German Press: Global Warming Postponed – But Insist Future Warming Could Be Stronger

Tough day for the German press yesterday, reporting the story about the Kaufmann et al 2011 paper, which looks at what’s behind the 10 years of no global warming. Read more here at WUWT . The day before that, signs of warming were everywhere, the media said. Then a day later they all say there hasn’t been warming in 10 years. Go figure!

Here’s a look at what some various newspapers and weeklies have written:

Der Spiegel writes:

China’s sulphur emissions put the brakes on climate change

Climate paradox: The atmosphere contains more and more carbon dioxide, but the temperatures did not go up to 2008. Scientists explain it with the phenomena of burning dirty coal in China. Foremost the sulphur contained in the coal compensates for the greenhouse effect.”

But Der Spiegel then warns of the consequences of China cleaning its emissions!

This is no reason to cancel the alarm for the future. The earth could be facing a phase of especially rash warming: when solar activity picks up again and emerging countries like China reduce their emissions of air pollutants like sulphur.”

Die Welt writes:

Why global warming has not occurred up to now

Climate scientists repeatedly warn of global warming – but: So far it hasn’t shown up.
Scientists warn everywhere of global warming. But today there is no trace of it.”

Die Presse writes:

Is warming taking a break?

A renown scientist says the stop in temperature increase can indeed be explained. The enormous increase of the emitted CO2 since 1998 has come for the most part from coal power plants in China. Starting in 1998, there was no global warming for 10 years, from 2005 to 2008 it was even 0.2°C cooler.”

Die Zeit writes:

China’s coal gives global warming a break

Despite the immense CO2 emissions, the greenhouse effect took a break from 1998 to 2008. Sulphur emissions, La Niña and a tired sun are responsible.”

The Financial Times Deutschland writes:

Solar cycles and coal power plants cooling the earth

China as the climate rescuer? Indeed the increasing coal consumption – in addition to other effects – has contributed to making global warming weaker than feared earlier. But the future temperature increase could be that much stronger.”

The Handelsblatt writes:

Environmental pollution puts the brakes on warming

Despite the increasing CO2 emissions into the atmosphere, the earth has hardly warmed over the last 10 years. Scientists say various factors are responsible, among them dirty coal and the solar cycle.”

Right! Now coal causes cooling. And the sun has an impact, too. I wonder if these scientists are ever going to make up their minds.

Most of the leftist papers simply ignored the story, and so their faithful readers will continue being completely stupid and oblivious.

19 responses to “German Press: Global Warming Postponed – But Insist Future Warming Could Be Stronger”

  1. R. de Haan

    It’s an “old cow”argument debunked dozens of times and it’s put on the table again as a distraction to the real absolutely devastating reality for the “Green Climate Doctrine” which is the fact that we are living in a cooling world.

  2. matti

    This latest failed argument about why global warming did not materialize and that it will now happen somewhat later is very similar to the recent and continuous false religious predictions for the world to end . After countless false previous predictions for the world which never happened and the latest to end by May 21 ,2011, they just moved the date to September which will also pass as false . These ‘doomsday’ scientists are tiring for the public to hear but the media give them attention as they may have no better news to report . I keep coming back to the book called FUTURE BABBLE which focuses why so called experts predictions constantly fail but the public and media listen to them any way .

  3. dave ward

    “The enormous increase of the emitted CO2 since 1998 has come for the most part from coal power plants in China.”

    So why is the EU trying to drastically reduce our emissions? Anyone with a grain of intelligence knows that we aren’t going to make a blind bit of difference…

    1. DirkH

      European coal fired power plant emissions don’t work as well because we have flue gas scrubbers. That’s why we need the Chinese to burn more Australian coal in the dirtiest way possible, grashopper. Easy, n’est-ce pas? 😉

      1. dave ward

        But I thought that China was actually ahead of the West regarding efficiency – didn’t I read somewhere that many of their new plants use “supercritical” boilers?

  4. DirkH

    “I wonder if these scientists are ever going to make up their minds.”

    They do make it up… as they go along. And so do the politicians and the journalists. All the science EU billions can buy… and now this Kaufman guy is all over the newsstands.

    What a shabby outfit the almighty church of Gaia has become.

    1. Nonoy Oplas

      Well at least they admit their confusion now, haha. The role of the Sun on the planet’s climate has somehow sunk into their tattered brains, so there is hope of climate rationality to prevail soon.

  5. R. de Haan

    dave ward
    6. Juli 2011 at 23:02 | Permalink | Reply
    “So why is the EU trying to drastically reduce our emissions? Anyone with a grain of intelligence knows that we aren’t going to make a blind bit of difference…”

    Because the EU is set to execute the devastating Club of Rome Agenda now adopted by the UN that believes the human race has become a menace to the planet and has to be controlled.
    and UN Agenda 21

    Regulation of CO2 is used to regulate humanity.

    This is the most evil doctrine since the Nazi’s and off course there is no scientific
    merit to the entire case. It’s all crap.

  6. R. de Haan

    dave ward
    6. Juli 2011 at 23:02 | Permalink | Reply
    “So why is the EU trying to drastically reduce our emissions? Anyone with a grain of intelligence knows that we aren’t going to make a blind bit of difference…”

    Because the EU is set to execute the devastating Club of Rome Agenda now adopted by the UN that believes the human race has become a menace to the planet and has to be controlled.
    and UN Agenda 21

    Regulation of CO2 is used to regulate humanity.

