(Last updated: 16 Jan 2011, 11:55)
The warmists are all confused – most definitely. They want to eat their cake, and have it too. In doing so, they are really looking like real jackasses.
Today they are telling us: warm periods are unstable (and cold is stable). Yet, history shows just the opposite.
Lately we’ve been hearing lots of reports about the floods in Australia and mudslides and rains in Brazil – instability due to global warming, they’re telling us.
And last month they told us that all the cold in Europe and snow in North America were sure signs of instability in the climate system – brought on by all the man-made warming.
And be prepared for more and even worse extremes in the future as human activity pushes global temps higher, they warn. After all, warm is bad (and cold is good).
History shows that warm times are good, cold times are bad
Unfortunately for the media, yesterday Der Spiegel online reported on a new study appearing in Science, which I wrote about here. Der Spiegel writes comprehensively how the cold times in Europe lead to crop failures, starvation, disease, war and death – lots of death. At times large parts of the population were wiped out.
But as Der Spiegel writes: societies prospered during the warm times.
This is not what the warmists want you to hear. It’s the complete opposite of what they believe, or want you to believe. So this new Science report puts the warmist in a bit of a jam. After all, we’re supposed to believe that warm is bad, cold is good.
In covering the new Science report, warmist media outlets are falling all over themselves to avoid connecting the miserable times of history with the cold periods. Instead they are calling these cold times “dry times” or “periods of climate instability”.
For example Reuters, the Wapo and BBC are all reporting on this Science paper – but in unusually acrobatic ways to cover up the fact that cold is bad – and end up falling flat on their faces.
Here’s how Reuters puts it (emphasis added):
Good growth by oak and pine trees in central Europe in the past 2,500 years signalled warm and wet summers and coincided with periods of wealth among farming societies, for instance around the height of the Roman empire or in medieval times.
Periods of climate instability overlapped with political turmoil, such as during the decline of the Roman empire, and might even have made Europeans vulnerable to the Black Death or help explain migration to America during the chill 17th century.
The good times were the warm times, and here Reuters calls the bad times “periods of climate instability” and not cold periods. These journalists are just making idiots of themselves. They know they’ve screwed up big time by hitching their wagon to the global warming hysteria. History has contradicted everything they’ve been claiming for the last 20 years.
Here’s how Stephen Stromberg of the WaPo puts it.
Writing in the journal Science, the experts claim that Rome’s Third Century Crisis — a period of political and economic unrest that inaugurated the empire’s slow decline — coincided with “distinct drying” recorded in tree rings, which may have rendered European agriculture less productive. Not just that — the appearance of the Plague in Western Europe correlates with a wet period, which may have provided conditions favorable for spreading the Plague.
Stromberg calls the cold time during the decline of the Roman empire “distinct drying”. The time of the Plague he refers to happens to be cooling time, which he dubs a “wet period” – but he just can’t bring himself to say “cold period”. In both cases sneaky little Stromberg tries to hide the fact that these nasty events events occurred in COLD TIMES.
Now here’s how the BBC put it (emphasis added):
A team of researchers based their findings on data from 9,000 wooden artifacts from the past 2,500 years. They found that periods of warm, wet summers coincided with prosperity, while political turmoil occurred during times of climate instability.
Very similar to Reuters. Here the Beeb also cannot bring itself to call the periods “cold”, and so dubs them “times of instability”. None of them mention that these changes were all natural.
Yet today, ignoring and even hiding history, they insist the opposite: claiming that warm is unstable and that cool would mean more stability.
They’ve painted themselves into a corner. Real jack-asses to say the least.
Great assessment.
And we have posters at this blog accusing us of spin and deceit.
I’m flabbergasted.
From my perspective as a swede with an interest in history and archaeology I can tell you that another plague, not so well known to most people oddly enough, coincided with another cold period. In the 6th century (almost 1500 years ago) most of Europe experienced a violent outbreak of a plague like the more well known bubonic plague of the 14th century in the reign of emperor Justinian.
Also of interest, a massive eruption of a yet unknown volcano in about 530-535 threw most of the world into this cold period which lasted for the rest of the century and which made the political world unstable. Some point to an eruption of Krakatoa, even bigger than the one in 1883. See links below. It also seems Keith Briffa digs his own professional grave here (in my opinion) by publishing works that undermine his own stance on climate science.
Very interesting. The sudden rise of Islam as a consequence of weakened neighbours. Thanks for the links!
As for Briffa: To me it looks more like he stopped digging his own hole while Mann and Hansen still eagerly carry on. Of course, he might fall out of favor with the Team.
That’s a shame to see the desperation the news media are in as they are trying to be incredibly selective in the way they choose to show the information which has been researched. The average reader is probably not going to look into the findings that you posted earlier so they won’t realise about the cold periods causing the problem.
Anyway! Thanks for the post, +1 for the AGW supporters trying to spin the MSM 😉
The same goes for the current floods that are claimed to be caused by climate change.
The point is that similar or worse flood events happened when CO2 levels were 280 ppm.
Here an historic perspective of the floods in Brazil
Link via http://www.icecap.us
Thanks for the links Carl, here is another about the 535-536 event
And this one about quakes:
And this one about our sun
This is an interesting read.
It’s about a cold weather event that took place in 2006 causing havoc in Norway and record high temperatures in Svalgard. The record high temperatures in Svalgard were caused by climate change of course but the real culprit was extreme cold in Siberia
Ignoring history is ignoring reality. It may be a problem that so many people and also scientists live in a virtual world of computer games and models. Output of climate models is considered data and is used for assessing confidence bounds: we can be sure for 95 percent (whatever that may mean) that this or that will happen in our virtual world. For what reason would these people be convinced by real data?
