Study: Sea Levels Rose 4.7 Centimeters Per Year 8200 Years Ago - 30 Times Faster Than Modern Rates

Study: Sea Levels Rose 4.7 Centimeters Per Year 8200 Years Ago – 30 Times Faster Than Modern Rates

The modern rate of sea level rise is not even close veering outside the range of natural variability.

A new study reminds us that, 8200 years ago, near-global sea levels rose 6.5 meters in a span of just 140 years. This is 470 centimeters per century, 4.7 centimeters per year, during a period when CO2 levels were alleged to be a “safe” and stagnant 260 ppm.

Image Source: Nunn et al., 2024

To put this change rate in perspective, global sea levels rose at a rate of 1.56 millimeters per year from 1900 to 2018, including 1.5 mm per year rate during the more recent period from 1958-2014 (Frederikse et al., 2020, Frederikse et al., 2018). This is just under 16 centimeters per century or sixteen hundredths of a centimeter (0.16 cm) per year.

Image Source: Frederikse et al., 2020 and Frederikse et al., 2018

The net melt of the Greenland ice sheet (GIS) is thought to have been the largest contributor to sea level rise in recent decades. But, to put the GIS change in context, the entire ice sheet melt contribution to sea level rise was just 1.2 total centimeters from 1992-2020 (Simonsen et al., 2021).

Image Source: Simonsen et al., 2021

The Earth’s natural range of sea level rise rates, periodically reaching 4.7 cm per year, is thus 30 times greater in magnitude than the modern period’s (1900-2018) “anthropogenic” rate, which is 0.156 cm per year.

Categorizing The mRNA-Vaccinated….Most Can Be Forgiven, But Some Cannot

When discussing the mRNA COVID vaccines, we need to be careful about dividing people into the two broad groups of the vaccinated and the unvaccinated.

The truth is that many vaccinated people didn’t want to be injected and now deeply regret it.

Symbol image: CDC

There are 6 categories of the vaccinated, ranging from the innocent victims to the wicked, unrepentant perpetrators.

1. Those vaccinated by force, against their will
These people were forced to get the jab against their will, and included babies and children who were unable to resist. By forced, we mean they were subjected to extreme duress through threats like job loss or being banned from performing their livelihoods. Many knew that the experimental mRNA shots were potentially dangerous, or didn’t work, and were just unnecessary, but were forced against their will to accept them. These people are victims serious human rights violations.  – injured or not.

2. The harassed and coerced
These people were not convinced and many were distrustful of the shot, or even fearful of the drug’s side effects. Many understood that the novel gene-manipulative drug was untested and could be potentially dangerous. Many understood the risk,and never would have allowed themselves to be vaccinated. But they did because the harassment at work, home and in public was just too much to bear.

3. The restriction dodgers
Many were convinced the novel vaccine would work or at least wouldn’t do any harm. Many had felt they didn’t need it, but simply wanted to go back to normal living. Unfortunately these people didn’t do the necessary research to make an informed decision. They were duped into thinking they weren’t harmful. We can forgive this category because at least they didn’t run around lecturing, persecuting and excluding those who resisted taking the mRNA shots. Like in category 1 and 2 above, many deeply regret allowing the injection and promise not to ever take these shots again.

4. The dimwitted follower sheep
They were gullible beyond belief, blindly following everything they were told, and refused to listen to informed experts and hard data contradicting the bogus claims made by the vaccine makers and tyrants. Even today many continue to insist the vaccine works, some even willing to roll up their sleeves again whenever instructed. Too many of them are simply too brainwashed, hypnotized are just flat out too dimwitted to learn. For them, denying is better than confessing and admitting to having been a fool. Yet, we can forgive them to some extent, but we need not give them much sympathy if things go wrong for them.

