New Study: Globally, 30% Of Modern Forests Have Not Warmed...50% Of Treelines Have Not Advanced

New Study: Globally, 30% Of Modern Forests Have Not Warmed…50% Of Treelines Have Not Advanced

Scientists presumably intending to report unusual modern warming in response to anthropogenic activities actually indicate all or nearly all modern warming and treeline advances at a Rocky Mountain ice patch site occurred from the 1910s to the 1940s.

An interesting observation found in the body of a new study (Pederson et al., 2025) is that 30% of the globe’s forests have not even warmed in the modern era (1900s-present), and just 50% of the globe’s forests have not advanced upslope. This would appear to challenge claims of global-scale warming.

“Variations in local conditions likely explain why recent warming documented at approximately 70% of treelines globally only resulted in ~50% exhibiting upslope advances.”

The study documents a millennia-scale treeline and temperature record from a high-elevation site (>3,000 m above sea level) in the USA’s Rocky Mountains (Yellowstone region).

A melting ice patch reveals a pine forest grew at this elevation, which is ~180 m above today’s treeline limit, approximately 6,500 to 4,200 years ago. Higher treelines are indicative of warmer Holocene temperatures. Volcanically-induced cooling after 4,200 years ago led to the decline in treeline elevation to modern levels in the Late Holocene.

The authors point out that the 21st century warming in this region has now equaled the warm-season temperatures of the Mid-Holocene.

Interestingly, though, the observed (instrumental) and reconstructed modern warming trends shown in the paper indicate all or nearly all accomplished in the decades between the 1910s and 1940s. The modern treeline advance was also achieved by the 1940s.

This would appear to indicate there has been no obvious net warming trend or net treeline advance since the 1940s…despite the abrupt increase in greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuel burning after 1945.

Image Source: Pederson et al., 2025

Oops: Climate Rescuer Hydrogen 12 Times Worse For The Climate, Researchers Find

Warming effect of leaked hydrogen is almost 12 times stronger than CO2

Hat-tip: Klimaschau

We’ve been told that hydrogen is now the savior of the energy transition. At some point, the green energy planners realized that the power grid cannot serve as a storage system. So a storage material without carbon had to be found: hydrogen, H2.

Source here.

However, that might not work out either, as a team of researchers from the Center for International Climate Research in Oslo (CICERO) published an article in the Nature Communications Earth & Environment” in June 2023. The title: “A multi-model assessment of the global warming potential of hydrogen.”

Here’s the press release (emphasis added:

The global warming effect of leaked hydrogen is almost 12 times stronger than CO2, shows a new study by CICERO, a climate research center, published in Communications Earth & Environment.

The study fills a gap in our knowledge about the climate effects of hydrogen, a central technology in the energy transition.

Unlike exhaust from burning coal and gas that contains CO2, burning hydrogen emits only water vapor and oxygen. Rather, it is the leaking of hydrogen from production, transportation and usage that adds to .

Hydrogen is not a , but its  in the atmosphere affect greenhouse gases like methane, ozone, and stratospheric water vapor. In this way, emissions of hydrogen can cause global warming, despite its lack of direct radiative properties.

The study was led by Dr. Maria Sand, a senior scientist at CICERO, and her colleagues with collaborators from the U.K., France and the U.S.

‘The climate effects of hydrogen have been an under-researched topic. However, a few papers based on single model studies confirm our estimated global warming potential (GWP100) of 11.6,’ said Sand.

‘We used five different atmospheric chemistry models and investigated changes in atmospheric methane, ozone and stratospheric water vapor,’ said Sand.

‘Hydrogen interacts with various biogeochemical processes. In our , we have included soil uptake, photochemical production of hydrogen, the lifetimes of hydrogen and methane, and the interactions between hydrogen and methane,’ said Sand.

The study is the most comprehensive assessment of the climate effect of hydrogen to date, thanks to the advanced and novel use of existing .

‘We have assessed the uncertainties, and our study forms a robust foundation for political decision-making on hydrogen,’ said Sand.

