Coming Ice Age…According To Leading Experts, Global Mean Temperature Has Dropped 1°C Since 1990!

Climate science/renewable energy critic Rainer Hoffmann has researched the literature on mean global surface temperature.

Stunningly, he shows that something is not right with the figures coming from the world’s leading climate experts. The figures tell us the mean global surface temperature has dropped 1°C over the last 25 years. At that rate, we’ll be in an ice age by the year 2100!

Page 1 of Hoffmann’s two-page pdf file shows literature that says the mean global temperature in 1990 was 15.5°C. Page 2 shows the literature that says it is now only 14.5°C.

Here’s a chronology of the global mean surface temperature figures from the leading experts over the last 25 years:

Temperature_Spiegel1988: 15.4°C
Der Spiegel, based on (untampered) data from NASA (see chart right).

1990: 15.5°C
According to James Hansen and 5 other leading scientists; they too claimed the global mean surface temperature was 15.5°C. Also Prof. Christian Schönwiese claimed the same in his book “Klima im Wandel“, pages 73, 74 and 136. 15.5°C is also the figure given by a 1992 German government report, based on satellite data.

2004: 14.5°C
14 years later, the temperature mysteriously drops to 14.5°C, according to professors Hans Schellnhuber and Stefan Rahmstorf in their book: “Der Klimawandel”, 1st edition, 2006, p 37, based on surface station data from the Hadley Center.

2007: 14.5°C
And also according to the Holy Climate Bible, the IPCC WG1 AR4 (page 6 of

Schellnhuber_Temperature2010: 14.5°C
Reconfirmed by Professors Schellnhuber and Rahmstorf in their book: Der Klimawandel, 7th edition, 2012, page 37, (see chart right) based on surface station data.

2012: 14.5°C
Also given by Prof Mojib Latif, March 20, 2012, 1:55 mark.

I wrote about this issue once before awhile back. But now Hoffmann has summed it nicely in just two pages, see link at the top of the page. The consensus today for mean global surface temperature seems to be 14.5°C, while in 1990 it was a balmy 15.5°C.

Of course we know that the mean global surface temperature has not fallen 1°C since 1990, so it is obvious that the experts are all confused about what the real mean temperature really is.

It is highly disturbing that mean global surface temperature numbers may simply have been plucked out of the blue. At least there’s agreement that the temperature has stagnated over the last 10 years or so…at 14.5°C.

Often we see temperature trends depicted as anomalies. But anomalies from what?

The whole business of transforming society based on a figure that we now see is completely in dispute and in a state of utter confusion needs to be stopped until the issue gets cleared up. If it was 15.5°C in 1990 and today it is indeed only 14.5°C, then shouldn’t we be preparing for something totally different? Which figure is right?

The scientists need to explain this situation. Talking about trends and anomalies when there’s no agreement on the benchmark temperature makes no sense.

Rainer Hoffmann’s dissident website,, was shut down on 30 November, 2012. The message left at the site says Hoffmann left Germany and is now being sought by the authorities.


Hoffmann writes he fled the country in order to avoid involuntary, forced admission to a psychiatric center, as ordered by a seemingly irate justice system.
The legal issues of Mr. Hoffmann are not the main issue here. The real issue here is that the climate institutes don’t have their numbers straight.


17 responses to “Coming Ice Age…According To Leading Experts, Global Mean Temperature Has Dropped 1°C Since 1990!”

  1. Another “Ice Age” coming at us?…….what’s all this BS about Climate Change/Global Warming???? | The Big Green Lie

    […] Coming Ice Age…According To Leading Experts, Global Mean Temperature Has Dropped 1°C Since 1990! […]

  2. DirkH

    “The message left at the site says Hoffmann left Germany and is now being sought by the authorities.”

    I read through his site. He was sold a solar thermal collector years ago with wild promises of reducing his heating costs which of course didn’t materialize so he sued; lost, but didn’t stop suing, uncovering judicial misbehaviour etc… as he became a nuisance they started to threaten him with psychiatrization. For the nongermans, in Germany you can easily disappear in the psychiatric complex; all it takes is a psychiatrist diagnosing you from afar that you are a danger for yourself and off you go; happens 140,000 times a year, growing with 0.8% a year (how often it is justified I cannot judge).

    Hope he got away.

    1. John Silver

      If it’s growing by 0.8 % per year, what year will the entire population of Germany be locked away in the loony bin?

      1. DirkH

        In 800 years if the population stays constant and the trend stays stable.

