What follows are just a couple of examples from James A. Marusek’s A Chronological Listing of Early Weather Events (may take a few minutes to load).
This is an oustanding work that the warmists’s will not want you to see. (Hat tip reader Ron de Haan).
585 A.D. “Western Europe was so rainy, that it could be confused with
winter. The bulk of the rains this year caused rivers to overflow their banks and flood the fields and meadows. These floods seriously compromised the crop yields.”
994 A.D. “A destructive storm struck London, England, blowing down fifteen hundred buildings and killing several hundred persons. The summers in the years 994 and 995 in Europe produced very high temperatures and a very persistent heat wave. Historians reported that the drought was so terrible that the fish died in the ponds, the trees caught fire, and the fruit and the flax harvest were destroyed. In 995 the greater part of Europe’s rivers were so shallow that you could wade through them. In 994 in Western Europe, the dearth of rain caused the rivers to dry up. It killed the fish in most lakes. It dried up thousands of trees and burned grassland and crops.”
1186 A.D. “In Germany the winter was warmer than had known for a long time. The vegetation was very advanced. The harvest took place in May and the grape harvest in August. In France, the trees were blooming in the middle of winter.”
Recall how alarmists would love have us believe that before man began emitting CO2 the weather was tame and friendly to all of the earth’s inhabitants, and that terrible storms and extremes began only after man embarked on industrialization and the burning of fossil fuels.
Well breadandbutter.com reminds us that extreme weather extremes occurred just as often in the past. Indeed today’s attempt to have us believe that every occuring weather extreme is a sign of man-made climate change just shows how bankrupt the AGW science has become.
All the climate science funding has resulted only in efforts to make people forget the real climatic history of the planet. So, climate science is anti science. We would do science as a whole a favor if we defunded climate science; we would stop further damage.
Please watch the excellent speech from Vaxlav Klaus at the Autralian Press Club
about the Climate Change Doctrine and know what I am telling you for a long time.
The climate doctrine has nothing to do with climate but everything with the take over by a totalitarian regime that will take our future and our freedoms.
Thanks, Ron. Haven’t seen him talking before, a very intelligent and genial guy.
Dear Brothers and Sisters: the Enemy is devious and ye can see how this will tempt doubting souls to unbelief. So remember always: This Is Only Weather. This Is Not Climate. Repeat after me: This is only weather…
There is a Dutch historian, whose name I have forgotten (probably Ron knows) who has made a voluminous study about climate events. His work was very original as it showed how much the lives of ordinary people, including farmers, were influenced by climate extremes. In the Netherlands, of course, we have had terrible floodings but those can be expected if you live below sea level (although not as much the IPCC once suggested).
Ever thought about stilts?
Mindert Eiting: dat lijkt mij wel Jan Buisman te zijn, met “Duizend jaar wind en water in de Lage landen” (vif delen tot 2007 verschenen). Wees eens op: “In maart 2011 verscheen een soort ‘tussendeel’ in de reeks, dat de honderd hoogtepunten uit de weergeschiedenis van Nederland beschrijft: ‘Extreem weer! Een canon van weergaloze winters & zinderende zomers, hagel & hozen, stormen & watersnoden'” [volgens het gewoone wiki].
And, Pierre, follow closely what the PSI is doing:
Here is Germany’s summer weather forecast:
Summer will be on Tuesday, between 13:00 and 15:30 🙂
Thanks Bernd, sounds worthy of posting as a public service message
Pierre and Ron,
Thanks for the James Marusek link, it needs to go viral!
I have always been a history buff and if anyone wants to go back to the good-old days before the industrial revolution, they need to read a little history to see the tough conditions people had to contend with.
I have just release another revision to “A Chronological Listing of Early Weather Events”. It adds another 200 pages to the document. It is still at the same location on the internet. http://www.breadandbutterscience.com/Weather.pdf