‘A global warming potential of 11.6 is significant, and our study clearly shows the importance of reducing hydrogen leaks. We lack the technology to monitor and detect hydrogen leaks at the scale needed, but new technology is being developed as the industry adapts,’ said Sand.

The potential benefit of switching to a hydrogen economy will depend on the magnitude of hydrogen leakages and to what extent  replaces fossil fuels.

‘There are still many open questions, and our group will continue to expand our knowledge to ensure timely and accurate decision-making on a key mitigation technology,’ said Sand.”

Hype Uncovered: ‘Nature’ Study Shows That Permafrost Is Not A Climate Tipping Point

Germany’s Klimanachrichten here presents peer-reviewed climate science that shows permafrost is not really a tipping point we need to worry about. 

Here’s the text of what is reported on the video: 

“Permafrost soils store a lot of CO2 and are often described as a critical tipping element in the Earth system, which suddenly and globally collapses above a certain level of global warming. Yet, the view of a ticking time bomb that initially behaves rather calmly and only ignites at a certain warming threshold is controversial among researchers. According to scientific data, this claim is not correct, as an international study team led by the Alfred Wegener Institute has now been able to show.

According to the study, there is not one specific global climate tipping point, but many local and regional tipping elements that “ignite” at different times, accumulate over time and cause the permafrost to thaw in step with climate change.

Permafrost soils cover around a quarter of the land area in the northern hemisphere and store vast amounts of organic carbon in the form of dead plant remains. These are not decomposed when frozen. Only when the permafrost thaws do microorganisms become active and release a lot of carbon into the atmosphere as CO2 and methane. Rising global temperatures could therefore activate these gigantic reservoirs and massively increase climate change through additional emissions. In the public debate, there is therefore repeated talk of a “ticking carbon time bomb”. This is based on the assumption that permafrost, like the Greenland ice sheet, is one of several tipping elements in the Earth system. According to this, the permafrost initially disappears only slowly in the course of global warming. Only when a critical threshold value is exceeded do the thawing processes suddenly intensify themselves and a rapid, irreversible global permafrost collapse sets in. Although such a thawing scenario is often suspected, it has not yet been possible to clarify whether such a threshold value really exists and at what temperature it could be exceeded.

An international research team led by Jan Nitzbon from the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helmholtz Center for Polar and Marine Research (AWI) has now gotten to the bottom of this question. The AWI researcher explains, quote: “In fact, the depiction of permafrost as a global tipping element is controversial in research. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) also points out this ambiguity in its latest assessment report. We wanted to close this knowledge gap. For our study, we compiled the available scientific literature on the processes that can influence and accelerate the thawing of permafrost. Underpinned by our own data analysis, we evaluated all current findings on thawing processes to determine whether and on what spatial scale – local, regional, global – they can lead to self-sustaining thawing and thus to a ‘tipping point’ at a certain warming threshold.” End quote.

The results of the study clearly show that there are self-reinforcing, partly irreversible geological, hydrological and physical processes, but these only have a local or regional effect. One example is the formation of so-called thermokarst lakes. This involves ice melting in permafrost soils, which then sink. The meltwater collects on the surface and forms a dark lake that absorbs a lot of solar energy. This further increases the warming of the permafrost beneath the lake and creates a self-perpetuating dew process in the area around the lake. Similar amplifying feedbacks were also found in other processes relevant to permafrost, such as the loss of boreal coniferous forests due to fires – but here too only on a local to regional scale. There is no evidence for self-reinforcing internal processes that would simultaneously affect the entire permafrost above a certain degree of global warming and accelerate thawing globally. Even the estimated release of greenhouse gases would not lead to a global leap in global warming at least until the end of the century. The depiction of permafrost as a global tipping element is therefore misleading.

The study was published in Nature Climate Change in June 2024.”

3 More New Drought And Temperature Reconstructions Do Not Support The Climate Alarm Narrative

Studies from Central China, Russia, and Central Europe indicate there was just as much (0r more) warming and drought prior to 1900, or when CO2 concentrations were under 300 ppm.

A new 1606 to 2016 Central China winter (minimum) temperature reconstruction (Jiang et al., 2024) reveals cold periods only occurred in 9 years of the 1600s (1663-1672), but there were 71 years of cold periods during the 20th century (1900-1942, 1959-1979, 1985-1994).