Cold in Vietnam:
Shock News from Hansen
The powers that steer change and reason:
Now that Global Warming has fizzled the DNC is running out of reasons not to produce energy. How do you have a healthy economy w/o cheap and plentiful energy? It is becoming very clear to all of America there are no good economic reasons not to produce and only their cult worship causing our 15-20% unemployment.
Great climate change 2011 taxpayer rip-off
And in this case, Der Spiegel needs to be gratulated for getting it right.
A seismic shift? Der Spiegel is still the left of centre media heavyweight here in Germany. Slowly they prepare their followers for a reconnection to reality… or so it looks to me.
USA: Federally aided solar panel maker moves production to China. Evergreen Solar.
norpag has an alternative AR5 Summary for Policymakers 2012.
I particularly liked this bit…
“We apologise to those policymakers who embarked upon economically destructive carbon emission control schemes based upon our previous statements…”
Wanted: Another undercover cop that helps us organize our next climate action camps. (No, that’s not what the article says but what i infer from it)
Wot no troll today ? Where is ‘Mr Honeycutt’ ….
Welt online writes:
La Nina is causing worlwide weather “hickups” (my translation 🙂 ) So no reason to panic.
The 06z run of the GFS as a global temp forecast of -.38C against the normals by midnight the 21st! Given where we are now, and what is projected the next 7 days at least, the Jan temp should finish between .1 and .2c below normal, which would be a drop, since August of over .6c!
Now for those that think this is just a drop in the bucket, let me give you the facts. The global spike by the el nino was short lived because the el nino collapsed quickly. Why? Because we are in a cold PDO. Cold events in a cold PDO last longer and are stronger. The idea of the biggest one year drop from 2010 to 2011, which exceeds the post 97-98 nino drop looks darn good. Why? Because we had a warm PDO.
More importantly, the average Joe, paying attention, will be able to easily see the linkage between the fluctuations of the ocean and the global temp. The ideas I have touting, trying to get people to understand that temp is a measure of energy, and the cooling where its warm matters much more to what is going to happen than warming where its cool, is showing why the forecast made here over 9 months ago for this drop has merit. A cold pdo, then amo.. the global temps fall, the opposite, as had been the case up until 3 years ago ( the amo is still warm) they rise. That it leveled off before hand shows the earths tendency to fight back in the first place, and also that no new ENERGY was being added to the system, or stored, to create the opined apocalypse. In addition, there is no sign of stratospheric cooling in the larger term, which is the tell tale sign of true tropospheric warming. Now hot spots being stored at 25,000 feet and compensating cooling above. Nada. At the surface, global sea ice can be explained simply by the fact that warm amo and pdo warm the continents around them in the means, which surround the northern ice cap. Now, what do you think will happen when we go the opposite way
I realize everyone else is now waking up to this, and the deniers of the facts ( they want to call me a denier, well two can play this game) are saying this a fluctuation down, which will be met by bigger turn up. Wrong. The reason the global spike, whether you want to say it was the warmest ever or not ( 2010) could not go well beyond it is because the cooling has begun. After all, if the base state was higher than the 98 warm event, why didnt we just blow it away to get back to the IPCC forecast cone.
I’m beginning to believe one side of my opponents argument.. that the debate may indeed be over, but not for the reasons they think. However if this all does occur, you wont see me arguing for the end of the debate of the influence of man… just arguing we shouldnt be shoving things down peoples throat based on agenda driven conclusions. I do think even if I carry the field on this FORECAST the next 10-20 years, it does not mean that my side should do to the other side what they have attempted to do to us, given that there is the lurking in the background the idea that so much research does have value. I guess that is what happens when one was brought up to be tolerant, open-minded and yes liberal IN THE TRUE SENSE OF THE WORDS. You do respect the other side, and what they bring to the table.
I have never said that curbing emissions in an effort to better the world should not have a seat at the table, its just that its not at the head of the table. And I trust this will be proven to all but the most dogmatic over the coming years.
And by the way, the ice, which has been lagging behind, is about to get a big boost as the AO goes toward positive. Remember that forecast is FOR THE SUMMER.. that we will have less ice melt than the past 5 years. Its not summer yet, and the areas lagging are about to turn colder for the rest of winter and spring. The US navy has been doing studies and they reveal precisely what people who dont have their head buried in the sand know, the THICK SEA ICE IS INCREASING! You can look at that yourself here.
http://hidethedecline.eu/pages/posts/trends-in-arctic-ice-thickness-and-volume- 211.php
Naturally, this is not showing up in the mainstream, and it takes a blog that is trying to offer counter ideas to show this. But its also fascinating to me that apparently a military organization, who by their very nature have to confront cold hard facts in their dealings, since lives are on the line immediately in their jobs, come up with a different conclusion than is seen in the civilian sector, WHO THEY ARE MADE TO PROTECT.. no matter what the cost.
You do the math.
ciao for now
Have a look at Joe’s blog, there are more interesting stories to read
So, with global temps trailing below average, a fact not predicted by the UN IPCC, not predicted by NASA/GISS activist James Hansen nor Al Gore the AGW claim that CO2 drives global temperatures is DEAD, DEAD, DEAD, DEAD, DEAD, DEAD, DEAD, DEAD, DEAD, DEAD.
and that’s why they are going to LOSE LOSE LOSE LOSE the bet.
Because of its heat capacity, CO2 is probably a cooling gas. What’s funny about winning a bet if we are buried here under layers of ice? It will be our fault, anyhow. So let’s start the AGC movement.
Video: Animals wading through flooded areas in the Kalahari. Looks like it rained a lot.
And BTW, Africa has La Nina Benguela, a smaller analogue to La Nina. It is gone now but was very visible half a year ago in the Unisys SST.