
New Study: Modern Sea Ice Extent Is Nearly The Highest In 9000 Years Across the Arctic

New Study: Modern Sea Ice Extent Is Nearly The Highest In 9000 Years Across the Arctic

Millennial-scale Arctic sea ice reconstructions do not corroborate alarmist claims of unprecedented sea ice losses in modern times.  Using sea ice biomarker proxy (IP25), scientists (Kolling et al., 2023) have determined that the sea ice extent in the Labrador Sea was nearly absent throughout the year (close to 0.0 μg/gTOC) for much of the last […]

Greenland’s Tipping Point Cancelled? Claims Of A Runaway Melt Are Overblown

By KlimaNachrichten We have carefully read the definition of a “tipping point” as conveyed by Potsdam Institute (PIK): “It’s like a pencil that you push further and further over the edge of a table with your finger. First nothing happens – then it falls.” That’s what the PIK website says. Nothing can bring the pencil […]

Greenland Ice Melt Has Added Just 1.2 Centimeters To Sea Levels Since 1992

Greenland Ice Melt Has Added Just 1.2 Centimeters To Sea Levels Since 1992

The magnitude problem persists for peddlers of Climate Alarm. During the last interglacial (LIG) 127-119k years ago atmospheric CO2 was said to be 275 ppm, and yet the global sea levels were 6-9 m higher than they are today. The higher sea levels were due primarily to the LIG’s substantially warmer temperatures, which meant that […]

Veteran German Meteorologist: Arctic Showing "Significant Trend Towards More Ice!" Since 2007

Veteran German Meteorologist: Arctic Showing “Significant Trend Towards More Ice!” Since 2007

Retired German meteorologist Klaus-Eckart Puls writes at the European Institute for Climate and Energy (EIKE) that the Arctic has stopped melting over the past years. By Klaus-Eckart Puls The above polynomial curve chart plots the Arctic sea ice minimum for each year since 1990. It has surprisingly started trending upwards. THIS is how it is […]

Arctic 2023 Refuses To Melt...German Scientists Blame "Unusual Weather Phenomenon"

Arctic 2023 Refuses To Melt…German Scientists Blame “Unusual Weather Phenomenon”

16 years of no decline Arctic summer minimum sea ice extent refuses to drop further, surprising and frustrating the alarmist media. Image: National Snow and Ice data Center (NSIDC), Boulder, Colorado.  Hat-tip: Klimanachrichten German research vessel Polarstern of the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) is currently underway again in the Arctic. where a decrease in sea […]

Greenland's 2022-'23 Ice Coverage Well Above 1981-2010 Average Despite 'Global Boiling' Rhetoric

Greenland’s 2022-’23 Ice Coverage Well Above 1981-2010 Average Despite ‘Global Boiling’ Rhetoric

Since the early 2000s there has been no net change in the Greenland ice sheet mean annual surface temperature, as well as no net change in melt extent percentage. Greenland’s ice coverage was, for most of this year (September 1, 2022 to August 31, 2023), observed to be significantly above the long-term (1981-2010) climate average. […]

New Study Finds Greenland's 1929-'31 Temps, Ice Extent, Snow Line 'Comparable' To Recent Decades

New Study Finds Greenland’s 1929-’31 Temps, Ice Extent, Snow Line ‘Comparable’ To Recent Decades

Greenland’s climate and ice/snow volume have not been cooperating with the anthropogenic global warming narrative. The 1929-1931 Wegener expedition real-world observations reveal Greenland temperatures, ice extent were then “of a comparable magnitude” to recent decades (Abermann et al., 2023). The 1930 snow line was higher (more melt) than the 2000-2020 average, “similar” to the record […]

Another New Study Shows The Siberian Arctic Is Warmer When CO2 Is Low And Colder As CO2 Rises

Another New Study Shows The Siberian Arctic Is Warmer When CO2 Is Low And Colder As CO2 Rises

In the last 25,000 years there has been an anti-correlation between rising CO2 and the Siberian Arctic temperature – the opposite of what is claimed by proponents of the anthropogenic global warming narrative. According to a new study, Arctic Siberia was 4°C warmer than it is today from 15,000 to 11,000 years ago, when CO2 […]

Study: Northern Greenland Was Ice Free, Forested ~125k Years Ago, Adding 3 Meters To Sea Levels

Study: Northern Greenland Was Ice Free, Forested ~125k Years Ago, Adding 3 Meters To Sea Levels

During the last interglacial (LIG) 127 to 119k years ago, when CO2 levels were said to be only 275 ppm, Greenland’s Camp Century surface was ice free, vegetated. Today this same site is buried under a 1.4 kilometers-high ice sheet. The Arctic was sea ice free during the LIG (Diamond et al., 2021). Image Source: […]

Scientists Say A 6°C Warmer-Than-Today Arctic Is 'Optimal' For Thermophile Species

Scientists Say A 6°C Warmer-Than-Today Arctic Is ‘Optimal’ For Thermophile Species

Back in the Early Holocene, when CO2 levels were said to be ~255 ppm, Arctic Svalbard was warm enough to accommodate abundant numbers of thermophiles, or warmth-demanding species. Only “remnants” of these species and their habitat exist in today’s much-colder Arctic. With the exception of a few centuries in recent millennia, today’s Svalbard (Arctic) is […]

2M Years Ago Corals, Manatees Occupied N. Greenland Seas As Elephants Browsed A Forested Landscape

2M Years Ago Corals, Manatees Occupied N. Greenland Seas As Elephants Browsed A Forested Landscape

An ancient vegetative and fauna ecosystem discovery in northernmost Greenland reveals how substantially warmer polar climates were when CO2 levels were said to be much lower than today. Reconstruction of the Kap København Formation ecosystem 2 million years ago. Image credit: Beth Zaiken. Source: Sci.News The northern coasts of Greenland are today a barren polar […]

Greenland Temperatures Rose 1°C In 1994 ... Since Then They Have Been 'Relatively Constant'

Greenland Temperatures Rose 1°C In 1994 … Since Then They Have Been ‘Relatively Constant’

A warming event that spans only one year, with decades of stable temperatures before and after, would not appear to align with rapidly rising human CO2 emissions or a gradually rising atmospheric CO2 concentration. From 1958 to 2020, as CO2 rose from 320 ppm to 410 ppm, Greenland had a warming period of 1°C that […]

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