Notably, CO2 hovered around 278 ppm during the 1600s and 1700s, but it rose from 290 ppm to 370 ppm during the 1900s.

From 1650-1750 the winter temperatures in Central China were 0.44°C warmer than they were during the 20th century. The authors were surprised by this temperature result, as 1650-1750 falls within the timing of the Little Ice Age.

“Surprisingly, during 1650–1750, the lowest winter temperature within the research area was about 0.44 °C higher than that in the 20th century, which differs significantly from the concept of the ‘cooler’ Little Ice Age during this period. This result is validated by the temperature results reconstructed from other tree-ring data from nearby areas, confirming the credibility of the reconstruction.”

Finally, it should be noted that the year 1719 was 1.4°C warmer (-3.17°C) than the 1961-2016 average (-4.57°C).

Image Source: Jiang et al., 2024

A new 1803-2020 Central Europe precipitation reconstruction (Nagavciuc et al., 2025) determines droughts were more prolonged and pronounced during the 1800s than in the 1900s, as the 1900s were relatively wet. Only one recent period (2007-2020) endured extreme drought, but it did not exceed the severity of the 1818–1835, 1845–1854, 1882–1890 drought years.

“Interestingly, the most extreme wet periods occurred in the 20th century, while the most extreme dry periods were recorded in the 19th and 21st centuries.”

Image Source: Nagavciuc et al., 2025

Finally, another new precipitation and temperature reconstruction (Kirdyanov et al., 2024) from the Russian Altai Mountains suggests “stable summer temperature signals” since the 1500s, with no obvious trend changes falling outside the long-term average.

Image Source: Kirdyanov et al., 2024

2024 Registrations Of New Electric Cars Plummet 27.5% In Germany…”Petrol Dominates”

How’s the Green New Deal working out in Germany? Not very well at all.

Firstly, Germany has been in recession for almost 2 years now – thanks mostly to the policies of Economics Minster Robert Habeck (Green Party), who incidentally has no education in economics, business or finance. The guy just doesn’t know what he’s doing.

Secondly, German energy prices are among the most expensive in the world, and the German power supply has become more unstable than ever. Germany is now in a rapid deindustrialization tailspin.

E-cars aren’t selling

Another indicator that the Green New Deal is faltering badly: sales of new electric cars have plummeted 27.5%, reports Blackout News here, citing data from the Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA). “Only 380,600 electric vehicles were newly registered. This corresponds to a decline of 27.5 percent compared to the previous year.”

“Diesel cars were even ahead of purely electric cars at 17.2 percent, reports Blackout News. “These figures show how far away Germany is from the government’s electromobility targets. According to the KBA, there were only 1.4 million electric cars on the roads at the turn of 2024/25, while the target is around 15 million by 2030.”

With the bad figures, it’s only natural that e-car proponents are calling for more subsidies in order to entice consumers to opt for e-cars, and higher taxes to punish those who refuse to cooperate by buying diesel or petrol engine vehicles, which are more reliable and cheaper.

Future remains bleak for e-mobility 

So what does the future hold? That of course will depend on the outcome of the coming February 23 national elections. Currently the (fake) conservative CDU/CSU party are leading in the polls (29%) and are expected to win. But a new government under chancellor Friedrich Merz would likely continue Angela Merkel’s disastrous green policies, albeit at a slower rate than the current socialist-Green government under Olaf Scholz.

Growing resistance, AfD on the rise

However, Germany’s new conservative-libertarian AfD party, led by the charismatic Alice Weidel, is steadily closing the gap (22%), and today there’s even a chance of a major upset occurring come the end of February! The momentum is clearly on their side. Elon Musk called the AfD “Germany’s last hope.”

Though a victory by the anti-Green-New-Deal AfD party likely would not mean the chancellorship and thus a takeover of the reins of power,  it would be another major setback for the ever increasingly unpopular green movement.

To make matters worse for the German green movement, President Trump will certainly bring energy prices down in USA, and thus further exacerbate Germany’s economic uncompetitiveness. Germany’s needs to wake up from its green fantasies.

