For awhile it appeared the German mainstream media were going to ignore the reality that the globe hasn’t warmed since the issue has been around (15 years).
But last Friday, Spiegel here was the first major German media outlet to break the ice and asked where the warming’s gone?” Read about it here.
Saturdays’s major daily of Hanover, Germany carries the front-page headline: Global Warming Is Keeping Us Waiting
Saturday, yet another major media outlet, the Hannoversche Allgemeiene Zeitung (HAZ…Hanover’s major daily) had a front page headline! on its print edition (marked yellow above) titled: Global Warming Keeps Us Waiting!
Hat-tip: Klaus Oellerer
Germans more than ever, now having endured 4 brutal winters in 5 years and now fighting through another wave of brutal cold and heavy snowfall, are asking: Where’s the bloody warming!
Today’s UK Telegraph even comments: It’s snowing and it really feels like the start of a mini ice-age.”
The sub-headline of the HAZ reads:
Is carbon dioxide being over-estimated? British scientists announce: the temperature increase stopped already 15 years ago.”
In the piece, Margrit Kautenburger asks, “What is it going to be? Is it going to be warmer, or not? The contradictory reports of global warming are falling all over each other.”
Over the years Germany has been bombarded by the media with dire warnings, spurred on by the catastrophe-obesessed Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), that the warming was galloping ahead like never before. Now, suddenly, observations and measurement data show there’s been no warming at all – even though CO2 emissions have steadily risen. The public is wondering what’s going on.
Kautenburger writes that the “authorities have corrected their climate projections significantly downwards” and quotes veteran German meteorologist Klaus E. Puls:
Nature is behaving differently than what the models predicted. However, that fact is being ignored. […] Carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas, but its impact is being completely exaggerated. Puls says that the correction by the Met Office is a sign that there’s a change in thinking taking place. Climate science is too politicised. We need an open and fair discussion.“
Like Spiegel, the HAZ also writes that “climate scientists are puzzled” and adds.
The uncertainty shows, if anything, one thing: The climate is still mostly misunderstood. Foremost short-term trends are uncertain, concedes climate scientist Mojib Latif of the Geomar Center for Ocean Science in Kiel.”
Latif really ought to know. Back in 2000 he infamously predicted there would be little snow at our latitudes. That prediction is now turning out to be preposterous. 4 of the last 5 winters have been harsh, and right now much of Germany is being paralyzed by yet another hefty blanket of snow.
Have you looked out the window today, Mojib?
[…] Major German Daily Front Page Headline: “Global Warming Keeps Us Waiting!…CO2 Over-Estimated?” By P Gosselin on 21. Januar 2013 […]
[…] breaking the silence about the reality of global warming. Perhaps they are confused about warming considering that 4 of the last 5 winters have been very harsh. The Global Warming Policy Foundation provides a […]
“The uncertainty shows, if anything, one thing: The climate is still mostly misunderstood. Foremost short-term trends are uncertain, concedes climate scientist Mojib Latif of the Geomar Center for Ocean Science in Kiel.”
How about, the climate is completely misunderstood! (Bold and underline completely.)
They can’t guess the most basic concepts within plus or minus 100%, basic measurements are FUBAR (see link below), then they further screw those up with “adjustments” to make them fit their biases, and their predictions are high comedy. Only a complete idiot still believes.
UK Telegraph link is not working. This is the correct one.
From Boris Johnson, mayor of London.
Funny, all the warmist commentors who have learned the line “Weather is not climate” and now eagerly parrot it.
They will have to freeze another 25 years before they realize that they’ve been had.
I have noticed that change too. When it was warming they told us the weather is not climate. They also told me that what mattered was the word GLOBAL. Now they use a hot spell here and a hot spell their as evidence of GLOBAL warming.
You mean a hot spell here and a hurricane there as evidence of global weirding?
Mojib Latif is most likely sitting in front of his computer and is puzzled why the winter is, again, not mild.
“Germany sees an ‘increase in mild winters”
Alea iacta est – “compare it with rolling loaded dice. If the number six is loaded, then the six will come up more often”.
I guess the computer dice is loaded incorrect.
Please check the line: If (dice == 6) then … <= error exist here
“Mojib Latif is one of Germany’s most renowned climate researchers.” Nowadays “renowned” means “wrong”.
Or as Richard Feynman would say:- “Science is the belief in the ignorance of experts.”
[…] Major German Daily Carries Front-Page Headline: “Global Warming Keeps Us Waiting…CO2 Over-Estima…. […]
You’ve gotta keep chipping away at the dam, eventually it will burst – maybe we are just beginning to see a few cracks in the wall – and no doubting in some part – you helped it along PG.
This doesn’t mean we can stop – gotta keep the ‘hammer and chisel’ [against the hammer and sickle?] in our hands.
The question I want asked: Why do they still think there is a strong positive feedback produced by increased CO2? If CO2 drives climate then the feedback must be negative based upon recent climate. But the obvious answer is that CO2 doesn’t drive climate. CO2 is a minor player in planet wide orchestra of interaction. Increasing CO2 has less and less effect since the effect of each CO2 molecule is inversely correlated to CO2 percentage in the atmosphere.
[…]… […]