  3. Edward.

    It is a farce but a tragic farce, for the last twenty six years since Kyoto – the EU has based it’s green agenda on dubious [actually deliberately tampered] figures – we always knew the data sets were ‘fixed’ but reading this article – they [alarmists and politicians and climate scientists] don’t know which way is up!

    The taxpayers of the EU, should be made more aware of this dastardly con – that is what it is – a great swindle.
    The banksters and hedgers – have made a fortune that would make Croesus look a pauper – and the consumer has been sold a crock – of wind turbines and solar arrays which are as much use as teapots fashioned out of chocolate. However, at least the Germans are waking up, while Britain heads in the direction the green loonies are pointing – to a socialist Utopia and de-industrialisation!

    Even the figures and data sets they [climate scientologists] do admit to – show how incompatible the doom laden scenarios of runaway warming are – with the very sober facts.

    “The scientists need to explain this situation. Talking about trends and anomalies when there’s no agreement on the benchmark temperature makes no sense.”

    “no sense” indeed all sense departed GISS, PIK and the Met Office long, long ago.

    Reality versus fictions – see it here:

    and…………………………………… I’m not sure we can believe that graph?!

    1. DirkH

      “However, at least the Germans are waking up, while Britain heads in the direction the green loonies are pointing”

      Well we’re coming SLIGHTLY down from an EXTREME level of synchronicity of “public opinion”, think a dozen BBC’s (with 8 times the cost of the BBC). Still the eco-craziness in Germany might suffice to sweep away Merkel’s govt in autumn and replace it with a hodgepodge of leftist groups. Just happened in Lower Saxony with a razor thin margin.

      German greens now don’t even justify wind and solar with CO2AGW anymore, it has become a commonality, the way things are done, even the CDU did not dare to touch it.

      In my local paper triumphant articles about new electricity production records by wind and solar appear, they don’t bother to justify WHY we are paying for the abominations, we are past that point; we live in bizarro world and nobody needs to justify it.

      1. Edward.

        Hmm, I thought it was bad here [in the UK] but you seem to have it worse – green = communism.

        The poltical elites in tandem with the mass media/propaganda organs – of both Britain and Germany have engineered a nightmare for the people – a dark one at that.

  4. Juergen Uhlemann

    Anomalies from what? For the Irish climate they use/used the following.

    The Met Office in Ireland is using for the monthly and the yearly the “TEMPERATURE (°C) (DIFFERENCE FROM AVERAGE FOR PERIOD 1981-2010)” in their report.

    In the years before 2012 they used the “MEAN TEMPERATURE (difference from
    1961-1990 normal)” in their report.

    1. John F. Hultquist

      Since the mid-1930s the accepted definition of “normal” in the weather reporting agencies has been the ‘mean’ (also called the average) of a 30 year period with the beginning year ending in a ‘1’ and the final year ending in a ‘0’. With modern computer storage and calculation the “new normals” are available within a few months of the end of the ‘0’ ending year. In the 1930s, 40s, and 50s it took a bit longer.

      What you have reported is standard procedure. The choice of the 30 year period was for comparative use (primarily local) and did not relate to the current idea of “climate science.”

  5. GrumpyDenier

    Snippet posted @

  6. John Blake

    Reply to John Silver, posting 21 April 2013: 1.008^90 years = 2.049 – 1 = 100.5%, meaning the.entire population of Germany would be involuntarily committed to psychiatric care by c. AD 2102.

    Though standard “S-curve” analysis applies, this “academic schizo” business was indeed a feature of Stalin’s totalitarian Soviet regime. Since the late 1950s, libertarian concerns in the U.S. allied with abolition of “insane asylums” in favor of free-range “community care” have produced armies of mentally defective “street people” with an escalating proportion of homicidal maniacs.

    Nonetheless, if the Bundesrepublik Deutschland (BDR) indeed maintains involunatary third-party psychiatric incarceration on a mere hearsay basis, this is in stark violation of the country’s constitution, its so-called Basic Law.

    1. DirkH

      After 90 years you reach a factor of 2.049; meaning a 100% gain on current values (in other words a doubling from 140K to 280K); not 100% of the entire population. Careful with the percents…. 🙂

  7. Science of Al Gore Shallows Pool of Good Will | evilincandescentbulb

    […] Since 1990 we are looking at 1°C drop in the mean global temperature of the Earth’s surface. (See—e.g., Coming Ice Age…According To Leading Experts, Global Mean Temperature Has Dropped 1°C Since 1990!) […]

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