Central Europe, Scandinavia Brace For Worst March Temperature Plummet Since 1987!

Over the last few days, Central Europe has been enjoying springlike sunshine with double-digit Celsius temperatures. Some readings rose to near 15°C (59°F). However, this will end brutally by the end of the week. At Twitter, meteorologist Dominik Jung of wetter.net posted the chart of what’s ahead, for example, for the central German city of Hannover:

2013March temperature D Jung

Chart source: Dominik Jung at Twitter

Note how temperatures will plummet to under -10°C by next week. Meteorologist Dr. Karsten Brandt says the coming March temperature plummet will be the worst since 1987. He writes:

Snow may accumulate even in the flatlands. Temperatures down to -15°C will arrive during the course of next week. It will be a cold blast of the sort we last saw in 1987.”

German online Bild here presents a video of the coming cold. Yet another freeze-thaw cycle – and I thought the streets were already a mess!

Germany’s and Austria’s 2012/13 DJF winter summary:

Meanwhile, the German Weather Service, Deutsche Wetterdienst, (DWD) issued its summary report for the 2012/13 DJF meteorological winter for Germany, which pretty much represents Central Europe.

This winter has been characterized by its darker, colder and snowier conditions. It was the most sunless German winter since measurements began in 1951. On average tthe sun appeared for only 96 hours over the three-month period, which is only 62% of the mean of 154 hours.

As a whole, the 2012/13 winter for Germany was 0.6°C colder than the 1981-2010 average. That’s the 5th time in a row that winter has been colder than normal.

Germany as a whole was had above average precipitation. On average 210 l/m² of precipitation fell in the winter of 2012/13 – the long-term average is 181 l/m². On 21 January almost all of Germany was covered by snow.

Record snowfall in Austria

Austria’s ZAMG Weather Service writes that the DJF winter was characterised by having the lowest amount of sunshine since 1904. Sunshine was 37% below normal.

The mean temperature for the 3-month period over Austria was 0.1°C colder than the long-term 1981-2010 average.

Precipitation across Austria was well above normal, with new snowfall records being set in some regions. Austria’s 2012/13 winter saw 35% more precipitation than the 1981-2010 mean. The ZAMG writes that Reichenau an der Rax saw 330 mm of precipitation over the three-month period, the most since records began in 1865. In Bregenz 263 cm of new snow fell over the period – 4 times the average. On February 9 Bregenz set a new record for snow amount since measurements began in 1936.

Eisenstadt saw three times more snow than average and Vienna saw two times more snowfall than the 30-year long-term mean. Snowfall records were set at a number of other locations.

In both the German and Austrian summaries, there’s no mention of “climate change”, which otherwise almost always appears in reports when warmer than normal temperatures are the case.


13 responses to “Central Europe, Scandinavia Brace For Worst March Temperature Plummet Since 1987!”

  1. Joe
    1. Ed Caryl

      Is that double irony?

  2. DirkH

    German court rules that exemptions from electricity transmission fees for energy intensive German industries are illegal. For private households the fee is about 20% of the end price or about 5 Eurocents/kWh.


    You might want to consider ditching stocks of German steel makers, aluminum smelters and paper mills.

  3. Casper

    Whatever will be. The German citizens will pay for the Energiewende,

  4. DirkH

    Gas deliveries from Libya to Italy stopped due to militias fighting.
    Gas spot prices in UK at 5 year high due to North Sea pipeline technical difficulties. (and the plummeting GBP probably)

    1. Edward.

      Ah…………. it just gets better – supply difficulties and with winter coming in a blast around the corner again, what Germany will get will also hit the UK – blackouts on the cards maybe?

      In a way, I hope it does – maybe that will focus minds [bang heads together] somewhat in the UK.

    2. Jimbo

      Apparently if consumption does not slow down soon then the UK has just 2 weeks supply of gas left.
      Source: Bloomberg

      If gas supplies stop then so will peoples cenrtrally heated homes. This would have the possitive effect of making people really appreciate what fossil fuels actually does for them. A few years back when the truckers went on strike, the UK ground to almost a standstill in 6 days as petroleum fuel ran out.

  5. Ike



    a lot to read, and it good writen. May Piere wants to translate some main points.


  6. ArndB

    Winter is unlikely to return. The Baltic and North Sea, with temperatures above average, will prevent a surprise! Discussed here: http://www.ocean-climate-law.com/13/home.html

  7. Richard111

    Hmm… BBC TV Weather reported temperatures dropping this weekend. No mention of the poor gas reserve. Interesting times.

  8. Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup | Watts Up With That?
  9. Mindert Eiting

    A late reaction but at present (11 March) it is horrible cold in Amsterdam. I’ve heard that in Germany the situation is even worse. Prediction seems to be quite accurate. We are making jokes here that this must have been caused by global warming.

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