    This is the most evil doctrine since the Nazi’s and off course there is no scientific
    merit to the entire case. It’s all crap.

    1. Edward

      Excellent, couldn’t have put it better myself, well said!

  7. John F. Hultquist

    Judith Curry had a short post

    . . . with many comments (now 389). I haven’t read but a few.

    Writers jump on anyone and everything that offers and explanation even though the mechanism is unknown. Lots of “scientists” have made up minds. That only shows they are not true scientists.
    I think the null hypothesis still stands – there is nothing going on that can’t be explained by natural variations in Earth’s physical systems.

  8. cementafriend

    DirkH, was that Sarc about Australian coal? Australian coal is special because of its low sulfur content. The average sulfur is about 0.5%, there are some with as low as 0.2%. Steel works put penalties on S in coal and the low content of S is an important factor in Australia dominating world trade in coking coal. Much of Australia’s steam coal trade is a middling faction (higher ash) from coking coal mines and so has the same low S but the higher volatile thermal coal also has low S.

    From what I see in the paper the conclusions about sulfur are based on model
    runs which in turn are based on hypotheses about so-called “forcings”. SO2 has little radiative absorptivity (about a fifth of CO2 which in turn is one eigth to one tenth of H2Ovapor). It will liquify at 263K (water vapor 273K). To my knowledge there is no evidence that it leads to cloud formation but it may make clouds more dense and may increase precipitation. The paper is nonsense and should not have been published, except that it does give confirmation that there has been cooling for the last 10 to 13 years.

    1. DirkH

      I agree with you that the paper is nonsense. Warmists need any excuse they can get to save the CO2 hypothesis. Desperation. (Never interrupt the enemy while he’s making a mistake)

  9. Casper

    In other words they claim the sun doesn’t control the climate…

  10. M White

    Yep it’s all Chinas fault

    “Earth’s stratosphere is as clear as it’s been in more than 50 years”

  11. Ulrich Elkmann

    Just wait until the last local manufacturer of solar cells goes bankrupt – they have been playing a loser’s game for the last five years now, and with the foreseeable (and intended) big rises in energy prices (and with every free cent tied up in other goverment liabilities, so the state cannot keep the show running to placate prospective voters, like they have been doing with the mining industry for the last 50 years). Then they will have to buy every solar cells from – China (they are almost there already: last year Germany exported PV utilities to China for €138 million, and imported €5.3 billion of the same from them). Add to that the Maunder redux/Eddy/de Jager solar minimum, and you can just see it: “The mayor of Narrenstadt a.d. Jecke insulted the top managers of the Chinese firm from whom the town stood to purchase the 90 hectares of solar cells by berating them about China’s habit of producing those with coal-generated electricity, which is responsible for the dire winters we have been having now for so long, whereas Germany does everything to combat the AGW any fool see happening all about us.” [No, the deal did not fall through; they sell to people who insult them, as long as those can pay.]

  12. Paddy

    Anyone who believes that Communist nations have or will protect the environment are in denial. Russia, China and N Korea are prime examples, that is their continuous disregard for protective measures and resultant environmental disasters that result. BTW, China has a 200 year supply of the dirtiest brown coal and they intend to burn every ounce of it. Moreover, China, Brazil and India and other emerging nations in order to advance are driven to produce the cheapest energy available.

    Western nations can reduce their greenhouse gas emissions to zero, but the total reduction of global surface temperature will not be measurable.

    Why? R de Haan is spot on in his analysis.

  13. cementafriend

    Paddy, I do not know how you can call any coal as dirty. If you are talking about ash content and the difficulty of collecting the ash then you have to look elsewhere than brown coal. The information I have on the brown coal used in the Latrobe Valley of Victoria, Australia shows that the ash content is less than 0.2%. My information shows that oil shale and oil sands (used in Canada and supported by the new government) have higher ash content and the ash is difficult to collect. If you are talking low calorific value or specific energy than maybe then peat which is burnt in some countries, such as Ireland, for producing electricity could be considered. It should be noted that if one considers supposed greenhouse gases (CO2 and water vapour H2O) then natural gas burning actually gives higher amounts than black coal. CH4 +2O2> CO2 +2H2O. The radiant absorption (spectral lines) of H2O (g) is about ten times that of CO2(g) (hence the IPCC & US EPA figure of CH4=21*CO2). In addition the H2O(g) carries latent heat which is released to the atmosphere when the H2O(g) condenses in clouds. Oil companies are playing a double game in promoting natural gas.
    Finally, CO2 is not dirty nor is it a pollutant. It is necessary for plant life and thus for humans who have to eat. Humans exhale CO2 which has been estimated to make up about 10% of the total CO2 human generated emission per year (which of course is very small compared to the natural cycle cycle of emission and absorption).
    Alarmist exhale CO2 and a lot of “hot air”

  14. anish

    Everyone reading should also watch this documentary.
    While talking about global warming we tend to avoid discussing few major causes of Global Warming.

    Everyday new research papers are out and new stories are told about “Global Warming”.

    I happened to watch this documentar­y “Meat The Truth” in online film festival “Green Unplugged” this documentar­y made me aware of few other things about global Warming which I never thought would be contributi­ng so much towards it

    I would suggest everyone to watch this documentar­y.

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