Not About CO2…Greenland Still Much Colder Today Than Much Of The Past 10,000 Years

Norwegian climate blog site here reports how the GISP2 ice core data from Greenland shows the current temperature is well below the Holocene average. 

Moreover, these temperatures also match perfectly with the historical sources in Norway and Europe, according to

The chart below shows a temperature reconstruction based on ice cores going back more than 10,000 years. Iskjernedataene fra Grønlandland


The temperature over the Holocene was above today’s level on at least 9 occasions, each spanning many years. Indeed today’s temperature is still on the cool side for the Holocene.

Although man is having a heating impact on today’s modern climate through land-use and modest greenhouse gas warming, natural solar and oceanic factors are still far more powerful than man’s impact. How else can the wide variations occurring over the Holocene be explained?

Today’s temperature is still 2°C below the warmer peaks seen 7,900, 7,000 and 3,400 years ago.

The Greenland GISP2 ice core is viewed as a gold standard when it comes to proxy data-based  temperature reconstructions, unlike other proxy data reconstructions based on dubious  tree ring analyses.

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