In summary, the next four years don’t offer much hope for Germany and its crumbling green movement. To reach the set targets, authoritarian measures certainly would need to be enacted.

Physicists: Increasing CO2 By 100% Only Reduces Radiative Cooling To Space By An Imperceptible 1%

“An increase in low cloud cover of only about 1% could largely compensate for the doubling of CO2.” – van Wijngaarden & Happer, 2025

Ph.D physicists detail just how insignificant CO2 is as a factor in climate change, revealing that doubling the CO2 concentration from 400 ppm to 800 ppm – a 100% increase – hypothetically reduces radiative heat loss to space by just 1%.

Since CO2 has only risen by 50% since 1750 (280 ppm to 420 ppm), CO2’s total greenhouse effect influence in reducing outgoing radiation has thus far been in the range of tenths of a percentage point. A less than 1% change in outgoing radiation over hundreds of years is not even detectable amid the noise of outgoing radiation measurement. Observation error in measuring Earth’s outgoing radiation is 33 W/m², for example.

Furthermore, this negligible CO2 greenhouse effect impact is only a calculated value for an atmosphere that is perpetually cloud-free. As clouds are present 60-70% of the time, this clear-sky-only condition only occurs in an imaginary world – an atmosphere that doesn’t exist.

In contrast to CO2’s role within the greenhouse effect, the greenhouse effect of clouds is tens of times more influential. As Drs. van Wijngaarden and Happer point out in their conclusion, all that is needed to offset or wipe out the impact of doubling CO2 is a mere 1% change in cloud cover.

Since cloud cover changes of well more than 1% occur routinely, both from year-to-year and decadally, the role of CO2 within the greenhouse effect is rendered insignificant, if not irrelevant.

Image Source: van Wijngaarden and Happer, 2025

Japanese Scientist: The IPCC’s Climate Models Are Fundamentally Flawed, Use False Assumptions

By Kyoji Kimoto  

Fig.1 below is an energy budget of the earth having an atmospheric window.

In this case, OLR (Outgoing Longwave Radiation) is expressed as follows.:OLR= Fw (function of Ts, 17%) + Fu (function of Tu, 83%)

Ts –  surface temperature,

Tu –  upper troposphere temperature

Therefore, Tu increases as much as ~1C to restore the decreased OLR as much as 4(W/m2) at the tropopause with a CO2 doubling.

Fig.1. Energy budget of the earth (adapted from Fig.4.1 in Dorland, R.V., de Jager, dr. C., Versteegh, G.J.M., 2006. KNMI Report 50010200, 99-101)

 In contrast, climate models were developed by Manabe, Hansen, Cess and Schlesinger using the energy budget of the earth by Fig. 2 having no atmospheric window.

Fig.2. Energy budget of the Earth by Ramanathan (1987)

Therefore 40 climate models participated in CMIP6 have no atmospheric window as shown by Fig. 3. In this case, surface temperature Ts increases as much as ~1C to restore the decreased OLR as much as 4(W/m2) at the tropopause with CO2 doubling.

Fig. 3: Wild (2020) CMIP6 (Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6)

Fig. 3 All sky was adapted in the following reference: Martin Wild, Climate Dynamics (2020) 55:553-577.


There is no theoretical basis for the Net Zero policy based on the man-made climate change narrative of the IPCC. It comes from the lack in knowledge of the atmospheric window of the energy budget of the earth by modelers.

Theoretically speaking, OLR is treated as one variable function as OLR= function (Ts) in climate models while in reality it is two variable function as OLR= function (Ts, Tu).

Cambridge Scientists: Climate Change Is Not The Cause Of Megafauna Extinctions

The alarmist talking point insisting human CO2 emissions and “climate change” have been driving and will continue to drive the Earth’s 6th Mass Extinction event is not supported by the evidence.

Twenty years ago it was claimed climate change (global warming) would drive the extinction of one million species by 2050. This presumes human-induced rates of warming are so accelerated and unprecedentedly fast that species cannot adapt quickly enough.