5. The mRNA vaccine tyrants 
We all know who these people are. They were in the media, institutes, governments and big corporations. They lied and hid the risks from us. These people will remain evil until they confess to their grave sins and change their malicious ways. Everyday we heard them ridicule, persecute, marginalize and coerce the unvaccinated. Many of these tyrants need to be punished, prosecuted for fraud, or forever fired from their positions. The late Dr. Vladimir Zelenko even called for the death penalty for the worst offenders. These people can be forgiven, but only through lots of repentance, remorse, apologies and making solemn pledges to redeem themselves.

6. The unrepentant mRNA tyrants
Those who don’t repent must know we will never forget and will not ever relent hauling you in to face legal justice. Your numbers are shrinking and your protection is crumbling. But it’s (still) not too late for you to redeem yourselves.

Scientists: 100% Of 2000-2023 Warming Explained By Solar Forcing…Human Climate Forcing ‘Does Not Exist In Reality’

“Our analysis revealed that the observed decrease of planetary albedo along with reported variations of the Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) explain 100% of the global warming trend and 83% of the GSAT interannual variability as documented by six satellite- and ground-based monitoring systems over the past 24 years.”  – Nikolov and Zeller, 2024

A new, observation-based study makes extensive use of satellite data (CERES) to quantify the driving mechanism behind the global surface air temperature (GSAT) warming throughout the first 24 years of the 21st century.

Instead of agreeing with the prevailing narrative, the authors reject the hypothesis that accumulated “heat trapping” from rising greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations in recent decades is the driver of global warming. Instead, satellite observations clearly indicate “100% of the global warming trend and 83% of the GSAT interannual variability” is explained by the increasing trend in absorbed shortwave radiation due to the downward trend in planetary albedo primarily induced by changes in cloud cover.

“According to CERES observations, the Earth’s all-sky albedo has declined by approximately 0.79% since 2000 causing an increase of planetary shortwave radiation absorption of ≈2.7 W/m².”

Image Source: Nikolov and Zeller, 2024

The authors point out that the prevailing narrative that says increases in downwelling longwave radiation from GHGs drive warming in the top 100 meters of the ocean is rooted in assumption. The proposed-but-never-observed (using GHGs as the causal variable) mechanism involves a hypothetical “thermal skin layer” temperature-gradient explanation for how GHG-induced water-warming might possibly work (see Wong and Minnett, 2018). In reality, thermal radiation penetrates less than one-thousandth of a meter and “cannot directly warm the deep ocean.”.

In contrast, satellite-observed increases in absorbed solar radiation – which penetrates 100 m and indeed directly warms the ocean water – explains not only the 0-100 m ocean-warming trend since 2000, but also 80% of the interannual temperature variability.

“CERES data do not support the hypothesis that the observed EEI [Earth’s Energy Imbalance] is a result of heat trapping by increasing atmospheric greenhouse gases. Instead, these data indicate that the Earth system has gained energy through an increased absorption of solar radiation…”

“Our analysis of the CERES EBAF 4.2 shortwave fluxes showed that the observed surface and subsurface ocean warming since 2000 (including the 2023 extreme heat anomaly) was exclusively caused by an increased uptake of solar energy due to a decreasing planetary albedo…”

Image Source: Nikolov and Zeller, 2024

Drs. Nikolov and Zeller further explain “the atmospheric longwave radiation is merely a byproduct (i.e., an effect) of the air temperatures rather than a driver of climate.”

This is because Earth’s Energy Imbalance (EEI) – the energy budget presumed to be the determinant of atmospheric and ocean warming (positive imbalance) or cooling (negative) – “is not caused by heat retention (i.e., impedance of cooling) due to increasing atmospheric greenhouse gases, and therefore does not carry excess energy that can be stored in the oceans and later released to cause more warming.”

In other words, the anthropogenic global warming conceptualization is not a real-world phenomenon. It does not exist.

“[A] global longwave radiative forcing predicted by climate models and attributed to rising concentrations of atmospheric trace gases does not exist in reality.”

“Thus, the available empirical evidence does not support the existence of an anthropogenic radiative forcing disturbing the energy flow within the Earth’s climate system.”

