By P Gosselin on 31. December 2012
And a project that involves the such can only be called one thing: really dumb. Before other countries dive into renewable energies, drunk on green fantasies, they should take a look at what is happening in Germany. Indeed, sobriety helps. The online Die Welt had a piece on the spiraling electricity costs in Germany a […]
Posted in Alternative Energy |
By P Gosselin on 30. December 2012
Some big energy developments in Germany lately. Several readers pointed out an article appearing in the online daily Die Welt here. It seems that Eastern Europe has said “no” to hugely subsidized, unstable German green electricity flowing across the border into their power grids. One reason is because Germany still has not installed the huge power […]
Posted in Alternative Energy |
By P Gosselin on 29. December 2012
Ed Caryl today presents the latest of his essays. This one on CO2 and plant growth. ========================================== What Should We Do About CO2 Emissions? By Ed Caryl So, what should we do about CO2 emissions? The answer is: nothing. The evidence that Co2 is harmful, that it is raising the earth’s temperature dramatically, has been largely […]
Posted in Agriculture, CO2 and GHG, Drought and Deserts |
By P Gosselin on 28. December 2012
If you can’t find any real warming on the planet (which scientists haven’t been able to do now for 15 years), then you have to make up something that looks like warming, i.e. create dummy warming. This is precisely the case with a new paper on Western Antarctica. ========================================== Western Antarctica warms more quickly than […]
Posted in Antarctic, Cooling/Temperature, Media / Bias |
By P Gosselin on 28. December 2012
It’s nice to see that academia in Austria is getting more and more tolerant with every passing day. In fact we haven’t seen this level of tolerance in about 70 years. University of Graz Professor Richard Parncutt. Photo source: Uni-Graz./ There’s been much buzz in the blogs recently about the seemingly psychotic music professor calling […]
Posted in Abnormal Climate Psych, Activism, Scepticism |
By P Gosselin on 27. December 2012
A reader sent an e-mail to the University of Graz concerning Prof Richard Parncutt’s call for the death penalty (see following figure) for those who dare to doubt IPCC climate dogma. Snipped from: Here’s the reply the reader got from the University of Graz by email today: Die Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz ist bestürzt und entsetzt […]
Posted in Abnormal Climate Psych, Activism, IPCC, Media / Bias |
By P Gosselin on 27. December 2012
Parts of European academia have obviously lost their marbles, as one apparently crazed professor has called for the death penalty for people who disagree with the IPCC dogma. Call it an interesting case of budding extreme fanaticism. University of Graz professor calls for the death penalty for people who question the IPCC. ======================================== Dire tones […]
Posted in Abnormal Climate Psych, Activism, IPCC, Media / Bias |
By P Gosselin on 26. December 2012
If you search enough, you’ll eventually find some news about the massive cold gripping a vast area of Asia. Those reporting it are calling it the worst cold snap there in decades. More cold is the forecast for Eastern Asia. Source: (Dec 25). German public television network NTV has a video report about the Asian cold wave: Frigid […]
Posted in Cooling/Temperature, Weather |
By P Gosselin on 25. December 2012
This December for much of Germany and Central Europe has been a pretty cold month so far, with lots of snow and cold weather. At least that was the case until this past weekend when a warm southerly air mass swept across Germany and elevated temperatures well above normal, just in time for Christmas. Yesterday, […]
Posted in Cooling/Temperature, Media / Bias, Weather |
By P Gosselin on 24. December 2012
Thank you readers for visiting NTZ over 2012. Merry Christmas everyone! Photo source: Jeff Weese, Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license. I noticed Google Germany today is wishing everyone a “Frohes Fest” (Happy Holidays), and not “Merry Christmas”. I guess some prefer blurring the origins of Christmas and the very foundations of their modern society […]
Posted in Misc. |
By P Gosselin on 23. December 2012
What follows is the story of how editors at renowned German weekly Die Zeit completely botched the translation of English text passages to German, thus making their German story completely erroneous, and far more sensational. Climate change threatens the global supply of noodles, Die Zeit claims. Source: ================================================ Embarrassing translation blunders in climate-alarm article […]
Posted in Agriculture, CO2 and GHG, Drought and Deserts, Media / Bias, Stupid Predictions |
By P Gosselin on 22. December 2012
Now that the preliminary draft of the IPCC Assessment Report 5 (AR 5) is available online, thanks to Alec Rawls, readers have had the chance to analyze it in detail. Michael Krüger at Readers Edition here takes a look at some of the charts and graphics for temperature and sea level rise development, and compares the IPCC […]
Posted in Cooling/Temperature, Hockey Team, IPCC, Paleo-climatology, Sea Levels |
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