It’s odd to believe ecosystems can withstand seasonal ±15°C temperature swings from summer to winter, or within a span of 6 months, but not the 0.005°C per year change since 1860.

A new study indicates the megafauna extinctions over the last 50,000 years – mammoths, giant sloths, giant armadillos, as well as the extinction of Arctic-dwelling horses, rhinos, bison, and camels – occurred primarily due to human occupation and predation in regions we had never been before.

The climate changes over the last tens of thousands of years (for example, the 4-5°C warming across the Northern Hemisphere within a few decades 14,700 years ago, or the 24 abrupt 10-15°C warming events within decades or less across Greenland, had a negligible to non-existent impact on megafauna extinctions.

“Hence, the global analyses strongly support human causation, and even indicate little or no interaction with climate change, neither in the severity of extinction and decline nor in the timing.”

Perhaps alarmist claims about mass extinction from climate change are, as they say, going the way of the dodo.

Image Source: Svenning et al., 2024

Scientists: Greenland July 14°C Warmer With 35% Less CO2 250,000 Years Ago!

CO2 theory called into question…inconvenient truths emerge

A new study by Bierman et al titled: Plant, insect, and fungi fossils under the center of Greenland’s ice sheet are evidence of ice-free times, shows that “in the middle of Greenland, where a three-kilometer-thick ice sheet now sits, plants and insects once flourished and at CO2 levels well below today’s levels.” – Report 24

Hat-tip: Katrin Kana

Greenland was teeming with life 250,000 years ago, scientists have found. Image Nature

Hotter with less CO2? That puts the CO2 global warming theory on its head.

14°C warmer with 35% Less CO2

The scientists have proven that central Greenland was completely ice-free in the recent geological past – around 250,000 to 1.1 million years ago – at a time when the atmospheric CO2 content was between 275 and 290 ppm, compared to 420 today.

During drilling on the GISP2 project, researchers found some surprises: remains of poppies, moss ferns, wood tissue and insect parts. That means where we have perpetual ice today, there was once abundant life and warmth not long ago. The scientists estimate a July mean temperature of between +3 and +7°C compared to the -7°C measured today.

According to Germany’s online Report24 here,

What is particularly interesting is that the CO2 concentration of this ice-free period corresponds almost exactly to the values of the “Little Ice Age” between 1700 and 1900.” […] “The study raises fundamental questions. For example: If Greenland could be ice-free at low CO2 levels, what factors really determine whether it freezes or thaws? The answer is likely to be more complex than some climate hysterics would like.”

Such warmth, at Little Ice Age CO2-levels, is a very inconvenient fact for the climate alarmists and it suggests that the climate system is indeed far more complicated than the straight line CO2-temperature claims made by the government-funded scientists and non-questioning media want us to believe.

They’ve got some explaining to do.

See full article (German) at Report 24 here.

Germany Already Rationing Energy…”Avoid Using Electric Appliances Until After 11 A.M.!

Welcome to Germany’s green economic miracle. The year is 2025!

Germany’s so-called Energiewende (transition to renewable energies) has had one unmistakable result: Germany now finds itself rapidly nearing the brink of a third world country where the power supply is no longer reliable and brownouts becoming more and more a daily routine.

What’s happening is the opposite of what was once promised by the know-it-all climate wisemen: “Green energies would lead to a clean and prosperous country that would be the envy of the world.

So much for their fantasies.

The reality, as reported yesterday by Germany’s leading daily, Bild here: Germans in south Germany are now being told that their laundry and e-car charging  are to be done only at certain times!

According to online Bild yesterday: “People in Baden-Württemberg should use as little electricity as possible on Friday from 8 am to 11 am. The transmission capacities of the power lines from the north of Germany to the southwest were over-utilized,”

Consumers were asked to avoid the use of all energy-intensive appliances.

Grid operator TransnetBW issues energy supply red alert yesterday

Recall that Germany’s green energy masterminds decided that it would be best to decommission the country’s fleet on nuclear power plants, and to produce weather-dependent power with wind farms operating in the north of country, and then supply it to southern Germany via power transmission lines. There’s on problem with the masterplan from the green masterminds: the wind doesn’t blow all the time and so shortages result and rationing becomes necessary!