Image Source: Nikolov and Zeller, 2024

Alarmist Predictions False! Not A Single Heat Wave This Summer At Cologne-Bonn

An analysis of data show that the Cologne-Bonn airport hasn’t had a single real heat wave so far this summer, as was the case in most places in Germany.

“Experts” predicting a “summer of hell” are proven wrong.

Hat-tip: Snowfan

Firstly, there is no standardized international definition of the term heatwave. Definitions are often based on a combination of percentile-based threshold values.

For example, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) defines a heat wave as a period during which the daily maximum temperature exceeds for more than five consecutive days the maximum normal temperature by 5 degrees Celsius.

At the start of summer, climate alarmists predicted Germany would likely see a “summer of hell” with extreme heat waves and misery for Germans. Today we look back at this prediction, using data from the Cologne-Bonn airport weather station.

The Cologne-Bonn airport is located right smack in the middle of Europe, and the following chart depicts the daily high temperatures recorded there this summer:

Chart: WetterOnline.

Though the temperature very briefly peaked over 30°C a few times this summer, there was never a protracted period of heat extending over days.

After having hit 33°C and 29°C on August 11 and 12 respectively, the temperature peaked at a balmy high of 34°C on August 13th. But then the temperature rapidly cooled off the next day, reaching a high of just over 24°C.

In summary: the summer of 2024 in Cologne didn’t see a single extended period of extreme heat, unless. that is, you call 3 days above 28°C a heat wave.

This was the case across much of Germany. Granted, some German cities perhaps experienced warmer periods.

One thing is sure: the “summer of hell” in Germany predicted earlier by Marc Benecke has now been exposed as just a plain-stupid climate horror story, probably intended to scare the FridaysForFuture kids.

Early Holocene Reef Growth ‘Substantial And Active’ Despite Faster-Than-Today Environmental Changes

A new study dispels the claim that coral reefs are at risk from modern environmental changes or rates.

From about 8000 to 6000 years ago the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) relative sea levels were ~2 meters higher and seas were rising at rates of ~6 to 7 meters per millennium (6-7 mm/yr).

The Early Holocene climate was also wetter than today, resulting in higher rates of terrestrial runoff (more turbidity and nutrient-rich waters) as GBR coastal land areas were increasingly inundated.

It has been assumed by modern scientists (and popularized by the recent preference for alarmist narratives) that reefs could not favorably withstand these environmental conditions – nor such rapid change.

However, new data suggest coral reef growth was “substantial and active” during this interval, which also characterizes the modern reef growth in this region.

“[W]ater quality during the Holocene between 8 and 7 ka was turbid and with high concentrations of nutrients, yet coral reef growth was substantial and active. The same holds true for modern corals in inshore environments, which can display very high percentage coverage.”

Image Source: Sanborn et al., 2024

GFS Expects Global Temperature To Drop To Lowest Level Of The Year

The GFS anticipates a temperature drop in the southern hemisphere (below, blue line), which will also cause global 2m temperatures (black line) to fall to a new low for the year.

Hat-tip: Snowfan here.

The anomalies refer to the outdated (colder) WMO climate mean 1981-2010 and were also “adjusted” with the warming GISS factor: They are significantly colder in reality.

Source: GFS forecast global 2m-temperatures, with notations added by Snowfan.

Less Extreme Pacific Weather … Number Of Typhoons Trending Downward Over 70 Years!

Charts by Kirye

Pacific typhoons forming in the month of July have been trending downward for 70 years 

The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) presents the latest data for Pacific typhoons — going back to 1951.

Although bad weather happens all the time, climate alarmists are desperate for weather extremes, searching across the internet in order to produce some headlines – thus hoping to keep the hoax going. Unfortunately they won’t find much in terms of typhoons forming in the Pacific.

July trend down

Today we look at the data from the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) for the number of typhoons formed in the Pacific in the month of July, now that the July data are available:

Data source: JMA

The world has warmed somewhat since 1951, but contrary to what climate bedwetters like to claim, the trend in typhoons has been downward – suggesting that a warmer climate leads to less Pacific storms in terms of typhoons formed. This is the opposite of what climate “experts” said would happen.

