We have to keep repeating this because the irresponsible media keeps distorting everything.
Zettels Raum brings the latest update here. So far every single one of his reports has been spot on.
Here are the latest main points:
Works on the nuclear power plant have made amazing progress. One can say with high probability that no big accident will occur. The catastrophe, which the media has been filled with, will not take place.
The first days of activity focused on preventing a meltdown of the reactors. To do this the pressure inside the containment had to be lowered by releasing air out of the containment and into the reactor building. That led to two consequences:
1) the air was radioactive and escaped into the surrounding environment. This improvement naturally led to a worsening situation on the other hand. This makes every decision a difficult balancing act.
2) hydrogen had gathered in the room between the containment and the building roof when the valves were opened, which led to an explosion. The resulting harmless fire outside of the containment made for good pictures for the media and led them to falsely claim that the reactor had been reduced to rubble and ash. These picture were shown repeatedly on TV. See here.
The fact is that there was very little damage – and workers were back immediately putting the system back into order.Such trade-offs have been the order of the last day.Now also Blocks 3 and 4 are now connected to the power grid and so this allows the control room to be put back into operation. But switching on the the power is not possible as long as huge amounts of water continue to be sprayed onto the reactor building. This leads to a difficult decision: When can you risk stopping the external cooling – at least temporarily – to allow the power to be switched back on and to change over to normal cooling by pumps?
As NHK reported this evening at 18:01 CET, normal cooling of Block 3 will begin tomorrow, provided that the external cooling of this block ends. This is all about making the transition from improvised cooling over to normal cooling operation in a coordinated manner, and making sure that cooling goes as uninterrrupted as possible.”
Thanks to Zettels Raum blog for keeping us informed.
I made this text a little bigger because some people have problems reading anything that has to do with reason.
Probably the newsrooms have not decided about the next panic yet so they need to cling on to Fukushima for the time being. Libya ain’t exciting enough for a panic it seems.
Australian warmist urges Germany to build nuclear plants.
Have the warmists lost their talent for agitprop? They were so good at it, think Al Gore, and now this. The German Greens will call for a boycot of Kangaroo steak.
Well, i disagree, catastrophe is taking place:
Status on :
Reactor 1-
The outer structure was damaged by a hydrogen explosion. Due to a cooling failure there has likely been a partial meltdown of the core. Seawater has been pumped in, radioactive vapors have been vented. Rods partially meltdown, occasionally exposed
Reactor 2-
The building was damaged by Monday’s blast at Reactor 3 and an explosion on Tuesday. Partial meltdown & containment vessel breaches. Seawater has been pumped in, radioactive vapors have been vented. Rods are periodically partially exposed
Reactor 3-
Structure damaged by Monday’s hydrogen explosion. Suspected breaching of the containment vessel. Seawater has been pumped in, radioactive vapors have been vented. Rods are fully exposed. Fear of complete core meltdown
Reactor 4-
Was down for maintenance prior to quake. Spent fuel rods have likely been exposed to air, emitting large doses of radiation. Building damaged by fires and an explosion. Rods partially meltdown, fears of situation not under control
Reactor 5-
Was down for maintenance prior to quake. The building is presently undamaged, but there are concerns about rising heat levels.
Reactor 6 –
Was down for maintenance prior to quake. The building is presently undamaged, but there are concerns about rising heat levels.
Every nuclear accident have been systematically downplayed by the “authority’s”.
Don’t know about how you define catastrophe; but in my opinion it has at least to involve the loss of life. The crane operator who died in one of the Fukushima plants was killed by the earthquake, not by the reactor problems; other casualties at the Fukushima plants are not known to me.
It is an economic catastrophe for Tepco as the reactors polluted by seawater cannot be used again; maybe you mean that notion of catastrophe.
A damaged reactor core is as such not a catastrophe. Otherwise, you would have to declare catastrophe on any accident involving an expensive piece of material.
So, this would fulfill the definition of a catastrophe much more.
“Bei Baumfällarbeiten in Kerpen-Buir in einem Waldgebiet an der Landstraße 276 ist am Mittwochmorgen eine Person tödlich verletzt worden. ”
“Wednesday morning, a person has been lethally wounded during tree felling in a forest area at the country lane 276.”
But in reality, we just call it an accident and move on.
Hyper-Mega-Super-GAU! Weltuntergang.
Crokery catastrophe in the kitchen.
The handle came off my favourite coffee mug.
This could the end of civilisation as we know it.
Bernd, do not downplay the dangers of forestry. Thankfully, modern technology like semi-automated harvesters help in bringing down the body toll.
Let us hope, that the Japanese engineers are bringing this disaster to it’s safest possible outcome, fingers crossed they are now winning the battle – imho, they will.
Yet the press in England still print speculative rubbish, again though, this is not about Fukushima, it is about trashing the whole nuclear power industry -a hidden agenda – green is good, splitting atoms, bad.
haha…right on spot!
A lot of journalists must have thought that this would be the big moment of their careers. Now, all they have achieved is wrecking the reputation of whatever paper they worked for. The ftd, for instance, is dead for me. I had growing doubts about them for a while but i know now that they’ve become as bad as the rest.
Here is a comment i grabbed from the Welt article; i translate it so that people outside Germany can see the way our public(!) media operates.
“(855)(98)christian sagt:
Peinlich finde ich auch, wie regelmäßig Opfer und Schäden von Tsunami bzw. Erdbeben mit den Unfällen der Reaktoren vermischt werden.
So hat heute-nachrichten-Sprecherin Petra Gerster mal eben vor der Meldung “Atomkatastrophe in Japan” und dem Bild des Reaktors die tausenden Toten und Vermissten erwähnt und im gleichen Atemzug die steigende Radioaktivität im Umkreis des Reaktors.
Es wurde -man muss schon unterstellen: bewusst- der Eindruck vermittelt, als seien dies die Opfer des Kernkraftwerk-Zusammenbrechens. Au weia, und das in Wahlkampfzeiten. GEZ: nein danke!.
“I am ashamed by how often victims of quake and Tsunami are intermingled with the reactor accident. For instance, “heute”(“Today”; ZDF prime time TV news, public broadcaster) anchorwoman Petra Gerster mentioned under the headline “nuclear catastrophe in Japan” and in front of a picture of the reactors thousands of dead and missing people and without breathing the rising radioactivity in the suzrroundings of the reactor. The impression was conveyed – one must presume, deliberately – that these were victims of the reactor breakdown. Oh my, and this in times of elections. GEZ (German TV license raising office; funds the public broadcasters): No thanks.”
(as i don’t use a TV, i didn’t see that myself; must have gotten worse since i last did in 1999.)
When I have the opportunity, I “rebalance” some of the more extreme articles like this one in “The Local” which fear-mongers about radiation from Japan reaching Germany.