Alarmist Scientist Tim Flannery’s Drought Prediction Contradicted… “Heavy Rainfalls” 3 Years In a Row

By Snow Fan

Source: Australian Government, Bureau of Meteorology

La Niña continues to ravage Australia for the third year in a row, and for the third time this year – instead of the increasing drought that was predicted a few years ago – Australia is experiencing repeated flooding.

Eighteen years ago, Australia’s climate commissioner and climate activist Tim Flannery predicted that Australia’s reservoirs would not be able to be filled due to the lack of rain caused by alleged climate change (synonymous with the lack of global warming). Since then, there has been a series of floods in Australia especially in La Niña years.

A BOM analysis showed record-breaking rainfall in large parts of Australia as early as March 2021, with rainfall amounts up to 800 mm. New rainfall records were set especially in the eastern part of Australia, which turned into a partly devastating flood of the century with overflowing dams in the Sydney area. But also large parts of the “outback” in central Australia around the “Ayers Rock” received rainfall amounts far above average, which caused floods even in the desert. Special joke at the end: now “climate change” is to blame for the floods and not the failing Tim Flannery drought.

8 responses to “Alarmist Scientist Tim Flannery’s Drought Prediction Contradicted… “Heavy Rainfalls” 3 Years In a Row”

  1. Alarmist Scientist Tim Flannery’s Drought Prediction Contradicted… “Heavy Rainfalls” 3 Years in a Row - Climate-

    […] Alarmist Scientist Tim Flannery’s Drought Prediction Contradicted… “Heavy Rainfall… […]

  2. Ric Werme

    I’m interested in your 1938 reference. In that year, a very strong, very fast hurricane devastated parts of New England in the northeast US. This year’s Hurricane Fiona was very similar, but tracked further east, trashing the Canadian Maritimes instead.

    In the US, the 1930s had some of its most extreme weather, was that decade extreme all over the world?

    1. Matthew Bruha

      Here is a map of historical rainfall in Australia

  3. oebele bruinsma

    For all to see: “climate crisis religion”.

  4. TimRules!

    We should be asking them, what kind of weather event would disprove Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming?

  5. Petit_Barde

    Any policy based on ideology instead of empirical evidence disintegrates soon or later against the wall of realities.

  6. John Hultquist

    Flannery has made so many predictions that haven’t come true that the mind boggles.

    The sources he uses are equally wrong. In a rational world the “climate crisis” would have died and been buried when Ol’ Shep was a pup.

  7. RoHa

    In 2006 Flannery said “it ain’t gonna rain no more, no more”.

    In 2010 Queensland turned into Lake Queensland.

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