January to July trend down

Next we look at the number of typhoons formed in the Pacific from January to July, going back to 1951:

Data source: JMA

Annual typhoon trend down!

Though the data for 2024 are not yet complete,  we look as a reminder at the number of typhoons formed each year up through 2023:

Data source: JMA.

The climate experts have been wrong, yet the media continue to mislead us. Typhoons are not intensifying and becoming more frequent. These extreme weather events have in fact become less frequent.

New Study: Warmest Carpathian Temperatures Of The Last 2000 Years Were 2°C Warmer Than Today

Yet another region has not been affected by CO2-induced “global” warming.

A new biomarker temperature reconstruction (Szabó et al., 2024) spanning the last 2000 years reveals South Carpathian mean July temperatures varied from 13.4°C to 16.9°C throughout the Common Era, with an identifiable Little Ice Age and Medieval Warm Period.

The mean summer temperature during 1980-2010 was 14.8°C, which is 2.1°C cooler than the warmest temperature periods of the last two millennia.

While the region warmed by ~0.6°C (from 15.2°C to 15.8°C) from 1895 to 1970, it cooled by -1.1°C (to 14.7°C) during the 3 decades from 1970-2000.

These trends are the opposite of what would be expected if CO2 was a driver of climate changes.

Image Source: Szabó et al., 2024

Globe-Trotting Climate Activist Fined 100,000 Euros After Blocking Frankfurt Airport

Jet-setting climate street-blocker glues himself to Frankfurt airport runway

by AR Göhring at EIKE

A year and a half ago, a climate street-blocking couple became infamous for blocking a federal highway near Stuttgart – “for the climate” –  then traveling to Thailand (and Bali?) for months, skipping their court case to do so.

When online BILD and others made the double standards public, the perpetrator Yannick S. wrote a letter to the Berlin newspaper taz, in which he made a hilariously defiant statement. When it came to light that Yannick S. had dropped out of engineering school and was involved in the construction of combustion engines, it was quite clear that street-blocker and his partner were not the least bit concerned about “the climate”.

The couple probably only used the hip topic to pursue individual interests. This may be the assumption of stardom, which later leads to a well-paid, low-effort job at an NGO (“The work is done by others”, Helmut Schelsky 1974). Or it may be a certain pleasure in the suffering of the working population.

Nothing seems to embarrass Yannick S., which is why he glued himself to the tarmac at Frankfurt Airport after returning from his upper-class vacation under palm trees.

Delightful thought: what if there were a lot of left-wing green voters and other climate activists on the long-haul flights he stopped? After all, it’s the high summer holiday season, and the daughters of lawyers and sons of doctors don’t want to be stranded sweating on the tarmac. Instead they would rather enjoy their own prosperity under palm trees.

At least there is one ray of hope: Yannick S. has now been sentenced to a fine of over 100,000 euros for his frequent sticking, which he is unable to pay. If NGOs or collection campaigns don’t help out, the climate-blocking criminal could end up in prison as a substitute. How many years would that amount to?

Background here: 

Another New Study Finds Rising CO2 Enhances Planetary Greening And Reduces Drought Risk

“…elevated CO2 concentrations not only boosted vegetation growth through the fertilizer effect but also indirectly enhanced water availability [reducing drought risk] by improving water use efficiency.” – Song et al., 2024

One of the more commonly-stated concerns linked to “global warming” is that sweltering heat will parch the terrestrial landscape (browning), limit vegetation growth, and foment water shortages – even widespread drought.

However, a new study suggests the Earth’s rising CO2 concentration has the exact opposite effect in the real world.

In their extensive trend analysis spanning the last few decades, the scientists determined elevated CO2 was the single most “dominant driver” (accounting for 45% of the correlation) when assessing the link between reducing vegetation water demand and improved water use efficiency.

Compared to CO2, temperature and precipitation, for example, play a far less significant role (10-11% of the correlation) in influencing the trend in improved vegetation growth and water use efficiency.

