several projections of the AMOC here, most recently here and here. There is now an interesting twist to the once very “celebrated” study (DD23 below), which predicted a collapse of the […]

New Study: A Crustacean That Swam In Antarctic Lakes During The Last 2000 Years Cannot Do So Today

New Study: A Crustacean That Swam In Antarctic Lakes During The Last 2000 Years Cannot Do So Today

“Today there is no evidence that B. Gaini lives in permanently frozen lakes.” – Roman et al., 2024 Image Source: Public Domain Image According to a new study (Roman et al., 2024), fairy shrimp Branchinecta gaini occupied the Antarctic Peninsula’s seasonally ice-free Monolithic Lake throughout much of the last 2000 years. There were “longer ice-free […]

Germany Green Transition Collapse: Electric Vehicle Sales Plummet 47% In First Half Of This Year!

91% of German e-car dealerships see current order situation as “poor” or “very poor” for the year. Politicians in Germany had been racing to eliminate fossil fuel cars and replace them with e-cars. But then the technical and economic realities began to sink in – especially among private consumers, who are turning their backs on […]

Summer Melting Has Plateaued: July Arctic Sea Ice Extent Hasn't Fallen In 17 Years!

Summer Melting Has Plateaued: July Arctic Sea Ice Extent Hasn’t Fallen In 17 Years!

July Arctic sea ice area has been stable for 17 years. Nothing is melting anymore.  Hat-tip: Snowfan here. Image: DMI Arctic Plots Sea Ice Extent The National Snow And Ice Data center (NSIDC) analysis of August 4, 2024 shows that the Arctic sea ice extent in July 2024 has been stable for 17 years, without any […]

New Study: CO2 Effects On Ocean Temps 'Impossible' To Measure...Must Be 'Schemed' With Models

New Study: CO2 Effects On Ocean Temps ‘Impossible’ To Measure…Must Be ‘Schemed’ With Models

Scientists do not even mention CO2 concentration changes as a factor in ocean warming. A new study reveals the limit of the greenhouse gas-induced longwave radiative impact extends only to the ~10 μm (0.01 mm) skin layer – the ocean-air interface – and no deeper. Determining the sea surface temperature (SST) variation at this skin […]

'Handelsblatt' Reports: Photovoltaics "Causing Problems Electricity Distribution Grids

‘Handelsblatt’ Reports: Photovoltaics “Causing Problems Electricity Distribution Grids

Photovoltaics are escalating power grid instability in Germany, thus increasing the risk of regional blackouts. Too many cheap, uncontrollable systems from China are flooding the market.  “Millions of solar installations will have to be torn down” Mini solar module by KSENG. Image: KSENG Hat-tip: Alexander Raue In Germany there are growing fears of power grid […]

New Study: 'Widespread Increase' In Plant Transpiration Driven By Increasing CO2 Concentration

New Study: ‘Widespread Increase’ In Plant Transpiration Driven By Increasing CO2 Concentration

“…higher atmospheric CO2…triggers…increased vegetation production and a greener landscape”  – Chen et al., 2024 Plant transpiration is vital to plant growth and terrestrial ecosystems. The rising CO2 trend over the last 30 years (1990-2020) has been the primary driver of planetary greening, or increases in Leaf Area Index (LAI). The greening, in turn, is predominantly […]

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