According to the StromgGedacht from grid operator TransnetBW in Stuttgart, to avoid overloading the grid: “Electric vehicles or batteries (of laptops etc.) should also not be charged from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. if this can be avoided.”

Central Greenland Was Recently Ice-Free And Covered With Plants When CO2 Was Under 300 ppm

Today, with CO2 levels supposedly in the “dangerously high” range, Central Greenland has 3 kilometers of ice piled atop it.

Scientists have known since the GISP2 borehole was drilled in 1993 that Central Greenland deglaciated at least once in the late Pleistocene (Bierman et al., 2024). Indeed, the Summit of the modern Greenland ice sheet was actually ice-free at some point between 250,000 and 1.1 million years ago – which is relatively recent from a geological perspective.

Plants, wood, insects, fungi and other remnants suggestive of vegetation were recovered from the bottom of the boring site. This is quite a contrast to today’s 3000-meters-high ice sheet at this same location.

“The presence of poppy, spike-moss, fungal sclerotia, woody tissue, and insect parts in the GISP2 till shows that tundra vegetation once covered central Greenland, mandating that the island was largely ice-free.”

The atmospheric CO2 concentration is presumed to have ranged between 275 and 290 ppm during the Late Pleistocene, or during this same period when Greenland was ice-free. These sub-300 ppm CO2 levels are thought to be the same as they were from 1700 to 1900 (the Little Ice Age), when, as today, Central Greenland has remained buried in kilometers of ice.

The authors of this study use existing knowledge of Greenland’s climate (for example, Summit’s mean July temperature is -7°C) to calculate how much warmer Central Greenland was “when the ice was gone” during the last 1.1 million years. Controlling for lapse rate, Central Greenland’s average surface air temperatures were likely +3 to 7°C in July when it had no ice sheet.

The atmospheric CO2 concentration thus appears to be largely unrelated to either Greenland’s climate or its state of glaciation.

Image Source: Bierman et al., 2024

2025 Looks Bleak For Germany…Energy The Most Expensive In Europe …Growing Speech Tyranny

2025 in Germany will be a year more energy inflation and loss a free speech rights

Effective today, Germany’s CO2 surcharge will rise from 45 euros a tonne to 55 euros, which will further fan inflation and social discontent.

Already Germany’s electricity prices are among the highest in the world, and the most expensive in Europe:


Germany clamps down on dissenters, free speech

But 2025 will not be an easy year for dissenters and critics of the government, as this is increasingly being criminalized in Germany thanks to recently passed laws and acts that aim to suppress free speech.

The former head Germany’s Constitution Protection Authority (Bundesverfassungsschutz), Thomas Haldenwang (CDU Party), suggested last February when presenting measures to fight right-wing extremism, that human thoughts and speech patterns need to be under surveillance and become the business of the government: “It’s also about shifting verbal and mental boundaries. We have to be careful that thought and language patterns don’t become embedded in our language.”

In a nutshell, the German government aims to regulate human thoughts.

Mocking the state now verboten

Haldenwang’s boss, Federal Minister of the Interior Nancy Faeser (SPD Party), wants to treat vocal conservative protesters in the same way as organized crime groups: “Those who mock the state must deal with a strong state,” she said.

Even legal speech to become suspect

“We want to take account of the fact that hate on the internet also occurs below the threshold of criminal liability,”said Federal Minister for Family Affairs Lisa Paus (Greens) at her press conference on February 13 on the topic of ‘Hate on the Internet’.“Many enemies of democracy know exactly what falls under freedom of expression on social media platforms,”

Meant by “enemies of democracy” here are opposition forces, even when democratically elected.

Unwanted election results may be annulled

In response to comments in favor of the conservative made by Elon Musk, German President Frank Walter Steinmeier hinted he would annul the results of the upcoming February 23 national elections if he doesn’t like the results.

So in Germany, it’s watch what you say and, if the old parties don’t like the election results, then they might just well annul them. Germany is slipping back quickly to darker times.

Happy New Year to the rest of you!

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