“The CO2 fertilization effect has benefits for both vegetation growth and water use efficiency (WUE).”

“…elevated CO2 concentrations could indirectly enhance water availability by improving [water use efficiency]…reducing vegetation water demand.”


Image Source: Song et al., 2024

German Green Raw Deal: First Half 2024 Insolvencies Skyrocket 30%, Near 10-Year High

Germany’s Creditreform registered 11,000 corporate insolvencies in the first half of 2024. This is an increase of almost 30 percent compared to the same period last year (8,470 cases) and marks the highest level for almost ten years.

The number of consumer insolvencies has also risen again.

The weak economic development and the persistently high burdens have caused insolvency figures in Germany to rise further. “Insolvencies in Germany have reached their highest level for almost ten years. In the first half of 2024, companies are continuing to battle against the effects of the recession in 2023, ongoing crises and the weak economic development this year,” says Patrik-Ludwig Hantzsch, Head of Creditreform Economic Research. “Taken together, all of this is breaking the back of many companies.”

High inflation, interest rates

The insolvency figures for consumers also rose. At 35,400 consumer insolvencies, 6.7 percent more cases were registered than in the same period last year (33,180 cases).In addition to inflation and the turnaround in interest rates, the amendment to consumer insolvency law at the end of 2020, which enables private individuals to discharge residual debt more quickly and thus makes the process more interesting for debtors, is likely to be responsible for the current increase.

The Creditreform Economic Research study also shows an increase in bad debt losses and the number of employees affected in the first half of 2024. This is due to the significant increase in the number of insolvencies among medium-sized and large companies.The number of cases among large companies (more than 250 employees) has doubled compared to the previous year.

Prominent major insolvencies in recent months were GALERIA Karstadt Kaufhof and FTI-Touristik. “We can see that it is not the sheer number of insolvencies that is decisive. The impact of a company going bankrupt is significantly greater than, for example, during the global financial crisis in 2009,” explains the Creditreform spokesperson.

In the first half of 2024, an estimated 133,000 employees were affected by insolvency (previous year: 125,000). “The focus of insolvency law on restructuring and preserving companies and jobs is primarily aimed at larger companies, which could explain the increase in the number of cases in this segment in recent years,” explains Hantzsch.

AMOC Collapse Depends Entirely On Models…Will Occur Sometime Between Now And Infinity

AMOC Uncertainties

By Frank Bosse at Klimanachrichten

A “collapse” of the AMOC (Atlantic overturning circulation) cannot be “calculated” at all. We have reported on several projections of the AMOC here, most recently here and here.

There is now an interesting twist to the once very “celebrated” study (DD23 below), which predicted a collapse of the AMOC between 2025 and 2095 with 95% certainty!

It actually already existed in September 2023 when the preprint appeared, i.e. only around 3 months after the publication of DD23. Now the official publication in the journal “Science Advances” (BY24 below). The title speaks volumes:

The uncertainties are too large to determine ‘tipping point times’ of major Earth system components from historical data.”

Longer sections of the current paper are dedicated to DD23. She had drawn (far too) far-reaching conclusions from the SST (sea surface temperatures) of the “Atlantic Subpolar Gyre” with the help of variance and autocorrelation determinations, using the HadiSST1 data set alone. This was not permissible, BY24 finds, because the SSTs there are NOT simply observations when these are not available in the required spatial and temporal resolution. Something is added, in principle it is a model.

In BY 24 it is now calculated that when using different data products (e.g. also NASA’s ERSSTv5 with other “infill methods”) very different “collapse times of the AMOC” are determined: “between 2000 and infinity”!

Since the real observations are included in all SST data products, in the end it only depends on how the observations are “supplemented” using a model in order to determine a collapse time. This is obviously nonsense, the results are sensitive to the data used.

So whenever you read about any “tipping point” times: In truth, they cannot be determined at all because we do not (yet) have enough reliable information on the system.

Will this also be the case with “The last generation…before the tipping points” – as the movement is called in full? Its name is inherently unscientific. Bad news for “science followers”!

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